Chapter 105: How are you and..

December 2, 20XX (Monday)

Various Places

"Mr Shen, please do not make things difficult for us!" Few of the guards outside of Sunshine Mall, tried to stopped Shen Wen from creating a ruckus.

Shen Wen had brought many people along with him, he was dressed in a maroon colored 2 piece suit. Looking dashing and confident, he had his fringe combed back. Showing his young and handsome face, "I already said, get me your general manager here!"

Shen Wen had tried to get into the Mall and to the general manager office, but was stopped by the guards before they could even get in. He had wanted to talked about taking over Sunshine Mall, as Shen Corp was finding a mall in City H.

They found out that Sunshine Mall was a very good location and had wanted to get the mall over. But later on found out that it was actually brought over by an unknown person, which made him frustrated.


A black car was parked not far away from the ruckus outside of the mall, "Lin. you known what to do already?" Song Yu asked in an excited tone.

"You bet!" Qiao Lin replied in an equally excited tone.

"Once the plan succeeded, I will be able to get my hands on the Wane restaurant. Since the restaurant is under the Shen's, I have no choice but to get it from them through some means.." Song Yu said in an excused to cover up her devious plan.

The restaurants location is located in the places where Song Yu wanted the most, in order to get those places she needed to acquire Wane restaurant. Since the Wane restaurant is not of importance to the Shen's, Song Yu decided to get it from them.

By getting the restaurants can her big project succeeds, "But Yue, how are you going to get Shen Wen to give you the whole chain of Wane restaurants?" Qiao Lin asked in puzzlement.

"I have my means, don't worry about that.." Song Yu assured, she was a hundred percent sure that the plan was going to succeed. Unless accidents or her planned would not fail. Since she was confident in 'herself' in particular...


"Shen Wen?" A lady wearing a casual black to piece suit walked towards Shen Wen and called him.

Shen Wen who was in the middle of an argument with the general manager who just turned up, he turned and saw Song Yu. "Xiao Yu, why are you here?" he asked in a puzzled tone, he was surprised to see her there as it was in City H.

"My boss came over to City H to handle some business, so I had to follow him." Song Yu replied in a casual tone while smiling, though her eyes had already betrayed her.

While talking to Song Yu, Shen Wen had already forgotten about his plan in coming to City H. "Sir, the mall.." Shen Wen's secretary reminded him.

Upon remembering his planned in coming to City H, he said to Song Yu, "Xiao Yu, I have something to deal with, let me take you out for dinner after I am done with the things here." He informed before giving his attention back to the general manager.

Though he did not know why was Song Yu all of a sudden so warm towards him, but he did not care. He just needed Song Yu to not be so cold towards him, and he will be fine even if it was fake. "Mr Shen, this mall had been acquired by Z.D.Y Corp. There is nothing you can do about anymore" Jerald An said to Shen Wen in a slightly irritated tone.

As something light up inside Shen Wen, he quickly turned and looked at Song Yu. "Xiao Yu, you are working as a secretary for Mr Daemon the president of Z.D.Y Corp right?" he asked, hoping that Song Yu could helped him.

"Why do you asked that?" Song Yu asked, puzzled or so...

"Our Shen Corp is willing to negotiate the price to buying your new acquired Sunshine Mall." Shen Wen said in a confident tone.

"Oh, the mall. We also did not know what to do with the mall." Song Yu muttered to herself.

Shen Wen who was standing beside Song Yu heard what she said, his eyes sparkled wickedly. "Can you call your boss and asked him?" he asked.

"Many people had been trying to buy the Sunshine Mall from us, but we have not agree to any of the deal yet." Song Yu explained, wanting to bait the fish up the hook.

"Why not look at Shen Corp proposal?" Shen Wen requested.

Song Yu secretly smirked, "Sure, but most of the proposals have to go through me before it could reached the president.." she hinted that if she did not see the proposal beforehand, then she would not pass the proposal to the 'boss'.

Shen Wen hesitated as he did not believed Song Yu's capabilities, but he was partly happy that she was going to look through the proposal first as he thought Song Yu would helped him. "Let's head to somewhere else and looked through the proposal?" he suggested.

Song Yu did not reply but nodded, she walked towards her car. Prompting Shen Wen to follow her.


"These are the requirements we wanted, and since you could fulfill all of that. Then there are no problems selling the Mall to Shen Corp..." Song Yu placed down the document and said impassively.

Shen Wen was elated upon hearing Song Yu's consent, though the requirements proposed by Z.D.Y Corp was a little rip off but he did not bother about that. He felt that somethings needs to be sacrificed for the future success.

Song Yu had brought Shen Wen to a branch company of Z.D.Y Corp, she had told him about the requirements needed. She had bet on Shen Wen that he would agree to anything as long as it was not too unreasonable.

As she knew Shen Corp really needed the Sunshine Mall, though she could already guessed what was it for. Since she knew that the Mall was very important to them and she needed somethings from Shen Corp.

"Sign here, I have asked my secretary to changed the contract into a new format. Once you signed, the Sunshine Mall would be yours." Song Yu urged Shen Wen to signed the contract.

"Let me looked through the contract first before I signed." Shen Wen informed before thoroughly looking through it.

"How are you and Cousin Hui?"