Chapter 35: What shall I do with you?

September 1, 20XX (Sunday)

Riku Vila and Country A SHADOWS Base

In Japan, Riku Villa. Two days later.

"So, you are going to leave today." Riku asked Song Yu, sounding depressing.

"En, you can come and visit me when you are free." Song Yu consoled Riku.

Riku was not happy that Song Yu was going to leave Japan so soon, she felt sad knowing that she could not see Song Yu for a period of time again. Riku hugged Song Yu for a long time before pulling back and said, "Okay, I will come and visit you someday. Take care, if there is anything you need me to help you with. Tell me, yea." Riku said as she rushed Song Yu away. Afraid that she may not be able to separate from Song Yu, if she stayed any longer.

"Take care too, I will miss you." Song Yu waved at Riku before walking towards her car, when she was about to get in the car. Riku said, "Oh and happy marriage!, wish you and brother-in-law have a child soon." Riku waved at Song Yu and ran back into her Villa, afraid that Song Yu would want to beat her afterwards.

Song Yu shook her head and went into her car, she was about to close her eyes and rest until she and Jack reach Japan airport. But before she could rest, Gu Chen called her. She answered the call and said in an irritated tone.


"Baby, I will be going back to my old house and settle some family things before I go back to Country Z. So take care of yourself when I am not in the country, oh. I asked Ye Xun to moved your things to Crystal Mansion so that you can stay with me from now on." Gu Chen said in a gentle yet firm tone, leaving no further discussion.

"You what?, I don't want to live with you. Gu Chen, I need my personal space." Song Yu said in an angry tone.

"Yu Yue, we are married. It is normal for married couples to live together." Gu Chen coax Song Yu.

"Oh yea, even marriage was decided by you. Anyways I am not going to stay in your house and that's final." Song Yu was about to hang up when Gu Chen said, "Fine, I will move in with you then. Since you don't want to live in my house, I'll leave in yours then."

"You dare...." Song Yu was interrupted by Gu Chen.

"Why not?, it's either you move into my house or I move into yours."

"Suit yourself!" Song Yu shouted before hanging up the call.


In Country A, SHADOWS Base.

Inside the dark and foul smelling locked room, Xie Zi. Song Yu's subordinates who is in charge of torturing and killing people, who is sent to the locked room by Song Yu. When Xie Zi heard about Ling Tan betraying Song Yu, he became furious and wanted to kill Ling Tan but his boss. Song Yu did not allow it, she said that she would want to personally handle it.

Xie Zi is a handsome young man around his 20s, he have a small round face and thick eye brows. Dark brown eyes, sharp defined nose and golden hair. He has a small build but strong body, and he is also an extremely quite man, he does not talk much. As he is not comfortable with strangers and will only talk to the person he is close with. Even if it is Xie Zi close friends, he will also not talk more than 10 words with them. But Song Yu was an exception, Xie Zi talks normally with Song Yu and would also play with Song Yu every time.

Xie Zi Was wearing a white singlet stained with blood pair with a simple blue sweat pants, he looked young and many. Xie Zi was holding a box of needles, preparing to stab it inside of Ling Tan but decided to wait for Song Yu's arrival as the latter called him in the morning and told him that she would be going to the locked room that day.

Xie Zi had been happily waiting for the whole morning but his 'sister' have not arrived yet. Just when he was about to go and get his phone to call Song Yu, the bodyguards guarding the base called out. "Boss Ariela!". Upon their boss arrival, all of the subordinates greeted and bow down to Song Yu.

When Xie Zi heard that Song Yu had arrived, he happily walked over and stood in front of Song Yu before saying, "Jie (1), I had been waiting for you." Xie Zi said coldly but happy was evident in his eyes.

Song Yu gave a gentle smile at Xie Zi, "Sorry, I was busy." Song Yu gave an apologetic look to Xie Zi asking for forgiveness.

Xie Zi could not bare to get angry at his sister, he gave up and just shake his head and said, "Jie, when are you leaving?" Xie Zi looked at Song Yu with his dark brown eyes as if asking Song Yu to stay longer.

Song Yu felt really helpless with this little brother hers, "Zi, I won't stay for long. I'll be going to china, after I am done with here."

Xie Zi felt disappointed but he could not do anything about it as he knew his sister needed to handle a lot of stuff. Hence, he decided to not hold his sister back. Xie Zi waited for Song Yu to go in the Locked room before following her.

Ling Tan was being placed on a cold and bloody table for surgical used, he was being tied up by metal chains and tubes. Ling Tan was lying on the metal table lifelessly, when he saw Song Yu's cold and aloof silhouette of Song Yu. Ling Tan got extremely agitated, he used all his strength and tried to break the metal chains binding him but he could not do so as he was not strong enough.

Song Yu smirked and said in a monotonous tone, "What shall I do with you?" Song Yu looked at Ling Tan evilly before taking out a scalpel and said, "Don't worry, I use your organs into good use.".

Upon hearing what Song Yu said, Ling Tan felt extremely petrified as he continuously trembled on the metal table. He shook his head and looked at Song Yu with his bloodshot eyes as if wanting to say something. Song Yu looked at Ling Tan and said, "Very well, since you are going to die soon. I shall let you speak your last words before you die." Song Yu took out the needle that was pierced through Ling Tan tongue and waited for Ling Tan to say something.

"SONG YU!, it''s your grandfather!. Qi Ling Hu!, he forced me to leaked SA information and asked me to bait Red Snake to go against you." Ling Tan shouted at the top of his lungs.

Song Yu was stunned for a moment, she knew that the incident was not that simple. Everything felt strange, starting from SHADOWS and to her best friend and later to Gu Chen. Song Yu initially felt something was off, she felt that the people around her kept getting into trouble but she could not pint point what was it. Hence, she decided to put it aside first.

Song Yu looked at Ling Tan and questioned him, "Ha, so it was my grandfather who planned everything out and you was threatened to betray me is that what you were saying."

"Yes, I was threatened to do it. He drugged me with poison, I do not know what kind of poison is it. I just know if that man does not give me the antidote, I would die. I don't want to die, I got no choice but to do it." Ling Tan explained.

Song Yu whole stature went still, she looked at Ling Tan extremely coldly and said in an extremely emotionless tone, "That does not give you the reason to betray me, I saved you and gave you power and wealth but you. Took it for granted, since the day you decided to betray me. You were already bound to die." Song Yu looked at Ling Tan sympathetically.

"I...AHHHHH!" Ling Tan was once again being unable to talk due to the needle across his tongue.

"Let's start the operation." Song Yu told her team of doctors as she induced anesthetic into Ling Tan.