Chapter 5: Disgusted

August 3, 20XX (Saturday)

Z.D.Y Corp and Castle Night Bar

Song Yao had greatly hurt Song Yu in past, but he could not turn back the time nor could he redeem himself as he had responsibility to take charge of. Sometimes, even his own blood related kin would also be sacrificed.

After all, in the richest. The cruelest rules all, that was a statement clear and realistic. Being in the world like Song Yu's, many things have to be forsaken. Love was one of it, the word was very far and ear piercing to her. Not all the aristocrat would forsake their family or their heart just to climb up the stairs, but still how many are there out there.

"I know what happened cannot be turned back. no matter what I do. You have to remember you are a Song" Song Yao tried to make things straight with Song Yu.

"Cut to the chase." Song Yu could not be bothered by what Song Yao said, she ignored Song his words and cut him to it.

"I need you back at Song Corp." Song Yao said in a serious tone.

Hearing the words out from Song Yao, she did not know what to feel. She did not know why does the sentence made her want to laugh, it was a statement she knew it would happen in the future. Just a matter of when, she did not know the "when" would be here so soon.

"Need I remind you that, there is a Wan Qi who is your beloved granddaughter..." Song Yu's cannot be bothered to continue voice sounded tired and annoyed.

'You know WanWan is not up for it."

"Ha, is it?. Then what does that got to do with me?"

"You know what I meant." Song Yao was starting to get impatient at Song Yu.

"I do not know, can you speak clearly."

"I need your 15 percent shares in Song Corp." Song Yao gave in to this granddaughter of his.

Song Yu felt disgusted, she went abroad for a good 5 years. Nobody in her family had tried to call or find her, "You people are just so disgusting, if you have nothing more to say...I'm hanging...."

"You need to comeback to Song Corp and give the 15 percent to me." Song Yao commanded Song Yu, leaving no further discussion to be made. Since the annual shareholder meeting was coming up, he had no choice but to find his granddaughter for the 15% of shares.

"What do I gain from it?"

"You can relinquish your status as the only Song heiress." Song Yao tried to persuade Song Yu to agree to it.

"Ha, you think i need such a status?" Song Yu did not know whether to laugh of cry, just for the title of being the Song Heiress would be able to let her give up the 15% of shares?

"You do not need it, but would you want the Wan's to rule over?" Song Yao knew his granddaughter's weak point, and he would not hesitate to use it against her.

Song Yao smirked and said, "Go to a banquet at Crystal Hotel at 7.30 pm. 3 days from now. You can relinquish your status there."

Song Yu thought to herself 'got the bait', Song Yu smiled and said, "Very well."

"I would need assurance too." Song Yao demanded.

"Sure, I will let my secretary sent you a contract one month from now."

"How is that assurance." Song Yao said in a puzzled tone.

"Take it or leave it, anyhow. I will not lose in anyway, it's up to you to decide whether you want to trust your granddaughter or not. In the end, blood is thicker than water, right?" Song Yu tried to play with Song Yao's mind.

"Fine!" Song Yao resigned to Song Yu, as he thought for a moment about what Song Yu had said earlier. He knew what was the other meaning Song Yu was saying from the sentence she said just now. It meant 'You don't have choice to whether you want to believe me or not.' the other was 'I am your granddaughter, why would I lie to you in anyway?'

"If there is nothing else, I'm hanging up." Song Yu without waiting for Song Yao reply, she hung up the call.


In Castle Night Bar,

sitting in center was none other than Gu Chen. He was wearing a dark blue three piece suit looking arrogant, elegant and extremely handsome. In front of him was Han Ye, beside his left is Leng Yi and to his right is Qiao Feng. The four of them including Song Yu is Top 5 powerhouse.

"3rd brother i thought you were not coming. You just hang up my call without answering me." Han Ye whined at Gu Chen cold attitude towards him earlier.

"Its not like your first time knowing Gu Chen." Leng Yi shrugged his shoulder at Han Ye's childish act.

"Yea stop acting like a small kid." Qiao Feng added on.

The Four brothers were close with each other just like real brothers. Han Ye is the more playful one, Leng Yi is the more mature one, Qiao Feng is the more quiet type and lastly Gu Chen is the more cold and indifferent type.

"Have you all heard about the banquet for the heiress of Song Corp?" Han Ye asked in a curious tone.

"I heard their chairman is going to step down so the Chairman Song Yao wants to pass down his seat to the Heiress of his Song Yu Yue if I am not wrong." Leng Yi replied.

"I thought Song Yao had another granddaughter Wan Qi, that one which look like a slut." Qiao Feng insulted.

"Something happen 5 years ago i heard the heiress Song Yu Yue went abroad because Song Lie brought Wan Qi and Wan Hua into Song manor and don't know what happen the original mistress of the Song manor died." Leng Yi continued to gossip with Han Ye and Qiao Feng, leaving the uninterested Gu Chen drinking by himself.

"I heard that too, i heard Wan Yu the sister of Wan Hua and mother of Song Yu Yue died of heart attack. Some said car accident but who knows." Han Ye added in.

Gu Chen who was listening suddenly said, "Maybe she did not die" Gu Chen said in monotone tone.

The other three brothers: ....