Chapter 85: Don't leave me!

November 21, 20XX (Thursday)

Various Places

Song Yu hurriedly ran as fast as she could to find Gu Chen, he ran down the flights of steps and put of the door. "Gu Chen Han!" she shouted as she saw Gu Chen getting into his car.

Without waiting for Song Yu to come to him, Gu Chen slammed the car door and drove off. Song Yu felt like a very important thing had left her, she could see that Gu Chen was serious. She felt frightened at the thought of him leaving her.

"Don't leave me!" Song Yu said in a terrified tone.

She ran out of the door without wearing a shoe as she got onto her motorcycle, she dashed off after she hopped onto it. She dashed through all the red lights, not caring about anything else. Her brain was only thinking about finding Gu Chen.

Song Yu needed to find him, or he would leave her. She knew, her being stubborn and spiteful had lead to Gu Chen being disappointed and angered again and again.


At 6 pm, in Gu's Corp.

The whole employees in the building were having a difficult time in the company, in the afternoon when Gu Chen came into the company. He had an extremely cold look on his face, never of the people in the company had seen it before.

When Gu Chen came in the company, he saw some of the employees standing at reception area talking to the female receptionist there. Usually he would leave it to Ye XUn to handle all the trivial matters but that day he had actually flared up at them.

"Get the f*ck out of my company if you do not want to focus on your job!" The elegant, indifferent, high and mighty President Gu had actually said a vulgarity and also shouted at someone. Nobody had ever seen Gu Chen lost his cool before, but that day made everyone eyes wide opened.

Making the whole staff in the company to be extra alert, everyone hurriedly did what they were supposed to do. They did more than they usually do, as they did not wished to get fired.

Ye Xun had been having a headache the whole day, having to put up with Gu Chen's temper. Whenever he was angry, Ye Xun would be the one to suffer. As he was the secretary of Gu Chen, it was his job to tend to every of his needs and to be ready for all the hard times he was going to give him when he was in a bad mood.

He knew Gu Chen rarely gets angry, as only few people could anger him. Actually it was only the she-devil Song Yu Yue could anger him, it was only her that could make the always calmed and composed Gu Chen to lose control of his emotions and flare up at others.

As normally if Gu Chen were to get angry, he would be able to control his temper and not lash out at others.

It the top floor, Gu Chen was busying himself with all the papers on his desk. He had asked Ye Xun to to give him some other documents that needed to be done tomorrow to him, once he entered his office earlier in the day. Ye Xun complied and gave Gu Chen what he had asked for.


Gu Chen was typing in an inhumane speed on his keyboard, when he suddenly slammed the computer on the ground. 'Damn woman!' Gu Chen thought to himself.

Gu Chen regretted his actions when he lost his emotions and just said that he would let Song Yu be, and that he would not care for her anymore. He was too worked up by what he heard, when Song Yu said that he meant nothing to her.

He did not know why, but he felt extremely hurt when he heard what Song Yu said. He had gave his all to her, been caring and tolerant towards her. But she in the other hand did not see it, she had been testing his patience again and again.

Gu Chen was angered by the thought when he had put so much effort in her and all he got was 'You meant nothing to me!'. He was afterall a man, he had his pride. His feelings had been trampled by Song Yu again and again, a normal human would have already reached his limits. Not to say Gu Chen had been putting up with it for a long time.

He knew that Song Yu was not any ordinary woman, especially not when she was the boss of the big corporation Z.D.Y Corp and also the underworld boss. He knew that she was a dangerous woman, and knew she had been used being i control.

But he had stepped into her life, Gu Chen wants to be together with her through thick and thin. He wants her to be her true self when with him and not bottle up everything in her heart, he wants to spoil her of what she wants.

If she wants to kill, he would helped her. He would give her anything she wants, in return he only wants her to stay with him. Be safe and not get hurt, but what Gu Chen see was her being injured again and again. Song Yu did not care about her body, she had been deciding on things by herself and not telling him about any of him.

If she were to be going somewhere, he hoped she could at least give him a heads up and not do whatever she wants. He does not know where she goes or what is her planned for the day, making Gu Chen feel extremely disappointed to the point where he felt that he felt tired and wants to take a break.

But he could not, he loved her truly. People feared him, be it in the business world or the underworld. Nobody dared to go against him, unlike Song Yu. He had also been used to be in control of things, commanding people and wanting people listen to him.

But ever since Song Yu came into his life, she had been defiant against him. She was one hell of a feisty woman, going against him again and again. But he turned a blind eye for every things she had done. As he loved her and would give her anything.

Gu Chen took out his specs that was hanging lowly at the bridge of his nose, and slammed it on the desk. Ever since he left her at the mansion earlier, he had been waiting for her to give him a call. But never once had she called him, not even a text was received.

Gu Chen could not focused on his work even if he wants to, all his mind was Song Yu. He wants to go and find her but his ego did not allow him to, Gu Chen frustratedly walked towards the floor to ceiling window and fetch out a cigarette in his pocket.

He does not like smoking, whenever he smoke it was just to seek relaxation. Gu Chen light up the cigarette, he puff out some smoke while thinking deeply. "Why are you so stubborn!" he murmured.

"Thud...Thud.." Few knocks was heard in the cold and silent office, disturbing Gu Chen's train of thoughts. Gu Chen walked towards the coffee table in front of his desk and extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray.

"Come in." Gu Chen instructed before he went back to his desk.

Ye Xun entered the office, he walked towards Gu Chen and stood in front of him. He had on a troubled looked, "President Gu."

Gu Chen sat on his swivel chair and looked up at Ye Xun, seeing him not wanting to speak further. He frowned and said, "Speak!"

Ye Xun cleared his throat and continued, "Chairman Song and President Song came and said they needed to speak to you."

Gu Chen eyes darkened after hearing what Ye Xun said, but after a few seconds. Gu Chen gave an evil smile that gives chills down Ye Xun spine, making him shuddered in fear. "Let them in."