Chapter 145: Do I smell?

September 25, 20XX (Saturday)

Sunshine Manor,

Sunshine Mansion where Song Yu named it, since it was a home that gave her hope and warmth. The sun shines brightly, lighting up the mansion that has many windows. But since it was in the autumn season, it was slightly windy outside.

In the living where the gigantic glass door was build, just right by the living room. Once it was open, it leads to a lounge just outside where there was shelter. Wind was blowing in, making the house slightly chilly.

Gu Chen had woke up early, to cook some nice American breakfast for Song Yu. It was just 8AM in the morning, he placed the nicely cooked scrambled eggs, egg benedict and a bowl of Song Yu's favorite mushroom soup on the dining table.

He placed a glass of milk for Song Yu, while for him he had a double shot espresso. Smiling in his masterpiece, he took out his apron. Washed his hands, making sure he was clean before going upstairs.

Halfway up the stairs he frowned, smelling the oil on his body. Afraid his beautiful wife would smell the odor from him, he quickly went down to the guest room to shower. Within a few minutes, he was out in a refreshing manner.

His jet black hair was slightly damp, as he wore a white sweatpants and navy blue V-neck shirt. Walking up the stairs, he smiled in satisfaction from smelling exactly the same as his wife.


In the dark room,

The curtains were down, blocking the sunlight from entering the room. The air-condition was also being raised to a higher temperature, since Gu Chen was afraid Song Yu would feel cold. With light footsteps he walked towards the sleeping beauty on the large black bed.

Song Yu who prefer to just wear a hoodie to sleep without wearing any bra, was slightly exposed. As her butt was out in the open, since she was curled up with the sheets being pulled away. The sleeping woman looked ever so innocent that Gu Chen wished that the time would stop.

Gently caressing her side profile, his gaze turned extremely gentle. The back of his right hand gently traced her luscious lips, before he bent down to kissed her exposed neck. "Hmm~" Song Yu whined, swatting away the hand that was on her face.

"My Love, didn't you tell me to wake you up in the morning?" Gu Chen softly chuckled at the lazy woman, unlike her usual stance. He surrendered, slowly sliding his arms under her. Before carrying her up to the bathroom, "Hmm?" Song Yu nuzzled closely against Gu Chen.

"Come on, open your mouth." Gu Chen took her toothbrush, placing a little toothpaste on it before brushing her teeth. All along Song Yu's eyes was half close, half opened. While he was brushing her teeth, her fringe would constantly cover her alluring face.

Which Gu Chen would gently pushed her hair up, so that it does not cover her eyes. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, he leaned forward at the woman who was placed on top of the basin.

"Do you need a bath?" He swatted away the hair that was blocking her face, using his right hand to caress her left cheek. "Do I smell?" Song Yu forced her eyes to open, slightly whining at the man. "Ha." Gu Chen laughed, he leaned down and smell her seductive scent. Kissing her fair neck, "I wouldn't dare say you smell, my dear."

"Mwah~" Song Yu kissed his lips, "I'll bath and meet you downstairs in a minute." She hopped down the counter, pushing the man out.


In the dining area, Song Yu and Gu Chen sat opposite each other. Both of them were wearing a matching outfit that day, both of them wore a D.Y Fashion hoodie in white. Gu Chen pair the white hoodie with a baby blue ripped jeans.

Song Yu just wore a tights beneath her hoodie, which Gu Chen said was too short and had annoyingly pair her up with a equally same colored ripped jeans. Which greatly annoyed her, but she still agreed so as to not argue.

"Where do you want to take me later?" Gu Chen asked in a curious tone, since the other night where she told him to take a three days off.

Song Yu slowly drank her soup, not looking up at him. "You'll find out later." she did not know that her simple sentence would make Gu Chen regret not wearing something more formal.

Gu Chen held onto Song Yu's left hand while occasionally caressing it, "Wait here, I have something for you." Song Yu suddenly spoke, her eyes glint in excitement as she hurriedly went to her study room.

Within a few minutes, Song Yu came down with a small intricate black box with golden lining. She placed it on the table, "I had this custom made a few years ago, but i did not have the chance to give you." She slowly explained, while opening up the box.

All along Gu Chen patiently yet adoringly stare at Song Yu, afraid all the moment would disappear. Song Yu took out the watch that was on his left wrist, before helping him put on the one she bought for him.

The watch shining brightly, like the color of a diamond. The watch looks like silver yet with different angle it will shine in a beautiful platinum color. The watch was very intricate, as though it was crafted personally.

The watch was similar to the one on Song Yu's left wrist, it seems like a couple watch. "This is from OY which means Only You~, I had them customized this for us. With this..I want to say..." She hesitated, looking down with a shy smile.

Gu Chen gently squeezed her hand, "It means, you are mine as I am yours. Darling~" she smiled brightly at Gu Chen, with the most genuine smile he had ever seen.

His mouth was left opened in shocked, he did not know what to say. "Do you not like it?" Song Yu looked disappointed at his reaction, thinking that he may not like how she was being proactive.

Gu Chen gaze faltered, he frantically scurried to Song Yu's side. Hugging her close to him, her face against his firmed chest. "You do not know how long I have waited for this moment to happen. Baby, can you hear my heartbeat." He whispered into her ear, as he continued to hugged her.

"Whatever you give me, even if it was a penny. I would still treat it as a treasure, so please give me more presents in the future." he kissed the crowned of her head.

Song Yu nuzzled close to him, listening to the strong heartbeat that beats for her. "I'm sorry I left you, I'll make up to you." What she said to him that day, she sincerely meant it.