Chapter 27 : His care

For these two days, Long Fei had paid one of the journalists to publish the deeds that photographer Ming had done for every three to four hours. From the video of him bullying Tang Wei, the evidence of him being bribed to win a specific competitor, the confessions of his assistant for being bullied, the photos of him mollesting his models, the video of him offering his models to do the unspoken rules, to the evidences of him forcing himself to Xiao Bai which brought her to commit suicide, for the worst, there was also evidence of him r***** an underaged girl.

Photographer Ming's glory had come to end. He now might even be buried by the spits of others. Life behind the bars was also a certain as they also sent the evidences to the police. He was punished as he deserved, but the lives of many which had been ruined wouldn't be changed, the death couldn't come back to alive as well.

Long Fei prayed that by this Tang Wei could forgive herself as well. Forgive herself for not accompanying Xiao Bai to meet photographer Ming as promised.

The clock kept on ticking and when Tang Wei finished crying, it was already near lunch time. She slowly stood up but her legs felt numb. She needed to bend for awhile before she went to shower.

When she walked down the stairs, she found Long Fei had been sitting in the dining room. "Hey Mrs. Han, what time is it now ? I have been waiting for 2 hours."

"I'm so sorry for making you wait, Fei jie.", she felt guilty as well.

"Don't worry. Aunt Wang's cooking is very good. I'm willing to wait for you for a whole day as long as I get to eat her cooking."

Tang Wei laughed out loud looking at how gluttonious her friend was. "Alright, you can come whenever you want." She said as she pulled the chair and started to have her lunch.

"Oh right, why did you ask me to pick you up? Where are you going?"

"Tian Yi"


"Director He wants to meet."

The film production for 'The Thieves' had been postponed. As for why, no one dared to ask anything since Han Enterprise was the biggest investor in this film and Han Zhi Fan himself who postponed the filming process.

Arriving Tian Yi, they were told to go to the President's room as director He and Lu Jinnian had been waiting for them. When they reached the room, director He's cheerful voice was heard. "It doesn't matter. We will just film the scenery first. Then, we can start filming Ms Tang's scenes."

Tang Wei came into the room after knocking and walked to the sofa where the two men were sitting. "Thank you for waiting gentlemen." , she said as she smiled.

There was a habit of Tang Wei which she would prefer to say 'thank you' instead of 'sorry' in any circumstances, unless she really felt guilty for the things that happened.

"Xiao Wei, we have agreed to film the scenery first before you started filming so you can study more about your character.", Lu Jinnian explained.

"I'm fine with any of your arrangements.", Tang Wei nodded. She knew well that this so called arrangement was actually arranged by Han Zhi Fan since the time when she was still hospitalized she had discussed about starting filming as soon as she was discharged and it was immediately rejected by Han Zhi Fan.

"Ah..Ms Tang. Xiao Luo has finished the full script. Here it is." Director He handed her the script. "It had been revised as discussed."

During her hospitalization, Tang Wei indeed discussed the script with Qian Luo by email. She gave some suggestions and Qian Luo would also ask her opinions which brought a lot of revisions.

Tang Wei didn't say much and only smiled while taking the script. "I will study the script."

Director He nodded "Don't give too much pressure for yourself. You have always acted greatly."

"This praise really gives me some pressures, instead.",Tang Wei laughed.

"Ah... I didn't mean so. I sincerely appreciate your talent.", director He stuttered as he tried to explain.

Long Fei who saw how director He tried to explain couldn't help but laughed. "Director He, don't be so anxious. Wei wei is joking with you."

Director He laughed awkwardly and scratched his head "Ah right, tomorrow we will have dinner with all the crew and investors.Don't forget to come."

"Okay, I will certainly attend.", Tang Wei confirmed.

Nowadays, Han Zhi Fan came back earlier to have dinner with Tang Wei at home. Aunt Wang prepared Han Zhi Fan's favourite dishes, but instead of gleaming eyes, Han Zhi Fan's eyes darkened. "Aunt Wang, didn't I tell you to prepare nutritious food ?"

The dishes on the table were mostly spicy food which were Han Zhi Fan's favourite. Aunt Wang quickly apologized "I'll prepare other food."

Tang Wei who was also there tried to persuade Han Zhi Fan, after all Aunt Wang's intention was good "You have been working tiredly these few days so Aunt Wang prepared your favourite dishes."

There was no response from Han Zhi Fan so Aunt Wang proceeded to take the food away. Tang Wei also sighed helplessly to see how overbearing the man opposite her was. 'How can she be this stupid ? Doesn't she know that she is not allowed to eat this food?' While everyone sighed at how stubborn he was, he silently complained about Tang Wei who didn't think of herself.

"Aunt Wang, leave the dishes here. You guys can leave us first.", Tang Wei ordered politely and she was welcomed with two piercing eyes.

She sighed before pick some food for the man opposite her. "She has prepared this wholeheartedly. Can't you at least have some?"

The man didn't budge at all.

"I was hungry when I came back so Aunt Wang cooked me nutritious food as instructed. As for why she prepared your favourite ones, it was because of her knowing that I won't have any. Don't you see that she even prepared this pancake for me because she is afraid of me getting hungry later?" She explained as she showed him the pancake.

Han Zhi Fan's eyes turned more gentle. The tense atmosphere got more relaxed. He had seen that she only had pancake for dinner thus he reprimanded aunt Wang. He said nothing and dug into his food.

"Will you attend the dinner tomorrow?", Tang Wei asked while they were having their dinner.

Han Zhi Fan only slightly nodded his head as he was eating his food. "Why?", he asked after he swallowed the food.

"Nope, I heard that it is a dinner with the investors."

"Are you guys going to film soon? Do you want to postpone for a little while? After all, you have just undergone a surgery."

"Mr. Lu has requested them to film other parts first so I won't film any soon... as your request."

'She knows it.' Han Zhi Fan smiled. He, indeed, asked Lu Jinnian to postpone the filming a little longer.

"I might be a little late.", Han Zhi Fan said.

"It's okay. I will go with Fei jie.", Tang Wei reassured him.