Chapter 49: What should I do with you

September 7, 20XX (Saturday)

Royal Mansion 4

Song Yu yelped when Gu Chen squeeze her butt, Song Yu lifted her head up as she place both of her hands on Gu Chen's chest. "Put me down!" Song Yu resisted.

Gu Chen stood in front of Song Yu's queen size bed as he said in a mocking tone, "Now you want me to put you down"

Song Yu blushed even redder, "Just put me down now." Song Yu made a note to herself, that she should not teased the man again. Gu Chen chuckled as he surrender, "Alright, now eat some porridge first then eat the pill." Gu Chen commanded as he placed Song Yu on the edge of the bed.

Song Yu did not replied but she obediently ate the porridge Gu Chen fed her, after she was done eating, Gu Chen placed the bowl on the tray and took the glass of warm water and pill to Song Yu. He passed the glass of water to her and took the pills towards her mouth, "Now, be good. Opened your mouth and eat it."

Song Yu opened her mouth and Gu Chen pushed the pill into Song Yu's mouth, Song Yu tasted the bitter taste of the pill and quickly down the whole glass of water. Gu Chen kissed her forehead and said, "Good girl, now go and sleep. Tomorrow we are going to beijing to meet my parents." Gu Chen said indifferently.

...!!! "What!" Song Yu eyes widened at what Gu Chen said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She blamed Gu Chen.

Gu Chen pushed Song Yu and let her lie down on the bed as he said, "Didn't I tell you now?"

"That is not what I meant!" Song Yu said in annoyance.

Gu Chen smiled at Song Yu's flustered expression, Gu Chen gave her another kissed on the forehead before saying, "Don't worry, everything is prepared. Now sleep, I'll wake you up in the morning."

Song Yu sighed in defeat, she nodded her head and closed her eyes. Gu Chen took the tray and intended to turned and walked away, when Song Yu suddenly grabbed on his sleeve. She sat up and asked, "where are you going?" Song Yu furrowed her brows as she wanted to sleep in Gu Chen's embraced.

Gu Chen made a helpless sigh, "I am just going down to put the tray, I'll be back. Little kitten" Gu Chen teased.


In the morning, 8 am.

Gu Chen woke up with Song Yu in his embraced, he looked at the back of Song Yu and felt a sense of assurance. Gu Chen gently entangled his arms from Song Yu's and covered her fully, showing only her face. He brushed a strand of hair covering Song Yu's face away and gave a peck on her lips, Gu Chen was wearing a simple black sweatpants and white t-shirt, he went to freshen up before going into the closet to change into a black tank top and a grey jogger. Gu Chen went out of the room and went to the gym.

At 10.30 am, Gu Chen came out of the gym and went back to his room to bath. As he did not want to wake Song Yu up, he went to shower and changed into a grey air chino and a white dress shirt. He left two buttons undone, showing his tanned muscular chest. Gu Chen had his sleeve rolled up, showing his strong and firmed arm muscles. He had on a limited edition silver watch, and had style his hair backwards. Showing his sharp features, Gu Chen looked like a mature and defined man.

Gu Chen walked out of his room, he walked towards Song Yu room and gently turned the doorknob and walked into the room. Once he entered the room, he got assaulted by Song Yu's womanly scent. Song Yu's floral scent made Gu Chen arouse, he calmly walked towards Song Yu's bed. Gu Chen looked at his wrist watched and saw that it was 11.30 am, initially. He wanted to just go into the room and wake up Song Yu as they needed to reach the airport by 1 pm.

The planned got messed up, when Gu Chen saw Song Yu's sleeping face. Her snowy like skin, small face, thin and brown eyebrows, long eyelashes, pointy nose, thin kissable lips. Looking like an peerless beauty. Gorgeous beyond words, yet cold and aloof. Like an ice queen, the Song Yu now make Gu Chen felt that he was lucky to be able to have met Song Yu in his 29 years of life.

Gu Chen knelt down beside the sleeping beauty on one knee, as he stared at Song Yu's face. As though, wanting to absorbed and memorized Song Yu's face into his mind for ever. Gu Chen still remembered the day, he and Song Yu first encounter.

It was also the day, his cold heart got melted and became a heart that only belongs to Song Yu. He did not know why he felt that, he knew Song Yu from a very time ago. It gave him a sense of longing and made him uncontrollably fell head over heels for Song Yu. Gu Chen had always been a cold and aloof possessive man, and since the day he met Song Yu. He had already decided that. This woman right in front of him, was going to be his and his alone.

Gu Chen promised himself that he would never let her go, because he could not imagine a day without Song Yu. He swore to protect and give all his love to the woman in front of him now, meanwhile. While Gu Chen was in his own thoughts, Song Yu had already long woken up from her sleep, when she woke up. She was stunned by Gu Chen kneeling down in front of her, she was even more stunned. When she saw the tenderness and love in Gu Chen's eyes.

Song Yu felt butterflies in her stomach, she felt touched and all she wanted to do was to hugged the man that came into her life all of a sudden. Changing her life into a disarray, she could no longer control her heart anymore.

Gu Chen who was thinking deeply, suddenly widened his eyes in shock. As Song Yu suddenly pounced on him, due to the sudden force. Gu Chen who was kneeling down, got pushed backwards and sat on the ground. He was now sitting on the floor, with his two hands on either side of him, supporting himself and Song Yu.

Song Yu hugged tightly around Gu Chen's neck, as she buried her face in Gu Chen's neck. She sat on Gu Chen's lap while straddling him. Gu Chen got out of his stupor and looked at the little kitten hugging him, Gu Chen heart started beating erratically.

Song Yu hugged Gu Chen even tighter, "Chen, I am starting to like you more and more." Song Yu said in a cheerful tone. Gu Chen eyes widened, as his ear became red. Song Yu yelped, when Gu Chen suddenly hugged Song Yu tightly. "What should I do with you." Gu Chen said helplessly.

"Love me more!" Song Yu boldly said to Gu Chen, without thinking any further.

After Gu Chen said that, he lowered his head and sucked hard on the crook of Song Yu's neck. Song Yu winced in pain, Gu Chen licked on the deep red mark on Song Yu. "Now you are my woman, don't ever think of running away from me." Gu Chen said possessively.

Song Yu hugged tighten and she bite on Gu Chen shoulder making Gu Chen groaned, "Since you have placed your mark, I am your woman now. You better don't think of running away from me too. As you are my man now!" Song Yu declared.

Gu Chen made a genuine smile as he said against Song Yu neck, "Always am."