Chapter 92: Giving opportunities

November 30, 20XX (Saturday)

Z.D.Y Corp

It was already evening when Song Yu reached the company, she calmly got into the company and went to the private elevator and scan her key card. As it was in the evening, some of the employees were getting off work.

When they saw the casually dressed lady walking leisurely into the company, care less about how the others looked her. They could not stop themselves to speculate who was she, she wore a simple cashmere trench coat with a simple lay all day with you white blouse pair with a black pleated pants and brown louboutin.

When she walked pass the employees, everyone could feel the chilling aura coming from her. She had an expressionless yet sharp looked, one looked and one could tell she was someone of high authority.

After reaching the highest floor, she got went straight into the second conference room. Which is at the corner of the highest floor, the moment she arrived. Tang Ai had already been waiting for her, upon seeing her. She respectfully bowed and greeted Song Yu, "President Song, K. King Entertainment's CEO is currently waiting for you in the second conference room."

Song Yu did not looked at Tang Ai, while she was walking she ignored her and continue walking straight to the second conference room. Not bothering to reply nor looked at her, leaving Tang Ai extremely anxious and afraid.

As she knew better than anyone, when Song Yu is giving you the silent treatment means she is either thinking about something or purposely ignoring you. Which only meant she was angry at her, making her anxiety worsen.


Upon entering the conference room, There was an early 30s man sitting on the opposite side of the table, he had on an impatient and anxious looked. He was quite plump for a middle 30s man, after the man saw Song Yu entering the room.

He quickly stood up and greeted her, before Song Yu even stepped into the room. "President Song, thanks for coming." though he older than Song Yu. But he knew she was much more powerful than him, which made him needed to greet her.

Song Yu scoffed upon hearing what the man said, "Certainly, President He." she signaled president He to sit down after he sat down.

After everyone sat down, President He said "President Song, this is the new proposals after you declined the old ones. We had corrected the proposal after the flaws you pointed out." He said as his secretary passed the proposal for Song Yu to read.

Song Yu took the proposal and glimpse through it seriously, when it came to work. Song Yu had always been a serious person, she does not take sides nor mixed personal feelings. Even if K. King Entertainment was close to the Song's and Wan Qi was also under them.

She did not bother about it, as long as it is up to standard and able to earn profits for the company. There was no need to dwell on the small matters, to her profits comes before personal feelings. After a good few minutes of flipping through the papers, Song Yu put down the proposal without much expression on her face.

Making President He anxious, he was afraid of Song Yu declining the proposal. As K. King Entertainment really needed to collaborate with Z.D.Y Corp to succeed, other company may not be as profitable as Z.D.Y Corp.

President He waited for five minutes for Song Yu to say something, but after a long while she still did not utter a single word. He got impatient and asked in a polite tone, "President Song, how do you think about the proposal." he knew that this time round the proposal was better than the last one but he was afraid there was still some flaw.

A small part of him felt that even if his proposal could not pass, Song Yu would still give him a chance as he knew that the actress name Wan Qi was Song Yu's sister. Hence, he was actually quite confident that the proposal would eventually pass.

The collaboration would just be a matter of time, but soon his imagination would slapped him hard on his face. Song Yu smirk, "What do you think about this proposal yourself?" she asked back the same question, wanting to see what the clown of the old man would say.

President He faced darken, he did not think she would ask him back the same question he asked her. He initially thought that the proposal was a pass, but now that Song Yu asked he got a little anxious. He did not really looked into the proposal as he left it to his team to changed and improvise the proposal.

"I think it is passable" President He said in a confident tone.

Song Yu scoffed hearing what he said, does he think that her company was a joke to take passable proposal. "I really do think that the boss of K. King Entertainment should change." Song Yu paused and looked at the green faced President He.

She continue after seeing his expression and felt satisfied with it, "Maybe, your brother...He Jin De would be a better candidate. Since all of the work is done by him, just that the legitimate son of He Bei is destined to be the successor of K. King Entertainment.

I should really go and visit Chairman He and talk to him about the current president of K.King Entertainment." Song Yu said in a disgusted tone, she felt irked by the thought that she even personally wants to work with K. King Entertainment for her plan to work.

Now that she saw how useless of a boss of K. King Entertainment, she decided to halt her plan. Though she needed to seek revenge, but she did not want to get a worthless company to be linked to her's.

After hearing what Song Yu said, He Jin Ze which is the current president of K. King Entertainment felt insulted. He was angry but afraid at the same time, he was worried later Song Yu would really let his brother take over him.

It would such a disgrace and a slapped to his face, "President Song, the brother of mine is not up for it. The rumors you heard are most likely lies you heard from someone, believe me there are no such rumors. I am surely capable to be in charge of K. King Entertainment." he hurriedly explained to Song Yu.

Song Yu raised an eyebrow, "Really?....but I love giving opportunities to talented people, so if you are not up for it...I think your brother would be." She refuted.

He Jin Ze stood up in anger, he was furious as a woman actually dared threatened him. 'So what if she was a boss of a big company, she was after a woman.' He thought. "What right do you have to say that?" he asked.

Song Yu drank a sip of the chamomile tea on the coffee table before placing down the cup, she gave

He Jin Ze a condescending look, "First, You have not even looked through the proposal before talking to me, this is an act of unprofessionalism.

Secondly, the crappy design. Have you get into your head what type of clothing you are doing?, it is winter clothing. Looked at the fabric you are using, these can't even a hold a negative 10 degree temperature.

Thirdly, your design are neither able to keep warm nor is it fashionable. Look at the proposal you shown me, have you done a through market research and tell me about what are the exact trends of winter clothing in all the asian and european countries?

Fourthly, if the clothing is made for winter clothing does it really stays at that?....can it be wore for autumn?. For winter clothing does not mean to only cater to one season, of you only have the brain for one thing and cannot improvise then you must as well not come and see me!" Song Yu fumed, she could not take people who takes work lightly, especially those whose work are totally out.

The four points are the most basic common sense they should have, but she could not imagine how brainless could they be. She felt that K. King Entertainment designs were not bad, it was trendy for the asian country but they did not think of the european countries.

They only went to cater for a part of the country and not all, the proposal was just like a single line route. There were no alternatives, no imaginative designs. If they were to cater to one design it was fine, but the design must be exceptional.

K. King Entertainment only go by following the trend, but they forgot the crucial point. Customer does not only blindly go by the trend, they would also look at the brand. That was the most crucial flaw of the proposal, the company actually forgotten about brand as their company just stepped into the fashion industry.

They do not have the footing yet, and yet they blindly follow the trend without doing further market research. If it was a new company who just started they should focused on creating exceptional designs that are above all, by starting a new trend. But the company only blindly follow.

Song Yu knew it was the work of He Jin De seeking her help, as she did an investigation of the K. King Entertainment and found out all the work was done by He Jin Ze brother, He Jin De. Due to him not being the legitimate son, he was not able to take over the president of K. King Entertainment.

Hence, He Jin Ze the current president of K. King Entertainment took over. Since he was the legitimate son of He Bei, making him above He Jin De. She could guessed that He Jin De purposely made a very bad proposal for He Jin Ze to step into the trap.

He was using her to over throne his brother, this made Song Yu really intrigued to find out who was this He Jin De. She remember there is a banquet held next weekend, the He family would be hosting the banquet for their beloved He Man. The princess of the He's, and they invited her to attend to banquet which she still have not decline.

Upon thinking about it, she felt it would be fun to attend the banquet and see what is He Jin De up to. Song Yu felt that she shall play along, hence she badly ridiculed He Jin Ze.