His Father Would Use His Future Wife As A Personal Slave

Wang was surprised. He had assumed that the Masters and Mistresses who oversaw the day to day work of the slaves in the various areas of the farm would also oversee Changying's trial. He had considered that his oldest brothers could be part of the trial but out of respect for him would mostly be supportive of her. His father's personal interest in Changying was something he had not expected, and he was unsure of how he felt about it. It was his right under traditional law, and Wang knew that to bring up his hesitation could be detrimental to the goodwill she had obviously gained from him. Still it seemed wrong that his father would use his future wife as a personal slave.

"Changying has agreed to all of this?" Wang asked carefully.

"She has and she has already signed the contract. You may propose to her at any time and announce your intentions to wed to the family over the holidays while they are all assembled if you like," Joseph said magnanimously. "Your mother would enjoy the celebration. I believe her heart aches with Baozhai's illness."

"It's not the same without her," Wang said sadly. "I am truly sorry that I didn't see what was happening to her."

"She shunned tradition unless it suited her not to," Joseph said thoughtfully. "Each of us bears some guilt, but she was secretive and devious in her choice to turn her back on traditional values. We love her, and that doesn't change, but now our influence over those choices must change." His voice had hardened as he spoke.

"I will take the issue up with the twelve chairs before word spreads to them and we are shamed. Perhaps there is a strong man who will enjoy the challenge of a spirited wife," Joseph spread his hands.

"Where is the meeting this year?" Wang had forgotten about the meeting of the heads of each family that occurred each January and July. He considered putting his plans on hold a while longer so he could come and spend that time here with Changying.

"Adelaide," Joseph smiled. "I am looking forward to seeing your cousins." Joseph's twin sister had married into the South Australian table over fifty years ago, and he looked forward to their reunions. He understood more than most why Wang had allowed Baozhai to use him as she had and the guilt he now felt.

"That's good, it's been a while since you have been able to make it down there," Wang nodded understanding his father's enthusiasm.

"I am pleased that you are setting your future on track. Tell me of this publishing house, you will professionally finish the history no doubt?" Joseph changed the subject abruptly away from their feeling regarding their sisters.

"Yes, they have a small but regular clientele that should keep the income trickling over until a few of my plans and projects take off. It would possibly help if you took those examples to show the chairs and suggest that they might like something similar done for their tables," Wang suggested slyly.

"I had thought much the same, it is a well thought out idea and allows the reader to find an exact point in time easily within this layout. Most of the previous histories have been bogged down by spurious links and large volumes making the lines of succession hard to follow," he agreed. "Still she will finish her work with our family before considering taking on any other challenges. I believe she also impresses your brothers with her work at the repository. I imagine each of our homes will need to be catalogued as well to see that important items remain in the right hands."

"I imagine she could start here during her trial if you are going to enable her to work on the histories," Wang looked around the Athenaeum. It lived up to its name with its eclectic collection of books and antiques.

Joseph steered the conversation back to Wang's plans for his future, pleased that his youngest son was finally embracing being a family man in the traditional sense. He had high hopes for Wang but only time would tell if he was the man his father hoped he would become.