Chapter 3 : Hit the Jackpot (1)

Tang Wei didn't have a good night sleep after reading the article that she came across. She tried to continue sleeping, but she failed. Her mind wandered wildly, thinking the worst condition that she might face.

Not until 5 a.m that she was able to drift to her slumber, yet she soon awoken by the alarm clock at 6 a.m that she had set before she went to sleep the previous night.

She forced herself to get out from her bed because she had a class to attend. She took a hot bath as she felt extremely cold. As soon as she dressed up, she immediately went to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of hot ginseng tea.

Usually she wouldn't drive to the university, but that day she planned to do a body check- up in Imperial Hospital which was the best hospital in the country.

Imperial Hospital was located in the middle of the city which was a little far from where she lived. Actually there was also a hospital near her neighbourhood, but that hospital was where her father was hospitalized. The doctors and staffs there also knew the Tang family well.

If it was only a regular check up then she wouldn't be so careful. However, this time, it was different. She didn't wish to make her father worry or let her two-faced step-mother and step-sister have a chance to plan their schemes.

Although Tang Wei had a little fame as she was part of the showbiz, no one in the university knew her because she disguised herself as a bookworm. She always put on thick and round glasses with her hair tied into two braided low pig tails. She also wore knee lenght dress with long sleeves. Moreover, she really had a good grade throughout her year as freshman until her graduating year. Therefore, no one would imagine that the Tang Wei that studied at B University was the same Tang Wei who was the young lady of Tang Group or the Tang Wei who topped the search rank the previous night.

"Xiao Wei, you are here.", Tang Wei could hear the familiar voice that was heard as she walked into building.

She turned around to find a woman in her high heels running toward her. The woman had her hair tied up into a ponytail with a little bow on top of it. Although she only wore a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans, the woman still couldn't hide her alluring body.

When the woman stood in front of her, Tang Wei only reached her shoulder as the woman wore a ten centimeters high heels.

"Why did you run so hastily?", Tang Wei asked without changing her expression.

The woman only chuckled then wrapped her arm over Tang Wei and dragged her along to their classroom.

"Xiao Xing Yi, let me go", Tang Wei protested, but the woman took her protest like a funny joke as she laughed to her heart content.

The class ended faster than usual as they had sudden quiz. It was more appropriate to say that the class ended faster only for Tang Wei. She only needed half hour to finish the quiz. As for Xiao Xing Yi, she still struggled in finishing hers when Tang Wei had handed her paper to the lecturer.

As it was still morning, the traffic was not that crowd thus Tang Wei only needed around 25 minutes to arrive Imperial Hospital. She registered herself, then followed the procedures to do check-up. The doctor then told her that as soon as the result was out, she would be contacted.

Tang Wei was just about to get into her car when her phone rang. She looked at the screen and answered it immediately when she saw the caller's ID was Long Fei while getting into the car. She connected her phone to the bluetooth earphone as she talked on the phone."Hello Fei Jie"

"Wei wei, where are you? Director He suddenly called whether you can do him a favour because the actress of the role was in an accident and they can't postpone the shooting."

Tang Wei started the car as she listened to Long Fei. Thinking that Director He had always put on good words for her to other directors, she then agreed to Director He.

"Are you still in the university ? Then I will pick you up now.", said Long Fei hastily.

Tang Wei didn't want to disclose her location as Long Fei would be suspicious as to why she would be in the city centre.

"No need. Send me the location. Fei jie, we will meet in the shooting location."

The location was not that far from Imperial Hospital so Tang Wei reached there in 15 minutes. Before she got off her car, she put off her thick round glasses, as well as her braided pig tails hair. She didn't forget to put on a little make up. When she got off her car, the assistant director immediately rushed to her and kept on thanking her.

"Don't say so, after all, we need to help each other.", Tang Wei said modestly as she walked into the changing room.

The make-up artist didn't waste any longer, she quickly did her job. When the assistant director approached her earlier, he had handed her the script so Tang Wei was reading the script as the make-up artist put on the make up on her.

The character that she would play was a young woman who tried to separate her man with his wife. The woman racked her brain so that her man would choose her over the wife that he had married for 12 years.

"Jie jie, give me a pure look.", Tang Wei raised her head to look at the mirror. She could see the make-up artist's startled face.

The make-up artist couldn't understand why Tang Wei made such a request. Didn't she know that her role was a mistress? How could she seduce a man with pure look?

"I will bear the responsibility", Tang Wei didn't like to explain to others for any choice that she made. So, to cut it short, she would just give reassurance that the person wouldn't be implicated in anything that she did.

The make-up artist nodded since Tang Wei had promised that she wouldn't get implicated if there was anything wrong.

Tang Wei then requested for a V-neck white knee-lenght cotton dress. She let her hair draped over her shoulders. Her jade skin was as white as snow. She looked so delicate that anyone who saw her would be amused and it was proved by the many pairs of eyes which locked their gazed toward her as she walked out from the changing room.

She got closer to director He who was still checking the previous takes to make sure that there weren't any mistakes. The assistant director who was sitting beside director He looked up to where Tang Wei stood.

"Xiao Wei, you are not acting as someone's first love, but a mistress. How could you..." How could you dress so pure. He couldn't finish his words as they were cut by director He. "Good, let's start"

"But..", the assistant director tried to change director He's mind but to no avail, his words were stopped mid-way. Director He, don't blame me for not warning you. He hoped that sincerely deep down in his heart.

Director He trusted Tang Wei as he knew Tang Wei always analyzed the character that she would play beforehand and she could always potray the character better than anyone. He wondered what kind of surprise that she would give.