Chapter 17: HaHa! I think you don't know me well enough.

August 22, 20XX (Thursday)

Private Jet, Blue dragon headquarters and Country A airport

After Song Yu finish decoding the tracking device, she found out that SA is still at Country A. She found put that SA was actually stolen by Blue dragon. The last battle she had was a battle between Blue Dragon Boss and SHADOWS Boss.

Few years back, Song Yu underworld name ariela was known to the underworld, after the battle between Blue Dragon and SHADOWS. Blue Dragon Boss name Jave, he was once the best friend of Song Yu before he betrayed her for his own interest.

Jave and Song Yu were the boss of Blue Dragon, before Song Yu create SHADOWS. Blue Dragon was led by her and Jave. But Jave because of his own greed for power and money, he betrayed Song Yu by slowly assassinating the loyal subordinates of Song Yu and change it to his own people.

Slowly after Jave killed most of Song Yu trusted man, he planned to attack Song Yu and be the one and only Boss of Blue Dragon. Song Yu knew abut it all along, she just didn't want to believe that Jave would actually betray her.

Out of everyone that she knew, all the people who betrayed her and harm her. She didn't want to believe that the person who pulled her out of the darkness, always stayed beside her would actually betray her.

After she found out that Jave killed all her trusted man, she couldn't bring herself to forgive Jave. Hence, She told Jave that she will give Blue Dragon to him but she wouldn't owe him anything anymore. The next time she sees him, it will be a bloodbath.


Subconsciously, a tear drip down from Song Yu eyes which woke Song Yu from her daze. She wipe her tears and close her eyes before opening it up again. Her eyes became cold and sharp, the aura around her made her subordinates around her uncomfortable as they felt Song Yu giving of the intend to kill.

The blood thirst in her was so strong as if she had been craving to kill people for a very long time. Song Yu looked at her watch and found out that she left 2 hours before reaching Country A. She stood up and went into her private room in the private jet and change her dress and equip her weapons and all those necessary things.

Song Yu change into a black long sleeve bullet proof dress shirt with black long bulletproof coat,

and a black long high waist flexible pants and pair up with her grey battle boots. Song Yu put two gun holders around a thighs and want holder around her waist to put her gun name Sliver and Black at her two gun holders around her thighs. The Sliver and Black guns have Song Yu name carved on the gun name Ariela. Both of the guns have two different kinds of functions. They are called the perfect duo. Sliver is a gun which is fast and accurate, painful but not deadly. It's bullet is like its name silver, after being shot into a person. It makes people feel icy cold pain. With each bullet, it torture the person making them living hell.

Sliver has 2 levels where else Black has 3 level, Sliver normally shoot out icy cold bullets but after pressing the first button underneath the handle. The bullet in the gun will turn into liquid nitrogen after it got shot into a person. Making the person body parts that got hit by the bullet turn into stone and break. The second level is encourage not to use as the gun bullets changes into hundred deadly acid bullets which can only work when the gun touches blood. The blood must only be Song Yu's as she made the gun Sliver, react to only her blood in order to unlock the second level.

Black shoots out lasers, which can burn people. The gun Black normally shoots out lasers, after pressing the first button to unlock level one. The lasers will turn into laser bullets which make the bullets super hot, melting anything it touches. The Second level changes the hot bullets into extra sharp bullets which burst after in contact with heat. Inside of the bullets consist of hot rusty metal which never melts and will only keep sticking onto a human flesh and wait for the flesh to disappear before turning back into a normal bullet. Lastly, the third level is just a simple poison bullet which will make a person instantly die, after being shot.

The special thing about the two guns Sliver and Black are Sliver do not have magazines to put the bullets. Its bullets is created by water. Black have magazines but its magazines does not contain bullets but a block of magnesium. Both of the guns create their own bullets.

After, Song Yu put the two guns in her gun holder. She place few tube for the bullets for Sliver and some Magnesium made like a magazine around her waist. And also her newly created SA which is the original one around her waist. After putting all her weapons all these she covered the weapons using her long black bulletproof coat.


"Make sure to prepare everything and keep a look out for Ariela people." Jave said after walking up and down in the hall ways of Blue Dragons headquarters.

Jave had prepared everything meticulously, he ordered every man from Blue Dragon to hide in Country A airport and wait for Ariela to arrive. Before, reporting to him and start their plan.

What they did not know was Song Yu had already prepared for everything after she found out that Blue Dragon was behind the stealing incident. She predicted that Jave will try to attack her once she arrive at Country A. But Song Yu was still excited to actually meet her so called old friend.

"Jack, get everyone ready." Song Yu was fully prepared for battle the only thing now is to wait for them to alight.

Jack nodded and proceeded to checking everything properly.

"let's go and visit her first before attacking her, since we were old friends. I should give Ariela a chance as no matter what she does she can never escape." Jave went out of his office and headed towards the airport with his men on tow.


Upon arriving at Country A, Song Yu men greeted her in sync after they saw her coming the the stairs of the private jet wearing a big sunglasses looking cool, elegant, gorgeous beyond words and intimidating at the same time.

SHADOWS men: "Boss Ariela!" they bowed a 90 degree at Song Yu.

"Prepare everything and get ready for battle, SHADOWS!" Song Yu looked at her subordinates th her black doe eyes.

"Yes Boss Ariela!" Said in sync by the men in SHADOWS.

Within a second the leaders of the troops assigned by Ariela dispersed like a shadow. Song Yu went out towards her car when she saw a man wearing a blue and black vase with a white dress shirt and black pants pair with a black shoe, was leaning beside a white Rolls Royce.

"Ariela, long time no see! i have been waiting for you." Said Jave as he look at Ariela slyly.

Before Song Yu wanted to open her mouth to say something, a man ran towards Jave frantically. "Boss!" he shouted and went beside Jave and whispered in his ears. "Boss, half of our men has lost contact with us."

"What!" Jave looked towards Ariela with bloodshot eyes. "How dare you Ariela!." After Jave shouted, 50 man came out and surrounded Ariela.

"Do you think these man is enough to kill me?" Ariela look at Jave mockingly before waving her hands and don't know hundreds of man came out wearing all black surrounded Jave and his men.

Jave was fuming mad when he look at Ariela. "You wouldn't dare to kill my people, i have my whole Blue Dragon behind me." Said Jave as he confidently look ariela.

"HaHa! I think you don't know me well enough." After Song Yu said that she took out SA which was around her waist and pointed beside Jave right hand man. " Give me back my SA or your man dies." Ariela said coldly without giving any choice to back out.

Jave was shocked that Ariela still had another SA with her but decided to act dumb and asked Ariela. "Huh, What do you mean SA."

BANG! straight after Jave asked, Ariela instantly shot Luce, Jave right hand man.

"AHHHHH! Luce growled in pain, he had never felt this kind of excruciating pain before in his 30 years in the underworld.