Chapter 17 : Let's get married (2)

Long Fei who stayed a night at Mo Yan's mansion finally was sent back to Tang Wei's side. When Long Fei knew that Tang Wei was hospitalized in Imperial Hospital, she urged Mo Yan to send her there. However, her demand was not easy to be fulfilled since Mo Yan forced her to have her breakfast before agreeing to drive her there.

"Mr. Mo, I've never known that you are such a big liar. You clearly said in front of your subordinates that you will send me home when the sun rises." Long Fei complained in front of Mo Jiu who was standing behind Mo Yan.

Mo Yan pinched his eyebrows. "Ms Long, I am sure that I didn't say 'when the sun rises'." Long Fei crossed her arms and glared at Mo Yan. She was so worried about Tang Wei. She clearly heard from Mo Yan the previous night that Tang Wei had been discharged from the hospital in Yunnan, but a sleep after, she was infromed that Tang Wei was being hospitalized at Imperial Hospital.

Mo Yan sighed "I will send you back after breakfast. So quickly have your breakfast." Long Fei upon hearing that took the cup of milk on the table and drank it in one go. "I am done."

Mo Jiu who saw what she did silently cursed. 'Is she sick of living? How can she order big boss like that?' Mo Jiu was right since no one had ever done so to Mo Yan, even his parents had never done so. As long as he remembered, Mo Jiu had never seen someone to be so daring. However, the next moment, his eyes bulged out when he saw Mo Yan nodded helplessly toward the 'sick-of-living' woman.

"Okay, let's go.", Mo Yan smiled and turned his heels toward the front door. Then, Long Fei silently took her bag and followed him.

As soon as she arrived the Imperial Hospital, Long Fei didn't even spare any glance to the man who was sitting beside her the whole journey. She opened the car door and rushed in like a bullet. Albeit her rush, she was stuck in the receptionist since the person-in-charge wouldn't tell her which room Tang Wei was.

However, as soon as Mo Yan appeared, the receptionist stood straight and welcomed him "Mr. Mo, how can I help you?". The receptionist asked politely. Although she was only a receptionist, she knew the three musketeers in the city - Han Zhi Fan the business world king, Lu Jinnian the entertainment world king, and Mo Yan the underworld king. After all, three of them were the biggest share holders of the Imperial Hospital.

Long Fei who saw the big difference in attitude of the receptionist couldn't help but scoffed "Money is instead powerful."

Her voice was low, but the receptionist and Mo Yan could hear it clearly. The receptionist turned pale as she felt embarassed when Mo Yan smiled thinking of how vengeful she was.

Mo Yan didn't reply the receptionist instead grabbed Long Fei's wrist and pulled her to the private elevator which could only be used by the VVIP.

The ding sound meant that they had arrived on the supposed floor. Long Fei didn't wait for Mo Yan and ran out of the elevator, but then she stopped when she realized she didn't know which way she should go.

"Turn right.", Mo Yan instructed when he saw her stopped mid-way. Long Fei did as he instructed.

As soon as Long Fei came into the room and saw Tang Wei was laying on the bed, her face immediately turned pale. She looked at the only man in the room and asked "Mr. Han, what's wrong with Wei Wei?"

Han Zhi Fan who was working with his laptop looked at her and truthfully answered "She needs to do surgery."

"Surgery? I will kill that bastard.", Long Fei was about to turn around and found photographer Ming who was in account of making Tang Wei in this state when she heard another bigger news "Not like what you think, she needs to do stem-cell transplantation."

She turned back to face Han Zhi Fan "What do you mean?"

"She suffers blood cancer", Han Zhi Fan announced.

Long Fei initial pale face turned paler as she heard 'blood cancer'. 'How can that be?' Long Fei kept on repeating that question over and over again in her mind, but she couldn't find the answer.

She froze for a few moments before she was brought back to the reality by a gentle voice "Fei Jie, you've come." Tang Wei slowly moved to sitting position when she saw Long Fei. She was not in her deep sleep as she just fell asleep not long ago so she subtly heard the commotion and then she was awoken by it.

Long Fei walked to the her side and sat on the bedside "Wei Wei.. Why didn't you tell me?" Listening to her question, Tang Wei knew what she was asking about. "I am fine.", she held Long Fei's hands to reassure her.

After the long talk, the sun set. Tang Wei urged Long Fei to go back so Long Fei helplessly brought back by Mo Yan. "Wei wei, don't give up. You can make it. I will always be by your side." Long Fei told her before she went out.

Tang Wei felt like her heart was filled by warmth. She knew that Long Fei always sided her. She also knew that Long Fei even gave up her career as psychologist just to protect her. Thinking of how she had sacrificed, Tang Wei determined to keep on living.

She turned her head to Han Zhi Fan who was standing beside her with his hands in the pockets. "Let's go to the civil bureau tomorrow."

Han Zhi Fan was shocked. His eyes bulged out. His heart thumped tremendously. 'What does she mean?'

"Let's get married.", Tang Wei affirmed.

She was not someone who would only receive thing without giving back. Since Han Zhi Fan said that what he needed was a wife, then she would be his wife. After all, he was the most desirable man who was fought over by all women in the nation so why she rejected when he sent himself to her door.