Chapter 19: The past

August 23, 20XX (Friday)

Country A airport and West Land

Ariela lost control of herself during the fight, she had always control herself from killing people or get into fight with people as she was scared that she would lose control. But that day she actually lost control, the hatred and blood thirst she had always control and tried to hide away was being unleashed.

The incident that made Song Yu lose control of herself was because 10 years ago, when she was just 13 years old. Song Yu was in her maternal grandfather mansion. Her grandfather, Qi Ling Hu. Was Song Yu most beloved grandfather and closest one.

Though her mother Wan Yu, was not close to Qi Ling Hu and also hated Qi Ling Hu for his ruthlessness towards his own children and grandchildren. But, somehow Song Yu still got into contact with Qi Ling Hu and had became like close friends since then. Qi Ling Hu is the american businessman, Dark Empire is his company. He is a ruthless, cold, aloof and scheming old man.

Before Song Yu was born he had always been a man, who doesn't care about his own children or grandchildren. As once he sees that they are weak and not up for the position of Dark Empire successor, he would not even spare a glance at his own children or grandchildren. To him, blood relations are not of importance if they are not capable and also the traditional of the successor of Dark Empire must inherit his amber eyes.

His amber eyes are different from the normal amber eyes. As, their usual eyes are dark black like a black hole. But when they are under the sunlight, their eyes will show a faint golden color. Their full amber eyes would come out only when they are intrigued by something or they are met with danger.

Therefore, the meaning of the amber eyes of the Qi's are the power to rule the world. So, the only person that can be the successor of Dark Empire is Song Yu as when she was born. The first thing that Qi ling Hu saw was her amber eyes. Since then, he had been nurturing Song Yu. Preparing her to take over Dark Empire.

But after a few years of nurturing Song Yu, she became extremely blood thirsty to kill. As Qi Ling Hu brought Song Yu to West Land. Which is a Island that the Qi's trained the heirs and heiresses, the island is beautiful in the outside yet dangerous in the inside.

The island maybe very beautiful yet there is a lot of dangerous traps and assassins, hired to be stationed on the island to assassinate the potential heir or heiress. If they happen to be killed by the hired assassins means that they are not up for the role of heir or heiress of Dark Empire.

Not only are there traps, there are also many deadly creatures in the island. Song Yu went to train at West Land for a whole 5 years, being trained to kill, dismantle bombs, shoot and many more. Song Yu was almost killed when she first arrived at West land, the assassins and creatures there almost took her life. But because of Song Yu's resolution and will, she manage to survive and continue the torturous training.

After 5 years of training, Qi Ling Hu brought Song Yu back to Country Z. After Song Yu came back, she had already turned into a different person. Her eyes no longer have life anymore, she became extremely quite and emotionless. Unlike the young girl, always laughing and jumping about 5 years ago.

Her grandfather was her source of happiness and hatred, Song Yu wants to be like Qi Ling Hu capable and rich. she did became a ruthless woman like her grandfather, she thought that she had everything and is capable of taking care of herself already. Sadly, fate loves to play tricks on her, her mother Wan Yu left her in the cold Song mansion with her unfeeling father.

The only thing that Song Yu cared about is her mother, though her mother Wan Yu had never cared for her, she still cared for her. She loved Wan Yu a lot, she can even sacrifice herself for Wan Yu sake. But no matter what she does, Wan Yu never show any care for Song Yu. But all was ok for Song Yu, she just want to be able to see her mother that's all she asked for.

But Wan Yu still left her alone, never come back throughout the years to find her. Hence, since then. Song Yu went back to West Land to train herself, all over again. Qi Ling Hu hired more trained and experienced assassins to train Song Yu.

"Boss Qi, Song Yu seems to have lost control of herself and killed 100 of our best assassins. Now she's trying to destroy the whole West Land." Said one of the assassins under Qi Ling Hu.

"Bring her back, i don't care by force or what. Let her calm down and bring her back to Country Z now." Qi Ling Hu calmly said and hung up the phone. 'Song Yu what happen to you?' Qi Ling Hu thought to himself, worry visible in his eyes.

After through therapy from best well-known doctors, she manage to control her blood thirst, her thirst for blood was because of Song Yu using killing as a way to relieve stress and hatred.


Back to the battle,

Ariela was about to rush towards Jave to kill him, when someone from out of nowhere shot Ariela in the arm and ran away. Blood started oozing out from her arm and she started to feel dizzy, taking the chance when Ariela is not paying attention to her surroundings. Jave took out a knife and stab Ariela in the stomach before slashing her arms and legs.

Ariela couldn't fight back due to the gunshot which seems to contain poison, before Jave could stab Ariela again. 10 man made a human barricade around Ariela, 10 man from shadows came out and form a circle to protect their boss.