You Don't Have To Do This

A special table was set up for Joseph and Antonia, and as the other women followed them from the house with Dante and Angelo stepped onto the stage everyone took a seat, including the neighbours who had stayed for the family entertainment.

"Good evening," Angelo began his patter as the last few people took their seats. "Mama and Papa, I know no gift could ever compare to that of your first born child," he placed a hand on his chest and bent his head in mock humility as his brothers jeered. "However as has become our special tradition, our gift to you is a concert like no other, with all your favourite stars."

Changying had constantly been surprised by the night as the brothers, and their wives sang a range of both traditional and modern carols. Wang, as it turned out, had a wonderful voice that was full and rich as he sang The Prayer for his parents as well as two other songs with his brothers. She had sipped at her wine struggling to keep the lyrics of the song Rosanna had told her she would have to sing in her head as the rest of the carols played.

"Isn't she beautiful," Angelo announced as Rosanna left the stage. "It is a wonderful thing that in the absence of our sisters we have such wonderful women who have joined not only our family but our traditions as well," he grinned and turned toward Wang and Changying. "I'm sure you will join with me in encouraging Changying to take up the challenge and sing one of my favorites..."

Changying's eyes widened, and she shook her head mouthing the word no and moving closer to Wang as if to hide under his arm.

"You don't have to do this," Wang reassured her, scowling at his brother. "Unless you want to," he added not wanting to get into a battle of wills with Angelo but knowing how she hated the spotlight.

"Come on city chick," Carlo said as he approached her. "You're about to become part of this family you might as well get used to our traditions." He went to pick her up out of her seat, but Wang stood blocking his access to her.

"It's okay Wang," Changying said in a shaky voice she didn't have to fake. She placed a hand on his arm feeling his muscles bunched beneath his shirt. "I will probably embarrass you terribly," she said quietly "but it's nice to be included in your family." She forced a smile to her face, "I'm okay. I'll just sing jingle bells or something silly like that."

"You don't have to do this," he repeated.

"I know, it's okay," she kissed his cheek and allowed Carlo to lead her to the stage. Climbing the stairs Angelo spoke to her in a quiet murmur asking her if she knew the song that was cued up or if she would like the words to help her. Gratefully she took the word sheet from him and approached the microphone looking out at the people gathered before the stage. She knew some better than others. Dante and Emilio whistled and cheered and the word sheet fluttered in her hands as she trembled with nerves. She smiled at Wang, who hadn't taken his eyes from her and the music began.

She took a deep breath and began to sing in a cute childish way trying to imitate the version of Santa Baby her mother played on repeat almost every Christmas.

"Santa baby, just slip a Sable under the tree for me;

Been an awful good girl, Santa baby,

So hurry down the chimney tonight."

She looked at Wang and sang just to him channelling all her mother's slinky dance moves knowing she must look ridiculous but carrying on despite the heat that flooded her face.

"Think of all the fun I've missed;

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;

Next year I could be just as good... if you check off my Christmas list."

Her knuckles had begun to turn white as she gripped the microphone stand tightly and shimmied against it, doing her best just to get through the song before fainting from the sheer terror of what she was doing, not daring to look at anyone else in the small crowd she kept her eyes on Wang alone.

"Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing... A ring...

I don't mean on the phone; Santa baby,

So hurry down the chimney tonight."

She finished the song and quickly turned from the microphone covering her face with both hands and hurrying towards the side of the stage and the speechless Angelo. She went to navigate the stairs alone in her rush to get off the stage, but Angelo called her back.

"Wait we need an encore after that," his voice boomed loudly behind her. And his hand wrapped around her arm pulling her back toward the centre of the stage.

"Thank you for letting me be part of your traditions when I am not a family member yet, but I think one song is enough for my first time here," she gave a nervous laugh into the microphone.

'Hah, yet! If he doesn't cough up a ring, I'll marry ya city chick," Carlo called out in a loud guffaw.

"Wow, umm thank you for that but umm, we already had a moment yesterday remember, and it didn't work out that well," she wrinkled her nose in distaste at Carlo who continued to laugh.

"Give my girl back," Wang approached the stage and lifted his arms to help her down. "That was amazing," he murmured and kissed her. "I didn't know you could sing."

"I can't," she laughed.