Two Weeks At The Sitting

Wang felt strangely vindicated by his brother's reaction to the news that Changying had been taken to the Battaglia. He had reacted badly getting drunk with Carlo and raging at the interference in his life by the Twelve, but as he watched Dante pace and curse, he considered his reaction as being justified.

"So he just sprang it on you at the last moment?" Dante asked incredulously. "She didn't have time to talk to you or make an informed decision?" He was asking questions he knew the answers to but still needed to ask them again. "She went, she heard what he said, and she just went? Didn't she ask questions? You told her she didn't have to go right?"

In the face of Dante's inquisition, he relayed once again the last words they spoke to each other.

"This will not be an easy task," he had said to her. "I understand what it entails, and I won't stop you if you want to change your mind now."

"Tell me you love me," she had said softly looking up into his worried face.

"Always and forever," he had kissed her lightly.

"Then this is what has to be," she had swallowed loudly and reached up to cup his cheek gently, "I love you more than that even." She had let go of his hand then and left with Papa.

"This is not the way it should be," Dante resumed pacing and cursing to the strange looks of his brothers.

"D. the rooms not soundproof," Ben said with a sense of unease. None of them liked what had happened, but he seemed to be taking the news personally. "This isn't helping anyone." He motioned toward Wang meaningfully."

"I'll fly down and see Papa tomorrow," Dante said reining back his anger. "I'll go and see Baozhai while I am there and look for Changying."

"Not even Baozhai will believe you are there to see her," Lio chuckled. "You can't go especially given your feelings about the matter. Send the Valentine brothers down, they can talk their way in and out of any situation and get to the heart of the matter."

"They're in the middle of this deal thing for Wang, Lio, and I can go down for a few days and if we have no luck they can go down. It will show them that we all love her not just Wang," Dante suggested making Ben raise an eyebrow and look at him. "I mean what were the alternatives? Papa didn't say just that this was the best choice. Maybe it wasn't."

"Could also make us look like we are worried she will fail instead of having faith in her," Lio said cautiously. "How long is she there for? I mean if she is gone for a month but some of that time will be with Papa at the sitting then how long is she with the Battaglia for the trial?"

"Two weeks," Wang said. "Two weeks intensive training with the Battaglia, two with the Twelve."

"Why two weeks at the sitting?" Lio asked.

"I didn't have time to ask a lot of questions," Wang said sullenly.

"Then the first thing anyone should do is call Papa and get the specifics," Lio said letting logic overrule the emotions in the room.

"Makes sense," Ben agreed. "Why don't you do that, Wang. Dante and I will go and make sure BJ hasn't learned any more bad words from his naughty Zio." He chuckled. "Lio can stay for support if you need it. He seems to be the only one thinking sanely tonight." He said with meaning holding the door open for Dante.