Chapter 8: It is none of your concern

August 3, 20XX (Saturday) - August 6, 20XX (Tuesday)

Road side, Royal Mansion 4 and Crystal Hotel

Gu Chen eyes darkened ten shades darker, he was furious at himself for being so impulsive and at the same time intrigued at how feisty she is. No one has ever question him like how she did and also push him away after a kiss not once but twice. Women would wish to get a kiss from him but he did not even bother to entertain them, now he not only kissed a woman twice and also been pushed away twice.

The devilish Gu Chen make a mischievous smile and look at Song Yu before saying, "woman, why do you think i kissed and who do you think i am?". Gu Chen used taiji to answer Song Yu.

When Song Yu saw the devilish smile on Gu Chen face, she felt goosebumps. She was angry that Gu Chen not only kissed her and also asked her the same question that she asked him.

"Oh yeah, you're trying to play taiji with me huh. Mr!"

"So what if I am?" Gu Chen challenged Song Yu.

Song Yu felt her face turning redder each second, she didn't have time to entertain the man in front of her. She just wanted to go back home and rest. Song Yu said to Gu Chen, "I don't have time to entertain you, i just take it as i got bitten by a dog that's all." After saying that Song Yu stood up from the ground and before she could take a step forward, Gu Chen held onto Song Yu wrist and said to her.

"What did you just say? take it as being bitten by a dog?"

Song Yu felt Gu Chen was too intimidating and didn't want lose to him, so she told him, "What! didn't hear clearly? i said i just take it as i am being bitten by a dog!"

Gu Chen was even more interested by Song Yu now, that she even dared to insult him and expect to be able to get away with it.

Gu Chen pull Song Yu and was preparing to kiss her again but before he even kiss her, Song Yu already use her other hand which was free to slap Gu Chen. Pah!

Gu Chen: ....

"Hey! Mr! don't think that you can kiss me the third time!"

Gu Chen was shocked that a woman actually slap him, he didn't know why but he wasn't angry by being slapped but felt even more interested in Song Yu. The possessiveness inside of him was being unleashed. He wants to tame Song Yu, he thinks that all woman is the same, just that Song Yu playing hard to get so he intimidate Song Yu further.

"Woman, you dared to slap me? do you know who i am? no one has ever insult me or even slapped me before but you did. Are you trying to play hard to get?"

"Huh! Mr, please respect yourself and know your place. I don't even know you and you think i playing hard to get stop being ignorant. I hate men like you the most!." After Song Yu said that she slapped away Gu Chen hand and ran to her black Audi R8 and drive away.

Gu Chen was left baffled under the rain, he was furious, he was actually being shut down by a woman. He was starting to feel irritated by himself, first he felt sad for an unknown woman. Secondly, he reacted to an unknown woman. Thirdly, he can't help but being attracted to that woman.


On the day of the banquet,

Song Yao is afraid that Song Yu wouldn't turn up for the banquet. Hence, he called her. After the third ring, Song Yu picked up.

"Getting impatient already?" Song Yu said in disdain and disgust.

"Xiao Yue, I am you grandfather!. I just wanted to remind you...."

Song Yu had already hang up the phone before Song Yao could complete his sentence.

Song Yao felt angry at song Yu but he still take it into account that, Song Yu will most likely not play any tricks with him and decided to tolerate Song Yu's rudeness for now.


In Royal, Song Yu was preparing for the banquet, when she heard aunt huang, Song Yu servant who had taken care of Song Yu since she was young. When she heard Aunt Huang telling her that she had a guest and asking her whether she should open the door for the guest.

Song Yu guess it may be Qiao Lin as she will be her partner for the banquet later the night. But who knew after she went down to the living room, she say Wan Qi. Song Yu step-sister.

Song Yu felt angered that Wan Qi stilled had the guts to come to her territory. Wan Qi is wearing a light greenish yellow dress, which made her look even more innocent and pretty. Wan Qi is about 158cm tall and pretty with a big black eye, sharp nose and big lips. She is pretty but not as pretty as Song Yu.

