Chapter 79: Like a kid

October 6, 20XX (Sunday)

Various Places

"Got it, everything is prepared. We still have an hour before reaching Gold Heights." Tang Ai said curtly.

Song Yu raised her head and looked at Tang Ai with an annoyed tone, "Ai, you told me that a while ago. It's not like I can't remember, stop reminding me..." she sulked, angered by her treating her like a kid.

Tang Ai chuckled, seeing the childish Song Yu. She nodded while saying in a helpless tone, "fine, fine.....sorry for treating you like a kid. I'll not remind you then.." Tang Ai said before shaking her head and left.

Song Yu pouted her lips, she took out her specs before placing it on the table. She took the glass of red wine and drank a few sips, the cheerful and carefree expression a while ago was not there anymore. Song Yu whole being became serious as she looked out of the window, she stared blankly at the clouds beneath her.

Thinking deeply, there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. As she knew she would kill people in this trip to Country A, Song Yu did not kill without a reason. She killed because she had to, though she was worried that she may lose control.

Hence, whenever she knew that she would kill. She would eat a pill she had invented herself, it was a pill that could control her bloodthirst and prevent her amber eyes from showing. Song Yu wonder what would happened during her time in the country.

She had to meet the boss of the america's underworld, to talk about the recent intervention of their gang going against her. The america's recently prevented her from getting her supplies from some underworld suppliers, she was the one who controlled the whole of Asia. How could she allowed such a thing to slide, but she could not ignore the america's power.

She thought about it and finally decided to form an alliance with them, once she got what she wanted. She would take action against the america's, it wasn't too late then. As the safest was to keep her enemy close to her, by making an alliance. SHADOWS would gained from it, both parties would gain from it.

It was a win-win situation, she needed to see the america's boss the next day upon her arrival in the country. She also needed to handle some business issues before able to go back to Country Z, she was still deeply in thought when she was disrupted by Tang Ai.

She turned towards her in frustration, "We just got the noticed from Dong Si An that everyone has arrived, all are waiting for your arrival." Tang Ai reported, when she entered the lounge. She was slightly taken aback by the killer looked given by Song Yu.

Song Yu messaged her temples, "Ai, I am sorry. I was lost in my thoughts a while ago..."

"Its fine." Tang Ai interrupted her.

Song Yu relaxed before saying, "Alright, once we reached Country A. Go straight to SHADOWS base, once reached wait for me outside the base. Ai, you know I trust you. But I don't want you to see all those...."

"I understand." Tang Ai replied, not wanting Song Yu to stress herself.

"Help me attend to all the necessary things regarding the company, someone will take over you. Thanks, Ai!" it was not because she did not trust Tang Ai, but she did not want to implicate her into the underworld.

Tang Ai nodded before giving some space for Song Yu, if not she would be scolded again.


"The guest will arrived the tomorrow, all must be prepared. Z,D and Y group must all be ready and prepared, and have the Knight SHADOWS arrived yet?" Zachary asked, as the main groups in SHADOWS were mainly Z, D and Y. Which is also a code, and for Knight SHADOWS.

There are the elites of the elites in SHADOWS, under Song Yu. They would always be in different part of the countries, helping Song Yu. Without her giving the command, they would not appear all together unless needed to.

"Yes, all are ready and prepared. As for Knight SHADOWS, they are going to follow boss ariela to the base." The team leader of the three groups, Liam reported.

The Knight Shadows were known to be Song Yu's death guard, never listened to any of the commands from others. They would only listened to Song Yu's command, they were her ultimate card.

Not even Zachary, Yvonne or Daemon could command them. "We expect no mistake, this time round Ariela would be here for a few more days. All must be alert, if not you will know...." Daemon threatened.

All the members nodded, before dispersing to their respective rooms. All awaiting for their queen return, after everyone left. A white car stopped in front of the base, a man with golden hair stepped out of the car.

Yvonne heard the sound of footsteps approaching, she became alert and went out of the main hall of the base and to the entrance. When she reached, she saw a familiar silhouette. She smiled ever so gently before saying, "Hey, I did not think you would come!" Yvonne welcomed the man.

The man smiled back as he went forward and hugged Yvonne, "How long has it been?" he asked in a questioning tone.

"5 years?..." Yvonne replied.

The man chuckled and pulled back from the hug, "Maybe?"

"Si An?... so glad to see you." Daemon who was beside Yvonne came up and welcomed the man, only Zachary ignored the man.

The man was none other than Dong Si An, Song Yu's close friend. "Yu Yue called me to comeback, so I came back all the way from London!" he complained.

The other three gave a knowing looked, "Alright, let's go in and talk. Ariela is going to reached soon!" Yvonne quickly said as she grabbed Zachary arm and pulled him in the base.

SHADOWS base was like a majestic castle, it was huge. The base were armed with a lots of traps, making those intruders that wants to enter the base die on the spot.


ZIUS camp base,

"Get our special force to be prepared for tomorrow, since this stupid scum bag dares to do things against my orders!" Gu Chen said coldly, while stepping on the man who went against his words and intervene with the SHADOWS supplies.

He kicked the man away, "Skin him alive, before feeding him into the jungles." he coldly said before standing up and walking away.

Gu Chen still did not know who was the boss of SHADOWS, he did not want to touched them. Not because he could not, but because of him thinking Song Yu have some connections with them. He did not want to hurt SHADOWS......yet, not before he finds out how is Song Yu connected with SHADOWS.

Gu Chen took his trench coat as he walked out of the base, he went into his rolls royce. Ye Xun drove off after he got in, he saw from the rear view. That his boss was not in a good mood, Ye Xun felt that it may be because Song Yu did not call Gu Chen yet. Hence, the latter got angry.

Gu Chen had been busy for the past days, especially after Song Yu recovered from the coma and shocked. As during the period of time, Gu Chen did not go to the company and handle work matters. Making the company lose a few millions then, Gu Chen postponed many big projects that were coming up.

After Song Yu had recovered, his work got doubled. Leaving him more busy and had lesser time with Song Yu. He initially did not want to go to Country A, but because of some important matters. He had to, leaving him not able to be with Song Yu. Further frustrating him, he had been eccentric after reaching Country A.