Chapter 11 : The pearl on his hands (2)

Photographer Ming was the most perfectionist photographer in the entire nation. A lot of models wished to be photographed by him as it would mean that they were professional enough.

Professional was a thing, yet he had been getting more presumptuous to nearly disgusting. He was known as an upright man, but actually only some knew that he would make use of his reputation to bed the models that he had eyes on, and for those models that he wasn't interested in, he would make them suffer.

One of the female crew quietly gossiped "I heard that Photographer Ming was mad yesterday after knowing that it isn't Ke Ke who will be photographed."

The other pitied Tang Wei as she said "It will be like a hell for Tang Wei for sure. Actually, I do think that Tang Wei isn't bad."

"It doesn't matter whether you think she is bad or not, but photographer Ming."

Ke Ke was the first nation's supermodel who was recognized by the world. It had been photographer Ming's dream to photograph Ke Ke, but then he got notice that Tian Yi Entertainment would suddenly change the model before the day.

This project was handed to Tian Yi fully by the Han Enterprise so Tian Yi had the right to choose whichever artist who will be the model of the CF. Thus, photographer Ming couldn't say no, after all, he had to pay a very huge of his fortune to pay the contract termination.

Tang Wei and Long Fei who had overheard the female crews gossipping from the outside of the tent which was for her resting area walked into the tent with their heads held high up. The crews who saw them immediately shut their mouths and ran out of the tent.

"Huh, they only dared to gossip behind your back. Chicken will always be chicken.", Long Fei humped.

Tang Wei who was the topic of the gossip only chuckled at how Long Fei tried to help her release her anger "Don't bother them, where is the make-up artist? We need to get ready soon, after all I can't compare to Ke Ke jie."

Tang Wei waited for a very long time before the make-up artist came after Long Fei looked for her. The make-up artist looked like a minion of photographer Ming as her resentful aura radiated when she saw Tang Wei.

Then it was another thing that Tang Wei should face. She was handed a very thin white long dress made of chiffon. It was very simple, but ellegant. Upon looking the dress, Long Fei couldn't help but exploded. If they took photos indoor then this dress would be amazing, yet it was freezing cold and they asked Tang Wei to wear so thin. Were they trying to kill someone indirectly ?

Long Fei was about to call Lu Jinnian when Tang Wei stopped her. Tang Wei took the dress and immediately changed into it. The people outside who heard that she gave in smirked "Of course she will indulge, who does she think she is?"

However, they didn't know that Tang Wei deliberately indulged to make them suffer more. Lu Jinnian had promised her that he would never let her be bullied in the industry if she signed into Tian Yi. Once, he also accidentally said that she had a very big secret backer. So, letting herself suffer a little to kill all the enemies would be more than fine.

She had heard a lot of photographer Ming's misconduct which nauseated her. To someone like photographer Ming who was such a hypocritical, Tang Wei wouldn't let them off if they dared to bully her.

Now, she just wished that they would bully her to the extent that would make them buried by the commoners' spit.

'Let's start the game.', Tang Wei smirked.

Tang Wei came out after dressing up. Everyone was too amazed by the goddess in white, such a luxury view that they might not encounter another time. Even photography Ming who was in his bad mood couldn't help but stared at the goddess in front of him. However, beautiful in reality didn't mean that she was photogenic so he still underestimated Tang Wei.

"Quickly quickly, don't waste time.", Photographer Ming's shout woke everyone up.

Tang Wei walked to the pointed location. The first concept was her sitting on the top of a little iceberg so she needed to climb up. Sitting on the ice berg without any layers was really bullying, yet Tang Wei again stopped Long Fei to talk back.

Photographer Ming was amazed by how determined she was. When he saw her in the lense, he paused. She is the best model that he had ever photographed. Her clear eyes showed the arrogance yet gentle, her every move was the move of the owner of six palaces.

'She was truly a queen.', photographer Ming shocked to his own thought.

Usually, in each concept they would have a short break in the middle, but photographer Ming didn't allow Tang Wei to take a break. "We wasted too much time when you did your make-up, so we will just continue."

Photographer Ming had actually secretly praised Tang Wei, but he wouldn't admit it because he had vowed in front of the staffs the day before that he would prove that Tang Wei was nothing. Therefore, he kept on making things difficult.

He even asked Tang Wei to walk on the ice barefoot, and the one that made Long Fei couldn't hold on any longer was when he said "Now, lay on the ice. We will take the photo of the ice queen in her haven."

"Absurd! It is bullying!", Long Fei complained.

Photographer Ming laughed "Bullying? Ms Long, please explain what do you mean by bullying? How can you say that I am bullying when I am merely trying to get a good shot? After all, professional artist won't complain to such request as it was trully for the sake of good photo."

Tang Wei knew that he was trying to make things difficult and if she complained then he would use 'professional' word to threaten her. She laid down which made Long Fei screamed her name "Wei wei, are you crazy?"

Photographer Ming smirked, he thought that Tang Wei feared him "Okay, okay, quickly."

When he was about to start taking a photo, he was punched by force. He was not prepared that he fell to the gletser and he could feel the freezing ice. " Who the f*** that dare to hit me?"

Soon after he said those, he regretted to death. He saw a tall figure had taken off his brown leather jacket and draped it over Tang Wei before he picked her up. His eyes were full of murder intent. "Mr Lu, I wait for your explanation." Han Zhi Fan said coldly to Lu Jinnian who was beside him.

"I will of course seek justice for Xiao Wei.", Lu Jinnian said.

The crew who heard Lu Jinnian, the king of entertainment, called Tang Wei as Xiao Wei, they knew that they were doomed. For the invicible king to call someone with so much endearment, then she was not someone that they could offend.

However, it was like a death sentence when they heard what Han Zhi Fan said the next moment.

"I don't want justice, I want punishment for those who dare to bully my woman.", Han Zhi Fan declared.

His woman? Then, she might be Mrs Han of the Han Enterprise, the nation's biggest company which supported the nation's economy.

If they knew that Tang Wei was such a big shot, then they would never dare to make things difficult for her even if they were given a hundred guts.

Previously Tang Wei who stood facing the entire crew had seen Lu Jinnian coming forward. She also saw Han Zhi Fan as well. 'It's the time to end the game, fellow.'

She deliberately laid down on the icy floor to make things more dramatic. She knew that it was her chance to punish the almighty photographer Ming to his death.

However, she didn't expect that Han Zhi Fan would pick her up and even declared that she was his woman. 'But, when do I become his woman?' She really wanted to ask him.