Chapter 98: Whose fault was that?

November 30, 20XX (Saturday) - December 1, 20XX (Sunday)

Qi Manor, Crystal Mansion

Gu Chen gaze darkened hearing what the woman say, he groped he bottom in a slight force. Making Song Yu involuntarily moaned from the sudden pressure on her bottom, "Stop!" she admit defeat, she could not take it.

"Have you known your mistake?" Gu Chen said in an angry and hoarse tone.

Song Yu's body collapsed onto Gu Chen as she pulled herself towards the man, since she could not get out of the man's gripped she gave up. She find herself a good position and rested her head on his shoulders and face against the crook to his neck.

"I should not have said such words to you and keep going against you.." She said against his neck.

"Who am I to you?" he asked amused by how she became more docile.

"...." Song Yu did not want to say, she remained silent. As she was still angered by him hitting, pinching, groping and fondling her.

!!!.... Song Yu made a loud moaned as a finger went into her, she breath in sharply. Song Yu hurriedly shouted, "My man!"

!!!...The pervertic Gu Chen moved his finger in her womanly hood, further forcing Song Yu to say out the words he wants to hear. "MY HUSBAND, MY MAN, MY BOYFRIEND, MY SWEETHEART, MY LOVE...MY DARLING, MY EVERYTHING!!!" Song Yu shouted at the topped of her lungs.

Her pride had long been thrown out of the window, whatever left was her erratic mind. She felt unusually hot and wet down there, she did not know why. When the man continue to move his hand, she felt electric shock through her body.

She frantically pulled back and placed her hands on his chest before saying in a pleading tone, "Gu Chen Han, Hubby please stop."

Gu Chen gave a quick peck on her lips before leaning closer to her and whispered into her ear, "So are you ever going to say I meant nothing to you, controlling and pervertic man?" he asked.

"No, never. My Chen Han meant a lot to me, he is not a controlling and pervertic man!" she hurriedly replied as she could still feel his finger in her, seemingly going deeper into her.

"Hm, what should you say to me?"

"Sorry, Chen Han I am sorry." She whined as she pouted like a kid being chided by their parents.

Gu Chen smiled at her reply, "And?"

Song Yu thought for a moment and said in a whisper, "And...I love you"

Gu Chen grinned widened, "And I am wrong to be too controlling and also hit you, I'll be less controlling in the future. Are you able to forgive me?" He asked as he suddenly thrust his finger deeper into her.

"Ah!" Song Yu moaned, she pant as she said in an exhausted tone "Yes, Yes...I forgive you!"

After she said that, Gu Chen gave a fiery kissed. He forcefully smack his lips with hers, pulling and biting on her kissable lips. He kissed her as though wanting to devour he whole, he thrust his tongue into her sweet mouth.

Song Yu's mind had already become blank then, all rationality was gone. It was only left with lust, the few days they did not see, touched nor feel each other. Now that they were so intimate, it ignited their longing for each other.

Gu Chen had already unzipped his pants and without warning thrust into her, in a lightning speed. Fast and forceful, giving Song Yu electric waves. Song Yu moaned loudly and reach her climax, "Gu Chen Han!"

Song Yu's body gave up on her as she collapsed while straddling Gu Chen, the man did not stop. He continued to thurst into her while kissing her, he grasped her firmed plump bottom and thrusted harder into her.

One hand pinching her breast and the other on her bottom, both fondling while kissing her. He ravished her whole, he placed open mouth kisses from her lips, cheeks, chin, neck and continue all the way down.

He started biting and sucking on Song Yu's fair skin, leaving glaring red marks on her skin. He went down further and sucked on her right breast and use his left hand to pinched her left nipple. Giving Song Yu yet another pleasure, she shouted his name loudly not caring whether they were doing it in the car.


At Crystal Mansion,

It was 5 am in the morning, two bodies were entangled with each other. Gu Chen continued to pounced one Song Yu, moving up and down., thursting harder each time. There were used condoms all around the bed and floor, tattered clothes were all around the floor.

Blanket had slide off the bed, pillows spoiled. As the cotton was all around the place, sounds of moaning and groaning could be heard. Gu Chen's back was full of scratches, his neck to his lower abdomen were all kiss marks.

