Chapter 109: He will

December 2, 20XX (Monday)

London - Emperor Corp Main Headquarters, City H - Jade Restaurant

Gu Chen had been very busy lately in London, he had to attend numerous meetings as his new game S-reek was coming out soon. He needed to prepare everything and made sure nothing went wrong.

There was two big project coming up, not only S-reek but also another big project that are still undergoing. Making Gu Chen extra busy, he was sitting in front of his big black desk looking through his documents.

The specs was sliding down his nose bridge, looking more attractive. He had his tie loosen, hair ruffled. Seemingly had not taken a nap yet, "Boss, we have check different locations and the proposal you are holding is the most passable one." Ye Xun informed Gu Chen.

Gu Chen did not reply Ye Xun, he had his eyes concentrated on the document. Not bothering about the others, after flipping through various places. He placed the documents down and look at Ye Xun, "Find another one, if this is the work you are going to show me then you don't have to show up in front of me anymore." he said in a angered tone, when he saw the document. The land chosen was good, but its context was not what Gu Chen was finding for.

He needed a land where it is quiet and also had a big sea view, not just that. The resort he was going to build would be a new and original one, created by he himself. He needed to find a land that fits the idea of the perfect proposal.

Seeing the serious Gu Chen, Ye Xun did not try to say anything. He nodded his head and left after reminding him that he has a video call with the with the programmer for the S-reek.


On the way to Jades restaurant, Song Yu sat at the back of the car. Looking at the data Tang Ai sent her, it was about He Jing De. She was silently reading the data when Tang Ai reported, "Boss, I have received 5 missed calls from President Gu."

Song Yu who was absorbed in the data, she suddenly looked up at Tang Ai as though remembering something. She had totally forgotten to call Gu Chen as the moment she reach City H, she had to visit Sunshine Mall. She had been too busy until she forgotten to call the man.

Whenever Song Yu was working, she did not like to have her phone with her. She would normally leave it with Tang Ai or Jack to take care of it, hence when Gu Chen called. She was not able to answer, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" she reprimanded as she stretched out her hand to get her phone from Tang Ai.

Tang Ai gave a helpless laughed, "I did wanted to tell you, but you did not have the time to listen to me. I tried to tell you yesterday, but you interrupted me by asking about the meeting with digital tech.." Tang Ai said in an aggrieved tone.

"Have you both forgotten my existence, seeing the conversation between Tang Ai and Song Yu made her fume. She had been silently sitting beside Song Yu, looking at the date she was holding. Not long after Tang Ai and Song Yu started quarreling making her annoyed, she felt as though nobody noticed her.

Both Tang Ai and Song Yu laughed, not knowing how to console Qiao Lin. "Of course we know you are here..." Song Yu deadpanned.

"Anyway why are we going to the Jades restaurant?" She asked.

"For a business dinner" Song Yu replied.

She did not intend to attend the dinner before, but after the meeting with He Jin Ze. She decided to go, having a planned in her mind. Song Yu decided to take action, and have some fun. Before she did anything, she needed to call a certain 'wifey'.

Song Yu dialed a stringed of numbers and waited for Gu Chen to answer the call, with first ring before Song Yu could react the call was connected. "Ar...Are you busy?" She asked.

"No" Replied a cold tone from Gu Chen, the people present in the video call all had a stunned expression. They were currently discussing about parts of the game when suddenly Gu Chen's phoen rang. Before the second ring, Gu Chen had answered the call with a lightning speed.

Hearing what he said, made Song Yu sighed in relieve. "Sorry, I forgotten to call you. There was a lot of things to handle, which is why I..."

"Yu Yue, it's fine. I expect this would not happen again, hmm?" Gu Chen asked wanting assurance from Song Yu.

"Promise.." She replied in a blushing tone.

"Have you eaten?...Are you trying to tire yourself out again?" Gu Chen asked in a worried tone.

Song Yu smiled at the caring tone from the man, "Chen, I am fine. Don't worry, kay?"

"Hmm, be a good girl and eat well. I will do a full body check up on you when you comeback, If i find you losing weight I am going to punish you." Gu Chen warned.

"Hmph!" Song Yu hang up on Gu Chen after, not wanting to listen to his perverted words.


Qiao Lin who had been sitting beside song Yu did not talk throughout the car ride, she had on a solemn look. One look and Song Yu knew that Qiao Lin was unhappy, as whenever she was not happy. She would always stayed quiet, making it obvious that she is unhappy.

Unable to ignore the gloomy Qiao Lin, Song Yu reluctantly placed down her documents and pay attention to her. "What's wrong?" She asked not knowing what happened to her, she got some idea of what made her bestie unhappy but did not want to too much.

"Dad wants me to go back to Country Z, he insist on me marrying to Ou Yun Fan." Qiao Lin said in a disappointed tone.

Hearing what Qiao Lin said, Song Yu finally remembered that she forgotten to settle Qiao Lin's case. She had been too busy to forget about helping her, "I will tell jack to find out the reason behind this arranged marriage and help you cancel off this arrange marriage." she assured Qiao Lin.

Hearing this, Qiao Lin mood got lifted up but she still was not happy yet. As she knew Qiao Feng would surely pulled her back to Country Z to get married to Ou Yun Fan in Country Y, "But Feng ge would...."

"I'll tell Gu Chen to handle your brother, I'm sure he will be able to handle it." Song Yu said in a proud and confident tone.

"Really?....will President Gu help me?" Qiao Lin asked in anticipation.

"He will" Song Yu declared.