Chapter 115: Nightmare

December 4, 20XX (Wednesday)

Various Places

"What actually happened to Yue?" Qiao Lin who was sitting on the sofa asked Tang Ai who was sitting beside her.

Tang Ai did not have much of an expression when she heard what Qiao Lin asked her, she did not how to reply nor did she know where to start. Everything was to complicated, there was no starting or ending.

Everything begin in a blurry state, before Song Yu left the country. There was no such situation, everything was simple and normal. But after Song Yu returned from the country, everything starts to changed.

Song Yu changed, her cheerful self was gone. Her eyes when she looked at her was as cold as an ice, it look like it can pierced through ones soul. Tang Ai starts to fear Song, since the day she returned. As she felt that the friend and boss she once knew was gone, hence she started to feel that something was amiss.

Throughout the years when she was gone, something must have happened. For a kind and cheerful girl to changed into a ruthless and aloof woman. Tang Ai did not dare to asked what happened throughout the years, she just silently followed Song Yu.

Hence, she did not know where to begin nor did she know how to actually say it. She did not have the rights nor understanding of the situation. Though Tang Ai felt hurt that she did not know anything about Song Yu.

But there was nothing she could do, she could only hope that she can always stay beside Song Yu. She was the one that saved her out of her sorrow, ever since the day she got out of the cage of her nightmare. She had swore to always regardless of what situation, she would never leave Song Yu.

Thinking about all this, she stood up and walked towards Song Yu. Helping her pull the blanket up, to prevent Song Yu from catching a cold. "Many things happened, I do not know where to start. The only thing i can do is to trust and stay by her. So if there is anything you need to know, it is best for Song Yu to tell you herself." Tang Ai explained before leaving the room the get some water for Song Yu.

Qiao Lin who was left behind could only quietly sit on the couch and stare at her bestfriend, she felt a sudden urge to get even stronger and better. So that she could protect Song Yu who is her bestfriend, soul mate, sister.

She took out her phone and called, "Daddy!.." she called out.

Qiao Ji feng who was on the other line, shook his head as hearing the tone of her beloved daughter. He knew she was up to no good again, "My little child, what are you up to again?"

"I take up your offer!" Qiao Lin said in a determine and confident tone.

Qiao Ji Feng was stunned by what Qiao Lin said, he smiled. He got a proud father looked on his face, 'She's finally growing!' he thought to himself. "Are you....Du...Du...Du" Before Qiao Ji Feng could continue, he heard the sound of call ending.

Sighing at his impatient daughter..


Crescent View,

It was 6 in the evening, the sun had started setting. The sky was getting darker, inside the room of Song Yu's. It was pitch dark, the only source of light was the sun. Gu Chen who had just cameback, he slowly walked into the room with light footsteps.

He was afraid of waking Song Yu who was lying on the bed and Qiao Lin who was on the couch sleeping. He placed the porridge he bought on the small table next to the bed, all along from the door to the small table he did not looked at the woman lying on the bed.

He was too focused on how to not make any sound, that he did not noticed that the woman had been long awake. When he finally turned and looked at Song Yu, he was shocked that she was finally awake.

When he saw the dried tears on her small face, Gu Chen felt heartbroken, he smile gently as he stretched his hand out to caressed her little face. "Had a nightmare?" he asked in a tender tone.

Feeling the warm touched of the man she loved, Song Yu nodded her head and reached out her hand to hugged the man. She snuggled closely against the crook of his neck as she inhaled his masculine scent.

Smelling the familiar scent made her feel relieved and secured, she did not say a word as she continued to nuzzled her face against his neck. Seeing the child like Song Yu, Gu Chen knew that she was feeling down.

Whenever she feel down, she would do the same thing to him. Hugging him tightly not wanting to let go, he did not dislike how she was acting. In fact he liked it very much, he smile and kissed the top of her head.

With one hand behind her back, Gu Chen lift her up from the bed. Song Yu comfortably hook her legs around his strong waist as she hugged him even tightly, just like a kaola. Gu Chen carried her and walked around the room, as though carrying a baby.

Pacifying her, letting her feel more comfortable ad secure. All along, he had been caressing her back, saying "Everything is going to be alright" to her.

After a good half an hour, Gu Chen finally placed her on his lap as he sat down on the bed. "My love, are you feeling better, hmm?" he asked in a soft tone.

Song Yu pulled back from Gu Chen and plant a kiss on his sexy lips, "En" she replied before continuing hugging him.

"I bought porridge for you, eat first." Gu Chen instructed, he reached out and get the container which contained the porridge out from the plastic. Song Yu shook her head, "I want to eat dumpling!" She whined.

"My love, you are still recovering." Gu Chen reminded her.

"Can I have cake then?" She tried to negotiate.

Gu Chen laughed at her childish act, he gently touched her small nose and said "Woman, do you want to tell me what happened first or do you want to eat first, Hmm?"

Song Yu made a 'Hmph!' before obediently snatching the porridge from Gu Chen and started taking small bites.