Chapter 81: Gladly!

October 7, 20XX (Monday)

SHADOWS base and Golden heights

"Tell me!" Ariela said in a slightly higher tone, she was getting more and more impatient. She did not know why, but she felt very angered by the man in front of her. Not wanting to waste any more of her times with him, she got impatient and frustrated.

"Those fools had been dealt with, we will compensate back the profits and deals you lost." Gu Chen said hurriedly, he remained calmed and unfazed. Though there was a gun pointed at his head, he did not bother about it. As he knew the woman would not dare to shoot him.

Ariela slowly regained to her usual cold and indifferent attitude, she put her guy back into the holster before walking back to her sit. Before she sat down she said in a calmed tone, unlike how she was a minute ago. "That's not a bad deal, but you know..." She paused before looking at the man beside her.

"There would be no fun if it ends so quickly isn't it, Mr K?" She continued after a long paused.

Gu Chen who had not take a look at the Ariela since she had entered the room, slowly raised his head and looked at Ariela.

!!! "...."

Gu Chen was shocked beyond belief, when he raised his head and looked at Ariela. There he saw the same pair of eyes that could absorbed his soul, the same eyes that caught his attention. Just by a glance, he knew the 'Ariela of the underworld' was Song Yu Yue.

He had guessed that Song Yu must be someone of high status, high enough to control SHADOWS. But never in his wildest dream, would he imagined or thought of her being the queen of SHADOWS. Gu Chen tried to calmed down, he smile before saying "Well....what do you suggest then?"

Ariela smiled after hearing what he said, she clapped her hands together. She smiled coldly, "Well.....SHADOWS does not lacks money. So paying back the money we lost is not a well enough compensation, I suggest. We form an alliance, and since..." Song Yu paused what she was saying.

She leaned forward, close to Gu Chen before saying in a mischievous tone. "Our side lost quite a few things because of your carelessness, I think. SHADOWS needs a reason to stopped tearing apart the silent agreement we had and remained the same peacefulness. you can do what you want, SHADOWS would not interfere. Likewise to you too.

As long it is not in Asia, my territory."

Gu Chen smirked after hearing what she said, he looked at her dangerously. "What reason then?"

Song Yu smile and said, "Like the boss of ZIUS made a mistake, he realized he should not have tried to interfere with SHADOWS business and so...wanted to formed an alliance with us and this should be known to everyone in the underworld."

Gu Chen did not show any reaction, "Gladly"

With Gu Chen agreeing to Ariela terms, it was as good as saying 'He was afraid of SHADOWS'. This would greatly damaged his image and power in the underworld, making SHADOWS up another rank. However, with them forming an alliance.

Both sides would greatly benefit from it, as what SHADOWS were good at are their weaponry. While ZIUS would have their connections and people, each gang have their own strength and weakness and with them forming an alliance. Both would ease the weakness and plus the strength.


Opposite of Golden heights,

"Everything is in position, target arriving in 2 hours time." A man wearing black combat wear reported.

"Make sure not to leave any loopholes!" A man wearing the same black color vase, but in a slightly lighter color spoke up. He seems like the leader.

There was about 5 people, located opposite of Golden Heights. Each of them had snipers stationed to sniped a certain level of the penthouse. The left sides of their nicks had a tattoo, the tattoos were of a woman.

"We have to get her today, or else.....boss would not let us go." The leader warned.

They were at the rooftop, there was no sound made on the rooftop. It was breezy yet there was a chilling feel in the air. Giving goosebumps to everyone on the rooftop, as it was especially silent there.

Once someone made a sound, everyone would be able to hear it crystal clear. They were on high alert, when suddenly they heard the sounds of something brushing pass a leaf. It did not stopped, one came after the other.

Nobody saw anything, they quickly got up and went to hide behind a wall. "I think someone found us, we have to retreat!" One of the person in the group said in a frantic tone, cold sweats dripped down his forehead.

"Everyone stay where you are!... if we go now. Do you think we would leave pass midnight?" The leader shouted, anxiousness were apparent in his voice.

Everyone stopped in their tracks, not daring to take another steps. The leaf cutting sound did not stopped, further disturbing them from focusing their thoughts. "The rescue team would be here soon, we'll just had to hang in another 30 minutes!" The leader tried to calmed the team.

"Roger..." The sounds of someone walking could be heard, stopping them from saying anything. "AHH!...why can't we move??" All the five people tried to move, but no matter how hard they tried. They could not move an inch, their bodies were no listening to them or more like they could not feel their bodies.

They felt numb all over, "Sh*t!...we are poisoned!" one of the member shouted in fear.

Soon they realized the sounds of the leaf cutting had stopped, it was back to silent. Before they could calmed down, the door to the rooftop were slammed opened. "Pah!" making a loud sound.

Two person walked towards the five people, both wearing a mask. One person black and another white, "Who are you?" One of the five spoke up.

The two person that walked in took out their guns, they pulled the trigger and said in a deadly cod voice, "Death Gates!" before shooting the group down, before the leader could register anything into his head. Everyone in his team go shot dead, their body were now lying lifelessly on the ground.

The white mask man approached the leader and asked in a dangerous tone, "I will only ask once, who are you and what is your motive?"

The leader shuddered in fear, "Death Gates?....why are you all here!, shouldn't you all be in hell...AHHH!!!!" Before the man could continue what he was about to say, the black mask man cut the Lace Liu right armed.

"Alright, what did I say earlier about not killing him?" The white mask man said in frustration.

The black mask man looked indifferent, he shrugged his shoulders and said "His not dead yet, isn't it?"

Lance Liu quivered in fear, "Please, Please!..spare me" he begged, not wanting to die.

The black mask man tapped the white mask man to let him stepped back, he went forward and squad down. He took the knife that cut Lance Liu armed and aimed it at his other arm, "I am giving you another chance, tell me. Who send you here and what are you looking for?"

"Spare me!" Lance Liu shouted.

"I will spare you, now. Tell me, who?"


The black mask man smirked, "I see, since we had what we wanted then you are no longer needed."

"No, you said...AHHHHHHH!!!" The black mask man took the knife and stabbed the leaders heart, before ripping his heart into half. "Send this"

The Death Gates are just like their what it means, whoever met them would never live. They would either disappear in the face of earth or became worst than death, no one has ever survived through them.

Death Gates are known in the whole of underworld, they are cold blooded and ruthless. Some of them says they are nonexistent, some says they are the epitome of devils. Nobody ever see them before, as nobody was able to live after seeing them.

But rumors has it says that, they wore different colors of mask. The colors differentiating the ranks in Death Gates, the main ones said to be with no heart was one that wore white or black mask. But they were still not the boss of Death Gates, nobody knew who is in control of such a deadly group.

People believed that the group did not have a leader, they were created to kill. They thinks that people who hates the world would join the group to seek justice and peace. With all the rumors, in the end they were no conclusions.