Song Yu's body were full of red glaring kissed marks and bruises, her chin, neck, shoulders, collar bone, breast, tummy, lower abdomen all the way down were all tasted by the uncontrolled man. Song Yu felt her body tearing apart, she had been shouting and begging the man to stopped in the car, but it did not happen.

From the car to the living room, floor, couch, kitchen, stairs and all the way to the room. No other places in the mansion they did not done it, Gu Chen went into her numerous times until she felt her womanly hood went numb, her body became jelly.

All night till 5 am in the morning, the man was still energetic and full of vigor. "Chen Han, please let me rest."

All night long they did not have a break, Song Yu would fall asleep and the man would still ravished her when she was asleep. She would wake up and around of moaning and shouting would be heard, she could not sleep when a certain beast were unleashed.

Gu Chen did not listened to her bidding, he flipped her over. back facing him, he kissed her back, licked, bite and suck on her smooth fair back. Making Song Yu feel a different type of pleasure, "Please, Ah!"

"Baby, I want more.." Gu Chen said distractedly.

He kissed her and thrusted into her from the back, deeper, faster and harder with each thrust. He would pull out before hurriedly thrust into her again and again. Gu Chen did not know how many times did he reached his climax but all he knew was he could not get enough of her.

"Chen Han, Please. I beg you, we'll do it later. Kay?" She begged, eagerly wanting the beast to stop.

Gu Chen kissed her lips before saying, "One more time, hmm?" he coaxed her into another round of pleasure. All along he had been looking at her enchantress face, they way she moaned and winced in pain.

"You had been saying that..just let me sleep for a while. I promise, while do it later. Kay?" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

"hmm.." Gu Chen answered before pulling her in and kiss her all over. Song Yu glared at the beast, she clenched her mouth tight not allowing the man to kiss her. Gu Chen tried to pried open her mouth but to no avail, he finally look at her and said, "Yu Yue, open your mouth."

Song Yu wriggled her hand which was grasped by Gu Chen behind her back, she free her hand and covered Gu Chen's mouth. "Chen, please....look at the time. It is already 5 am in the morning, we had been doing all night long.." Song Yu pleaded.

Gu Chen looked at the timing and it was indeed 5 am, he was slightly shocked. As he felt they were only just getting started and it was already 5 am, "We are just getting started" He said moving his hands upwards and groped her breast.

!!!..."We had already done it don't know god knows how long, Chen. There is plenty of time, let's do it later. Let me rest, kay?"

Gu Chen finally calmed down, as he scrutinized her body. Red glaring marks and bruises, he scold himself for not holding back. He touched those red kissed marks and bruises, after hearing her winced in pain he looked up at her.


"It's not's there...hurts" Song Yu said in a shy tone, she did not want the man to blame himself.

Gu Chen looked at Song Yu in confusion, not getting what she meant. Song Yu sighed at his low EQ, "My down there hurts you silly." she teased.

Gu Chen was about to use his hand and check on her womanly hood when Song Yu hurriedly grabbed his hand. "What are you doing!" she shouted.

Gu Chen smiled at her shy attitude, "Checking of course." he swat her hand away and touched her below, "Hissed" Song Yu winced in pain.

"Sorry.." Gu Chen felt apologetic.

"Its not your fault, just don't move!" She hurriedly said.

Gu Chen nodded, he was about to pull his shaft out when Song Yu hurriedly shouted "Don't...stay in there." if he were to pull out, Song Yu would feel even more pain. They had done it numerous time that day, but she can't seem to get use to his size. She felt he keeps getting bigger down there, which scares her.

Gu Chen chuckled, "You will get used to it." he teased as he gently pulled towards him, Song Yu could feel his firmed chest behind her. "Hmph!" Song Yu angrily swat the man's hand which is on her right blossom, not allowing him to touch her.

Gu Chen chuckled, Song Yu felt her heart warmed up by hearing his laughter. "Yu Yue, does it still hurts?" he asked as he caressed her bottom.

"Whose fault was that?" Song Yu said in an aggrieved tone.