Devious smile

''I have told you to stop teasing my employees'' said Kevin

''Hey don't be such a party popper Kevin'' replied David

he looked at Irene trying to remember where he had seen her, he thought for a while, the girl who bumped into him and just walked a way after just a 'sorry' flashed through his mind for a second.

''Whatever, so you're the new Pa'' said Kevin,

''Oh yes, my name is Irene'' replied Irene ''and I'm looking forward to working with you Mr Kevin'' continued Irene

''I hope you've got more guts than the last Pa, oh secretary Kiawi[1] have you given her the file for her to go through

''Yes sir, I did'' replied secretary Kiawi immediately

''And have you gone through the file'' asked Kevin, directing the question to Irene

"no I just got the file and before I could go through it this guy uh.... man came in was talking to me so I wasn't able to go through the file" replied Irene

''Next time try not to get distracted and keep your answers or anything you wanna say short, I haven't got all day'' said Kevin and he walked away without waiting for her to reply

Still standing on the same spot Irene couldn't help but to make a mental note that her boss is scary

''Are you gonna stay there or are you gonna do what you were hired to do follow me, and bring the file with you'' said Kevin

''Oh she's the girl that bumped into me and just walked on, oh we're gonna be having a lot of fun'' though Kevin with his vile smile on his face

''Don't you think you're going too hard on her?'' Asked David

''She should get used to it'' replied Kevin

''I still think you should take it easy on her she looks fragile and cute'' said David

''Whatever'' Kevin said rolling his eyes

''Oh yeah do you wanna meet at that new restaurant, we can have beef or pork we haven't met to eat for sometime now'' said David ''and you can bring your cute Pa'' David chirped in playfully

''Maybe but if I'm gonna bring her she's got to prepare herself'' said Kevin

''Maybe if you let your guard down a little bit maybe girls won't run away from you then you can get a girlfriend'' said David ''or maybe you can just learn how to charm girls from me, you know I've got the knack for charming girls'' continued David with a playful smile on his face

''Or maybe you should just go for your new Pa she's beautiful and cute'' chirped in David

''Enough David'' said Kevin in annoyance

"ight , imma head out" replied David "oh yeah should I expect you at the restaurant" David asked almost immediately.

"Yeah sure" replied Kevin nonchalantly.

Shortly after David left, there was a knock on David's office door

"Come in" he muffled, you could barely hear him.

Irene walked in and cleared her throat, Kevin slowly looked up from his phone and suddenly said coldly "what?"

Startled Irene almost dropped her file

"I see you're quiet clumsy" he said

"We are going to have some rules" continued Kevin "as my Pa you have to get to work before me, You Must Not Be Clumsy" emphasising on his words he looked into her eyes, Irene felt intoxicated and drawn to his piercing emerald green eyes, after about 10 seconds he broke their eye contact.

"What the fuck just happened" though Irene

But she quickly recovered and said "yes sir" with a firm voice.

"So what was it you wanted" asked Kevin with his eyes on his phone.

"Sir you have an appointment at Liamio hotel by 3:30 with the manager of Liamio hotel to discuss your partnership and shares in the Liamio hotels" said Irene "although sir I would advise against agreeing with this deal, I did some research and apparently the Liamio hotels are not doing well so doing business is not beneficial for our bank" continued Irene

"Alright then, when you knew that why didn't you just cancel the meeting?" asked Kevin with one eye brow up.

"I just thought I should tell you first before taking such decision" replied Irene "and also I'm new to the job so I don't really know how it works here" added Irene

"Alright" said Kevin "get out" he added

With her head down Irene headed towards the door.

"One more thing, change out of whatever it is you're wearing, I'm going somewhere and you're coming with me, tell the secretary I told you to tell her to call a stylist for you" said Kevin "you have an hour to get back here" continued Kevin "you're fired if you come here one minute late" added Kevin before turning his back on her, on his face there was a devious smile, he didn't know why but he enjoyed doing this.