Whenever Wan Qi stand beside Song Yu, she felt inferior and envious of her. Song Yu is the legitimate daughter of Song Lie and also tall, pretty and sexy. Wan Qi felt that Song Yu had everything that she need. Wealth, body, pretty face and smart. So she tried her every way to win Song Yu but in the end still failed. Therefore, she tried to get to get the ones that Song Yu love and care away from her. She took Song Yu father and grandfather, the name of heiress of Song Corp was also being taken away by her from Song Yu.

The reason why Song Yu hate Wan Qi so much was because Wan Qi was actually the one that broke her parents apart. Song Lie and Wan Hua being tied together was being found out by Wan Yu was because Wan Qi told Song Yu mother Wan Yu about it and even tried to pacify Wan Yu. Telling her that her mother wasn't a third party because Song Lie love her mother and not Wan Yu.

Hence, the reason why Wan Yu started to become unfeeling to Song Lie, which leads to their relationship further apart and eventually separate was because of Wan Qi.

"What are you here for?" Song Yu looked at Wan Qi in disgust.

"What, am i not welcome here?, sister." Wan Yu refuted.

Song Yu gave a emotionless and cold look which sends shivers down Wan Qi spine. Song Yu eyes was like an abyss of darkness and because of Song Yu height, she look even more intimidating then ever.

Wan Qi felt that Song Yu was even more cold and emotionless then 5 years ago when she last saw her. She suddenly felt scared, she felt the Song Yu in front of her wasn't Song Yu but a different person.

"You're really not welcome here. Get out of my house before i strip you naked and dragged you out of the house. Do. You. Hear. Me?" Song Yu enunciated each and everyone of the word clearly and slowly.

Wan Qi didn't know what to say, she was actually petrified that she was freeze on the spot. She subconsciously took few steps back before her leg accidentally trip over the small pet bed and fell on the floor.

Song Yu scoff coldly and look at Wan Qi coldly and intimidatingly, her eyes bore of any emotions she said in a low voice.

"I am not the girl i'm used to be anymore, the things you done to me and snatch away from me will slowly be taken away from you. One. By. One. Ah, after 5 years you became a famous actress under K King entertainment, one of the top entertainment company right. Since, you're in the entertainment industry already then make use of the time and fame you have now because you may never get the feeling of being the famous actress you are now. I will slowly make you experience what's the true feeling of living hell." Song Yu warned Wan Qi.

After what Song Yu said, Wan Qi was terrified beyond words. She felt that what Song Yu said wasn't a joke but a warning before a storm.

"SONG YU! don't think what you say can do anything to me. You're just an unwanted heiress which nobody knows of your existence. What do you think you can do to me." Wan Qi tried to act as though she was not t all affected by what Song Yu said.

Song Yu didn't want to entertain Wan Qi anymore so she just wave her hand and 4 bodyguards came out. Without waiting for Song Yu to say anything the bodyguards already knew what Song Yu wants them to do so without further ado they carried out Song Yu command.

4 bodyguards: "Yes! Boss Song!"

Before the 4 bodyguards can do anything, Song Yu instructed, "pull her outside, far away from my mansion before stripping her off naked and call her fiance to collect his thrash at Royal, mansion 4." Song Yu said as though she was instructing her people to throw away a thrash.

4 bodyguards: "Yes Boss!"


At 7.00 pm, 30 minutes before the banquet start. Song Yao was very nervous almost all of the guests whom are invited are in the banquet already but Song Yu was still nowhere to be seen.

Outside the entrance of Crystal Hotel, a black Rolls Royce Phantom was parked at the red carpet towards the entrance of the Crystal Hotel which connects to the banquet hall. A man in black who seems to be the driver came out of the car and walked to the back of the car before opening the car door for the person inside of the car.

All the guests and reporters who were walking down and snapping photos of the guests were shocked that the person who came out of the car looking majestic and handsome as if he is not in the same world as them was The Gu Chen which was always featured in all the finance magazine and the now ruling over the business world the Gu Chen.

Gu Chen is wearing a black three piece suit, which shows his slender waist and majestic aura. Gu Chen hair was styled backward which shows his thin and think eyebrows, sharp and dark eyes with define nose and thin lips, sharp jaw line and manly neck which made every man jealous and woman wanting to eat Gu Chen up. Without caring anyone in the world Gu Chen walk down the red carpet and into the banquet hall.