Chapter 22: Time to clean up

August 23, 20XX (Friday)

Z Hospital, Country A- Link street, office

At Z Country hospital,

Qiao Lin was still lying unconscious on the hospital bed, the doctor said that she was traumatized by the kidnapping incident. Hence, being unconscious.

Daemon was instructing some bodyguards standing outside of the room to guard the ward and not to allow any strangers to enter except for him and Yvonne who is taking care of Qiao Lin inside the ward.

After instructing the bodyguards what to do, he went to report to Song Yu and told her about Qiao Lin condition. After that he went back home to track down Huang Liang Qi as instructed by Song Yu. Not long after Daemon left, Han Ye and Qiao Feng arrived. They wanted to rush into the room but was stop by the bodyguards.

When Han Ye and Qiao Feng were arguing with the guards, Yvonne heard the commotion outside of the ward and came out of the room. She saw the two man trying enter the ward by force and was stopped by the elite bodyguards.

"Who are you two?" Yvonne ask Han Ye and Qiao Feng with a puzzled face.

"I am Qiao Lin brother, Qiao Feng and this is Han Ye." Qiao Feng introduce himself to Yvonne.

After clarifying that Qiao Feng was indeed Qiao Lin brother, she let them in the room.


At Link Street, a secret base of Song Yu's. Link Street is a place where it is not known to many people because of its isolated road and also there is no map or gps to know how to get to Link Street. The base is specially designed as that, the base is where Song Yu do the planning and trading from. Many different types of illegal weapon and drugs are at the base, hence it is heavily guarded by traps and trained elites fighter.

Gu Chen was seating at the large table in the middle of the room doing his work, while keeping an eye on Song Yu. He was worried about Song Yu and also was curious about who she is and wanted to stay to get information about her. Though he got many meeting and underworld things to attend to , he pushed back everything and just stay inside the room and do his company's work and wait for Song Yu to be done.

Song Yu was seating at her desk looking through documents and the recent trading at the black markets and the problem with the Huang's. She dialed on a number before waiting for the person to pick up.

After two rings the person picked up and answer with an irritated tone. "Hello?".

"Get me the latest information of the Huang's and also their biggest sponsor Chen's Group details." Song Yu without wasting anymore time, got straight to the point.

Dong Si An, a friend of Song Yu and the young master of Dong family. Located in Europe, Dong Si An is a well-known investigator and lawyer. He is also Song Yu's personal lawyer and spy. They had known each other since childhood and had been friends since then, Dong Si An had some feelings for Song Yu but the cold and aloof woman did not feel it and had only treated her as a friend only.

After the call with Dong Si An, Song Yu got a call from Qi Ling Hu asking her to go back to Qi Old Mansion and meet saying that it is the matter regarding the Huang's and Chen's. Song Yu didn't want to go back to the place where all the happy and bad memories came from but knew that it must be something urgent for her grandfather to call her. Hence she reluctantly agreed to it and said she would go back in a few days, after she settle some things in Country A.

"Zac, stop the plan first. Grandfather just called and said that he needed me to go back to the old house about that matter. Before I comeback we'll stop the investigation and attack first. Meanwhile, continue to keep an eye on that sly fox and make sure the Huang's and Chen's don't make a move first." Song Yu instructed Zachary.

"No problem, but Ariela when are you going to go back to the old house?" Zac asked curiously as he knew that Song Yu still got a lot of things to settle in Country A.

"After i'm done with the things in Country A first. before that, prepare your men and follow me to Red Snake headquarter. It's time to clean up Red Snake."

Zachary went to do as told and Song Yu continued with her work. At 7.45 pm, Song Yu was still doing her work, answering calls and signing documents. While Gu Chen was also busy working on his work, though Song Yu and Gu Chen did not talk throughout the few hours. But both of then got glance at each other once in a while and when their eyes met, they feel like body had been electrocuted. They felt the chemistry between them, Song Yu did not know why but she did nt feel uncomfortable letting Gu Chen follow her and felt like she could trust the man in front of her.

Gu Chen felt the same was too, he felt more and more attracted to Song Yu by the day, At 8.30 pm. After Gu Chen was done making a call to Ye Xun about some business stuff, he realize it was already so late and he turned towards Song Yu to check on what she was doing. And expected the workaholic was still working on her files, typing at a lightning speed, focusing on her computer not noticing that Gu Chen had already started walking towards her and is now behind her looking at what she was doing.

When Gu Chen saw many foreign codes on the screen he frowned and asked in a curious tone. "You Know how to hack?".

Shocked Song Yu hurriedly stopped what she was doing and turn behind to look at Gu Chen who was behind her. Song Yu was stunned yet again, when she turned over, she did not know that Gu Chen face was just inches away from her and hence her lips accidentally brushed pass Gu Chen lips.