Chapter 46: Wifey

September 6, 20XX (Friday)

French Restaurant

Song Yu was seating in the car, with her eyes closed. Song Yu did not have to go for most of the meetings personally as there was Daemon as the vice president to help her attend to it. But the meeting with Lu Corp, needed Song Yu to personally be present in the meeting.

After a whole 30 minutes, Song Yu arrived at french restaurant. The french restaurant was one of the best in Country Z, but sadly Song Yu was not a fan of french cuisine. Jack opened the door for Song Yu and helped her closed the door after Song Yu got out of it.

Before Song Yu walk towards the restaurant, her phone ding. Saying that she had received a message. She took out her phone and saw it was a text from Gu Chen. Saying, "Come home early today"

Song Yu wanted to ignore the text but decided against it as the bossy man had already took a step back and allowed her to eat with Daemon afterwards. Song Yu typed a few words saying, "Okay, wifey." Song Yu giggled at what she typed.

Once they arrived outside of the private room, Song Yu asked jack to stay outside and waait for her before she got into the room. One she entered the room, she saw Lu Nan Cheng wearing a light blue two piece suit and a white v-neck shirt inside of it. Looking cool and friendly, Lu Nan Cheng is in his 30s. He had a handsome and cool look, he is also quite tanned for a chinese man.

he had his hair combed back, showing the full features of his handsome face. Lu Nan Cheng heard a woman footstep and looked over, he saw Song Yu walked towards the table and was mesmerized by her beauty. Lu Nan Cheng was excited and happy at the same time as he was could finally get to see Song Yu face up.

Lu Nan Cheng did not lack any woman, he was well known for changing different types of girlfriends everyday. But inside of Lu Nan Cheng heart, he had always been thinking of Song Yu.

He yearned for Song Yu, day and night thinking of her, He wished he could get his hands on Song Yu. When Lu Nan Cheng saw Song Yu for the first time in a motorcycling race, when Song Yu was on the motorcycle racing with other people. He fell in love with Song Yu at first sight, but after through investigation.

Lu Nan Cheng could only get basic information of her being the Song Corp heiress, other than knowing the basic information of Song Yu. He could not get any deeper, this made him yearned for Song Yu more. He wants to know more about the mysterious and attractive Song Yu who cares no heed of any people around her.

Lu Nan Cheng stood up and walked towards Song Yu, he reached out his hand waiting for Song Yu to shook it, while saying. "Nice to meet you President Song, I am the president of Lu Corp. Lu Nan Cheng." Lun Nan Cheng said gentlemanly.

Song Yu looked at the hand of Lu Nan Cheng and did not want to shook it, but out of courtesy she had to shook it. Song Yu reluctantly shook hands with Lu Nan Cheng and said indifferently, "Likewise, I am Song Yu. President of Z.D.Y Corp."

Lu Nan Cheng smiled, he gestured Song Yu to have a seat before continuing. "Ms Song, why do you intend to keep your identity hidden?" Lu Nan Cheng asked curiously.

Song Yu said expressionlessly, "I did not like to stand in the spotlight so I always told my vice president to take care of most of the things. As you know, I want to move Z.D.Y Corp main branch to Country Z. By doing this, I need to start showing my face. Hence, more and more people knew of me as the president of Z.D.Y Corp."

Lu Nan Cheng nodded his head and said, "I see, Ms Song is such a beauty no wonder you are afraid of showing your face in public. I understand what you meant, it will quite troublesome if you have a lot of suitors."

Song Yu gave an awkward smile and said, "You flattered."

After the small talk, both Song Yu and Lu Nan Cheng ordered some french cuisine. While waiting for the food to be served, Lu Nan Cheng asked, "Ms Song do you mind, if I asked whether you are single or not."

Song Yu look indifferently at Lu Nan Cheng before answering solemnly, "I mind"

The air in the room became awkward as Lu Nan Cheng decided to talk about business and after that maybe they could talked about other things. "Ms Song, let's talk about business."

Song Yu gave a polite smile and said, "Sure"

Lu Nan Cheng took out two proposals, one for him and one for Song Yu. Song Yu took a few minutes to look through it. While waiting for Song Yu to looked the the document, the food came. The waiter placed the food on the table and left the room quietly.

After another five minutes, Song Yu was done looking through the document. She placed the document on the table and looked up at Lu Nan Cheng. "Ms Song, we are interested in your company's jewelry designs. It is exquisite and mysterious, we fancy on how Z.D.Y Corp promote their products and sell it.

"Your company make a profit of few hundreds billion per month, though your jewelry is expensive but you was still able to attract people to come an buy your jewelry. This made Lu Corp wants to make a new jewelry brand with Z.D.Y Corp. As Lu Corp wants to start stepping into the jewelry line, we would need Z.D.Y Corp help." Lu Nan Cheng said in a serious tone.

Song Yu raised her eyebrows amused, "You want to make a new jewelry brand with Z.D.Y?" Song Yu asked again in an amused tone.


"It is not a bad idea, but not good enough for me to work with Lu Corp." Song Yu answered shortly.

Lu Nan Cheng laughed and said, "I see, so Ms Song had already seen through me." Lu Nan Cheng asked.

Song Yu feigned ignorance and asked back in a curious tone, "What do you mean?"

Lu Nan Cheng smiled and said, "Alright, I think there was no point hiding from you. I found out that Z.D.Y Corp is also an investment company and would hope that you would invest in our company for the new jewelry brand."

"In exchange for Z.D.Y to invest in the new jewelry your company would want to work on, you let Z.D.Y to form a partnership with you and work in the new jewelry brand together." Song Yu said not amused.

"Partially correct, as we are new to the jewelry line. We needed an expert in this line to help us, and Z.D.Y Corp was the most suitable one."

"Long story short, Z.D.Y Corp is the stepping stone for you Lu Corp success in jewelry line right?" Song Yu asked bluntly.

"Yes, we need Z.D.Y Corp helped for us to succeed in the jewelry line. As you already know, it is very crucial as to we start well or not. Z.D.Y Corp rule the jewelry line, it will be easier if we could collaborate with you." Lu Nan Cheng replied.

Song Yu nodded her head and said, "What do Z.D.Y gain from it?"

"We offer to let you have 60% profit through investing in us and working in a new jewelry brand with us. We also offer the sapphire mall, Z.D.Y Corp had been eyeing on. In Exchange for you to invest and work with us in the jewelry brand." Lu Nan Cheng replied.

"Not a bad offer, but Z.D.Y would be losing too much money on it. I need a better offer."

Lu Nan Cheng sighed and said, "I see, Ms Song already knew about out planned. For you to be so confident in your offer. We offer you another mall in H city, Sunshine Mall. We knew that Z.D.Y Corp is eyeing on this two mall, though I don't know why you would want this two building as they are both not earning much profit."

Song Yu raised her wine glass and said, "Deal, nice working with you."

Lu Nan Cheng clink the glass with Song Yu and said, "I see, Ms Song is also a greedy person."

"What can I do, we are both business person." Song Yu said as she winked at Lu Nan Cheng.