Chapter 25 : Exceptional

The sky was turning purplish as the sun was setting. When Han Zhi Fan finished his work for that day, he realized that it was already six. He turned his head to the lounge room and saw that the door was still tightly closed. He stretched his body a little then got up and walked to the lounge room.

He slowly turned the knob afraid of waking the person inside the room awoke. As the door was opened, darkness welcomed him. The room was only faintly litted by the purplish sky outside the room which found its way through the slit window. Thus, he could still saw the sleeping figure laying soundly on the bed that he usually slept on.

He tiptoed to the bedside and laid on the figure's side while stretching his long arm to pull her into his embrace. His other hand caressed her cheek and tugged her looseb hair behind her ear. "Jiao jiao, I'll do as what I promised you before." He softly declared.

"Hmm.. What did you promise me?", Han Zhi Fan was stunned to suddenly hear the question from the woman beside him.


He didn't hear any replies, but he could feel the woman in his embrace nodding.

"You haven't answered my question, Mr.Han", she mumbled.

"To always stay by your side, Mrs.Han."

Tang Wei who heard his affirmation chuckled. "I have never known that Mr.Han is such a loyal man."

Han Zhi Fan smiled "Then, what did you think of me, Mrs.Han?"

"Hmmm.. overbearing president (?)"

"I'll soon prove you how overbearing I can be, Mrs.Han"

"Oh...I feel so afraid.", Tang Wei joked.

Han Zhi Fan laughed heartily. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Anything is fine. I am not a picky eater."

"Hmm.. You are not picky eater,indeed. You only don't eat sour food and bitter food. You can't eat prawns and you dislike tuna.", Han Zhi Fan aswered sarcastically.

Tang Wei immediately piched his waist which made Han Zhi Fan hiss in pain. Instead of complaining, he laughed at her response. "Mrs. Han, you should know that no one dares to hurt me."

"Can't I be exceptional since you call me Mrs. Han, Mr.Han?" Tang Wei smiled cheekily.

Han Zhi Fan leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "As you please, Mrs.Han"

Their sudden closeness frightened both of them as they were afraid of it was only dream. Both of them wished to stop the time and enjoyed that very moment forever. However, it was only wishful thinking.

None of them had ever imagined of them getting closer after a month being so polite to each other. Was it because of distance made them fonder? or was it because they had been longing for each other for a very long time that they couldn't resist each other any longer?

Aunt Wang had prepared nutritious dinner when they got home. They didn't waste any time and dug into their food as soon as they sat on the chair. The dining room was full of laughs and bickerings which lightened up the atmosphere.

The servants who were new were perplexed by the scene in front of them since they had never seen their master laughed or talked that much. They had the bewildered feeling. 'Is this the master that I have been serving for?' Most of them had the same thought.

However, for the old servants who had been with Han Zhi Fan all this long like Aunt Wang, they finally could sigh relief since it had been four years long that their master had been so gloomy.

Although Han Zhi Fan was a quiet man since he was child, he also could laugh or joke around with his close friends. However, for these past four years, he had lived like a robot. Sometimes, they could find the guilty expression in his face.

'Thankfully, Ms Tang has come to his rescue.' Those old servants silently thanked Tang Wei for cheering up their master's life.

After dinner, Han Zhi Fan walked to his study room while Tang Wei went to their bedroom. She took a simple shower and changed into a conservative pyjamas. She took her laptop and several books that she had brought from her apartment before. She walked to the bed and leaned on the headboard before she turned on the laptop. She was a final year student so she had thesis to do.

After making a phone call with one of the higher-ups from the overseas branch, Han Zhi Fan decided to take a shower. It was eleven after all. He opened the door carefully since he assumed that Tang Wei had slept. To his surprise, she was still sitting with her laptop on her laps.

She was wearing a white silk pyjamas with her hair donned into a very messy bun. She had her round glasses on. Her eyes were focusing on the screen in front of her. Her fingers busily typing. He actually deliberately took so much time in the study room so that she had slept when he came in because he had learnt how suffering can-touch-but-can't-eat feeling the previous night.

Han Zhi Fan helplessly shook his head as he went to take a shower. He was drying his hair with the towel in his hand as he was coming out from the bathroom. Yet, the scene that welcomed him made him frown. Tang Wei was still busy working with her laptop.

He walked to the woman and took over her laptop. "Hey", the woman shouted but he ignored. He swiftly saved the work she had done and turned it off. "Continue it tomorrow." He said as he put the laptop on the side table.

"But, my brain is working so well.", Tang wei protested.

"Your brain will still be working so well after you wake up the next morning and I can guarantee that it will work better than now.", he said as he tossed the towel to the sofa before climbing to the bed.

"Now, let's sleep.", Han Zhi Fan pulled her to his embrace. He could feel her body stiffened so he decided to calm her down. "I won't do anything before you fully recover."

Tang Wei's face blushed. Tang Wei was a little confused for why she reacted that way. Was it because she anticipated that he would do something? However, her brain quickly disrupted that thought and came up with a more reasonable reason. Probably, they both were wide awake so she felt a little nervous when he pulled her into his embrace. After all, the previous two events when he embraced her, she was either sleepy or still in daze after waking up.