Chapter 130: I will be by you

December 8, 20XX (Tuesday)

Various Places

In Z.D.Y Corp,

Inside of Song Yu office, Damon was sitting on the sofa reporting some reports to Song Yu. "You have not been handling the business there in france, it seems like you are trying to hide away from somethings?" Damon questioned her in a angered tone.

Song Yu remained indifferent, she remained silent while staring straight into his eyes. "When I was away for the business in france, it was like a chaos in the company. There is internal conflicts with the senior department about the arrangement in the company and also the hesitation for all the recent business proposal being carried on." Damon paused while trying to see whether i there any expression from Song Yu.

Seeing that she was still not going to say anything, damon could only sighed to himself. "The supplier in france halted, which made our recent project to be delayed in the processed. It was because of this that I can no longer let it be, Ariela do you not get it?"

Taking a deep breathe, Song Yu finally opened her mouth and spoke in a calm and composed tone. Seemingly unfazed about the situation in France, "I get it, but there is some things that....Damon just please help me handle the issues in france for the time being. I'll make a decision soon, so till than I will need you to help me."

"I know you are hiding something, but since you do not want to say it. I will not force you to, I will give you time to settle your issues but do not forget that you are the boss of a company. You need to put your company as the first priority and not...."

Song Yu lightly smiled at Damon, before walking back to her desks and sat down to continue with her work. "Things is not as simple as it looks, it may seems that it is just an internal conflict but there may be other meaning behind it. Just like the saying, do not judge a book by its cover." after reminding Damon, she went back to signing the documents.

Damon stood on the spot not knowing what to say, he knew Song Yu had already made her own decisions and so he did not press on. Since he knew what ever he says will go into deaf ears, once Song Yu decides on something it will be very hard to change her mind.

He let a sigh before walking towards the door, before he opened the door and leaves. Damon turned back and looked at Song Yu in a concerned tone, "I know you have made a decision and for that I will not interfere with it, but remember that I will be by you if you need anything."

Hearing what Damon said, Song Yu gaze softened as she turned and gaze at him. "Thanks, Damon" she gave an ever so gentle smile towards him, making Damon blush. He hurriedly left her office, leaving Song Yu alone.


'When are you going to stop deceiving me?' Song Yu thought to herself as she leaned against her seat, thinking deeply. Her eyes had on a distant and upset look, closing her eyes she tries to calm down her bloodthirst.

It was not that she did not want to tell Damon about her plan for France, it was just that she had her own complications. She needed time, for her to make a move in france. She was waiting for the right time, more like she was hoping for something to not happen.

Thinking of all the troubles made Song Yu headache, she really do hope that she could just be a normal woman. Being born in a normal family, being in a normal relationship and doing whatever she like freely without reservations. But she knew she could not, there are responsibility for her to bare, being born in a well-known family she was doomed to not be a normal person.

'Ring~Ring~' The sound of phone ringing made Song Yu got out of her train of thoughts, she looked at the caller ID and frowned. Picking up her phone she answered, "Hello, Song Yu speaking"

"My Love, I'll come and fetch you for lunch" Gu Chen said in a loving tone.

Looking at the time now, Song Yu frowned even more. It was 11am, she had a meeting in 30 minutes time. "I can't, I have a meeting in 30 minutes"

"Push it back, you need to eat. Your gastric is not good, if anything happens to you. I'll punish you~" Gu Chen declared in a concerned yet overbearing tone.

"Whatever!" Song Yu seethed before hanging up the phone.


Gu Corp,

Grinning, Gu Chen stood in front of the floor to ceiling window in his office. "President Gu?" Ye Xun who was standing behind Gu Chen, could not helped but gulped. He had never seen his boss smiling ever so brightly, especially in front of others.

"I'll be eating lunch with Yu Yue" Gu Chen instructed before going back to his desk to do his work.

"President Gu, the Lu's wedding will be in on this saturday. They had personally send another invitation inviting you to go, should I decline or accept it?"


Ye Xun nodded before placing the piles of documents in his arms on Gu Chen's desk, before he could turned and leave. He heard Gu Chen said, "Accept it" sighing he nodded at his indecisive boss and left the office.

Gu Chen smirked evily at the thought of Lu Fan, Song Yu's ex"