Chapter 67: You are my man!

September 16, 20XX (Monday)

Various places

"Ms Wan, is the video and pictures posted online true?" A reporter asked Wan Qi, early in the morning that day. The top searches was all Wan Qi having hooked up with different old man, topping the internet search chart.

Numerous photos of Wan Qi holding, kissing or even in bed with nude photos as evidence was posted online. Wan Qi was on the filming set of Shackles of Love, while she was filming. There was a lot of noises all of a sudden, making the director An to stopped the filming.

There was numerous reporters barging into the filming set, forcefully wanting to interview Wan Qi. "Ms Wan aren't you with the second young master of Lu Corp, Lu Fan?" Another reporter started asking.

"Please give way" Wan Qi manager quickly ushered her into the car.

Inside the car, Wan Qi hair was disheveled, dress were messy. She was hit, pushed and pull by the reporters. "How, what am I going to do?" Wan Qi was worried that Lu Fan would not want to marry her anymore, and her parent's would kill her.

"The company will take care of it, you need to stay at home for the time being and not show your face to the public." Wan Qi manager tried to calmed her.

"Who did it, how did they know all these. Find out who it is!" Wan Qi yelled, she felt furious as to who would have the guts to actually go against the Wan's. "It must be Song Yu Yue, she must be the one behind it."

Wan Qi just felt that everything was Song Yu's planned, as she hated her for everything she did. She thinks that Song Yu wanted to ruined her reputation to get back with Lu Fan. Her manager did not know what to do with her, she knew what type of person Wan Qi is. But she could not do anything about it, she kept quiet and sat beside Wan Qi.


"Ariela, you are going too far this time. This is going to raise old man Qi suspicion!" Daemon angrily scolded Song Yu who was sitting on her desks typing away.

"I know what I am doing" Song Yu relied without much emotions.

Daemon did not know what to say, he was furious at her for being to rushed. he knew that the news would come out sooner or later, but he did not predict that it would come out that fast. "So what are you going to do now?" Daemon asked, seeing the relaxed Song Yu, made him feel that. She had already predicted what would happened next, giving him the goosebumps.

Song Yu raised her head and looked at daemon, she smile and said "Daemon, just sit back and watch the show"

"I....." Ring....Ring.....Song Yu's phone rang, interrupting the conversation between her and Daemon. Song Yu picked up the phone and answered the call, "You called?"

"Song Yu Yue, don't feign ignorant." Gu Chen said in a low tone.

"What?" Song Yu asked in a puzzled tone.

"Why didn't you answer my call?" Gu Chen had been calling Song Yu as the woman did not go home after leaving Song Manor, but no matter how many calls he made. It would go to the voicemail.

"Because i didn't want to" Song Yu replied, sounding stubborn.

"Stop being stubborn" Gu Chen said helplessly.

"Then stop being controlling!" Song Yu said in annoyance.


"Gu Chen Han....." Song Yu paused what she was about to say, "What?" Song Yu could not believe what she had just heard.

"I can give you anything you want, but never a divorce. You are destined to be my Mrs Gu, that will never change!" Gu Chen demanded.

Song Yu did not know why, but she felt something amiss about Gu Chen that day. She never wanted a divorced with Gu Chen, after that night incident. Song Yu had been avoiding and ignoring Gu Chen, she start to find that. Not being with Gu Chen when she sleep at night, not talking to him or not being with him. Made her sad and empty in her heart, she did not know what had happened to her.

She felt her heart empty without him. all she was thinking is she needs him. But wanted him to respect and trust her, she did not want a man who do not trust her. But someone who only wanted o possess her, she did not want that. Hence, she wants Gu Chen to change.

When Gu Chen said that he could give her anything except a divorce, she was fine with it. Or more like happy that the man would never divorce her, "En" Song Yu gave in and replied with a 'En'.

In the other side, Gu Chen was taken aback by the woman reply. He felt happy and relieved that Song Yu was not angry with him anymore, "My love, have you forgot to say something to me?" Gu Chen asked.

Song Yu knew what he was referring to, but she did not know how to say. She pondered for a while and finally made up her mind, "I know I was wrong that night, I know you was afraid of me catching cold. As it was the middle of the night, but I was too...>"

"Love, I do not need you to say anything. I already told you, you just have to be yourself when you are with me. Baby, I know I forgotten what I said." Gu Chen tried to explain to Song Yu, he needed to mend their relationship.

"I said that...."

"Chen, I like you. So in the future, trust me. I found out we need to compromised, I will listen to you from now on. Provided, you must not be overboard. Same thing goes for you, you have to listen to me too, as you are my man!" Song Yu gave in and just say out what she had wanted to say.

'My man, My man, My man...' the two words sounded in Gu Chen's brain, making the man reached cloud 9. "Chen?" Song Yu frowned as the man did not answer her.

"I am your man" Gu Chen recited, he was proud and happy after hearing what Song Yu said.

Song Yu blushed, upon realizing what she said. "Go back to work, I will pick you up at your company later on." Gu Chen said in a gentle and soft tone, before hanging up.

"Did not know you could show such a gentle side of you, unlike the devilish woman a while ago...." Daemon teased.

"Ya, says the one who had been hiding his feelings for Tang Ai..." Song Yu refuted, not wanting to lose to daemon.

"Fine, you win. I shall take my leave, be careful of your grandfather." Daemon reminded, before leaving her office.

After daemon left the room, Song Yu stopped what she was doing. She stood up and walked towards the floor to ceiling window, her eyes looked distant and cold. Song Yu still remembered the time when her mother, Wan Yu left her. She did not know what to do or feel, she was depressed and sad.

She was like a soulless young girl, after Wan Qi came in with Wan Hua. She hated the Song's even more, there was nothing she could do about it. Her mother was the only thing she cared about in the world, and the only thing she cared about left her.

Song Yu blamed Song Lie for being such a flickered minded and lousy man, not able to keep the woman he loved beside him. She hated how her father was always controlled by Song Yao, even after her mother left.

The two Wan's mother and daughter pair, treated the whole Song Manor as their place. Acting like the host of the house, it was lucky for Song Yu that the mother and daughter pair could not do anything to her. As she was the legitimate daughter of the Song's and the favorite granddaughter of Qi Ling Hu.

The Wan's and the Song's are both afraid of the Qi's, as Qi Ling Hu can easily destroy the both influential families, he had both the military and the imperial family support. Qi Empire came second after Gu's Corp.

Song Yu was the beloved granddaughter of Qi Ling Hu, hence. nobody dared to touched her, after a few months. Qi Ling Hu came to Song Manor, it was a Saturday morning then.