Chapter 77: Blue roses

October 5, 20XX (Saturday)

Various Places

In Gu Corp,

"President, this is all I found about the president of Z.D.Y" Ye Xun said as he passed him a file which consist confidential information about Z.D.Y Corp president.

Gu Chen sat on his swivel chair, he took the file that was left on his desk. He picked it up and flipped through it, after a few minutes. Gu Chen closed the file and smiled evily, 'You will be the death of me' Gu Chen thought to himself.

He looked at Ye Xun and said in a cold tone, "Keep an eye on the huang's and also the Lu family, transfer the shares I have in Song Corp to Song Yu. Do it in secret, don't let her find out about it."

Ye Xun nodded and left the room, after he left. The room were in dead silence, Gu Chen leaned on his chair and thought deeply. There were many things that were in between him and Song Yu, like her not telling him her true identity and also him not able to tell her his real identity. Due to complications, he was a dangerous man.

He is afraid of dragging Song Yu down, he was afraid the people that wanted to kill him would looked for Song Yu. Though he knew Song Yu was no ordinary person, able to control SHADOWS and also Z.D.Y Corp surely would not be a easy person.

But he still could not stopped himself from being worried if she were to get harmed by others, he had even deployed one of his best team in ZIUS to protect her in shadows. After a while, he decided when the time is right, he would tell her everything about him.

Till then, he hoped that the woman would wait for him, as he needed t0 be prepared for everything.


Z.D.Y Corp

"President Song, I think that it is still not the right time to work with Gu Corp." One of the directors spoke up.

Song Yu sat on her sit, after hearing what the old man said. She raised an eyebrow and said in amused, "Then what would be the right time?"

"I think we should work work with Song Corp first before working with Gu Corp. The shackles of love jewelry edition would be a big hit in the fashion industry, since Song Corp is affiliated to you. I think working with them would be best..." Another board of director spoke up.

"I think neither of them is appropriate, we should work with Lu Corp first. President Song, we had collaborated with Lu Corp in establishing a new fashion line together, we can use the Shackles of Love jewelries edition to work with Lu Corp." Another one of the board member spoke up.

Song Yu scoffed as she felt the these old men are fools, "My decision had been made, Gu Corp will be the most appropriate one, and my company does not need the help of Song Corp to earn profit nor is my company doing charity.

working with Lu Corp to established a fashion line together and now, work together with our new launch for Shackles of Love jewelries edition?....are you fools. Since it is going to be a big hit, why help a measly company like Lu Corp. We are trying to eat from them, not the other way around. Dumb fools!" Song Yu said in anger.

She did researched about Gu Corp and knew that they were reaching out to her, and had also been interested to work with them. Since she knew Song Corp is not as what she thought, she can't get Z.D.Y get connected with Song Corp, or there would be many complications and secondly nobody in the Song's knew that she was the President of Z.D.Y Corp.

Some of the old fools are too dumb to think which further angered Song Yu, before she collaborated with Lu Corp to established a new fashion line. The goal was to ripped off them and not the other way around, if she were to also collaborate with them in the new project which were deemed to be a big hit. She would be the one losing the money, and it could helped Lu Corp faster and better in the fashion industry.

She would not want to cut off a collaboration which could let her lose a little and win more, hence. She was angered by how the fools thought about collaborating with Song Corp and Lu Corp.

The board of directors got what she meant and all looked down on the floor. Feeling guilty, "Use some brains before speaking...I do not..."

"Thud..Thud...Thud..." Knocking sounds disrupted what she was about to say, she turned towards the meeting room door in frustration, "Come in"

With the command, Tang Ai walked into the meeting room. She walked towards the unhappy Song Yu and whispered into her ear, "President Song, Mr Gu has arrived." She reported.

Song Yu eyes widened as she looked at her watched, it was 6 in the evening then. She had forgotten about the time, "Meeting adjourned!" Song Yu said impatiently before walking away.


In Tranquil Island,

Gu Chen drove Song Yu to the island, he parked his car at the side of the beach before alighting. He got to the other side of the car and opened the door for her, "Be careful of your steps..." Gu Chen said in concerned.

Song Yu smiled gently, she got down the car and stood on the road just before the beach. She looked in bewilderment, the whole beach had been covered up by a pink color curtain. Covering one end to the other of the beach, blocking her view of taking a look at the beach.

She turned her gaze to the man beside her and wait for the man to speak, Gu Chen signaled his man to pull down the curtain. With one hurled, the whole curtain got pulled down. Revealing what's before the curtain, Song Yu widened her eyes as her heart started beating quickly.

She felt butterflies in her stomach, Gu Chen looked at her adoringly as he held her hand and pulled her towards the beach. The beach was adorned with dozens of different colors roses, they were all splattered on the sand. Forming a road towards the candlelight dinner, the table was placed on the middle of the beach.

There were blue roses falling down from the sky, red, purple, pink and white roses on the sand in a heart shape formed. Song Yu walked along the lane that were splattered with roses and the blue roses that fell from the sky.

Gu Chen brought Song Yu to the heart shaped formed by different roses and candles encircling it, she felt touched and warmed all over her body, never in her life had she experience something this romantic.

She had never even dare think of the almighty devil Gu Chen can be this romantic, she did not think he was capable of it. Gu Chen and Song Yu stood in the heart shape facing each other, as he looked into the woman in front of him lovingly.

He held both of her hands and came on one knee, he knelt down and looked up at her. "Yu Yue, I said before. You would and will become my woman whether you like it or not. I will treat you like the one and only in my heart, love you, shower you with all the love I have and give you anything you wish for.

I realized I haven't fulfilled that yet, but I will learn and be the best husband you can ever wished for. My beautiful love, just like the red roses. Mysterious but alluring..." Gu Chen paused what he was saying, he let go of her hands and went into his pocket to get small metal case.

Gu Chen took the case and brought it in front of Song Yu, "This ring is only made for you and only you, the case can only opened when you scanned you thumbprint on the case."

Once Song Yu used her thumb to scanned her finger print, the whole case opened up like a flower which just bloomed. Once it was opened, a blueish purple gem could be seen on the silver ring. Song Yu stared in awed and amazement, "Song Yu Yue, be my one and only woman" he asked more like saying than asking her, he took her hand and put the ring on her ring finger.

Tears started falling down from her face, she hugged the man and said in a broken tone. "Chen Han!" she hugged the man tightly in bliss.

Gu Chen hugged her back and kissed her cheeks, with a tender smile on his face. "No words are needed..." he caressed her back to comfort her.

Song Yu sniffled as she hugged him tightly, "Tha....thank you for loving me..." she said in a murmured but was heard clearly by the man.

Gu Chen remained silent and just hugged her, "Gu Chen Han, I....I want you!" Song Yu said provocative, declaring her love for him.

All she wants is to be one with him, she wants to be his woman. She felt that she could truly trust him, his the only one for her. Hearing what Song Yu said, Gu Chen was taken aback by it. He pulled back from her and asked her again in bewilderment, "What did you say?"

Song Yu smiled and pinched the man's cheek before tiptoeing to kissed him on the lips, "Chen, I said I want to be your woman. I want yo....!!!!"

Before she could finished what she was saying, the man kissed her ferociously.