Chapter 43 : Deep Love

For the sake of accompanying Tang Wei, Han Zhi Fan abandoned his work. After all, they only had three days to be together before they had to be apart for months.

Since that knowing Tang Wei was coming straight to his office from the filming site, Han Zhi Fan didn't spend another second dilly dally in the office. He immediately brought her home so she could rest well.

As she was craving for his cooking, Han Zhi Fan cooked her favourite dishes. Thus, the table was filled with several dishes when Tang Wei finished showering. "Aren't you too exagerate ? Howcan we finish them ?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as your crave is fulfilled.", he said as he pulled the chair for her before he sat opposite her.

They chatted happily while having their dinner. Tang Wei would tell him the interesting things that happened in the filming site. Meanwhile, Han Zhi Fan would listen attentively and replied her with enthusiasm as he kept on placing food in her plate.

Looking at him refilling her plate non stop, Tang Wei couldn't help but complained "Mr Han, are you feeding pig?"

"Is there a pig as beautiful as you?"

"Han Zhi Fan, I know you deliberately do so."

"How so ?"

"You deliberately feed me to be a pig so that you can have excuse to abandon me and marry another woman. Am I right?"

Han Zhi Fan was somehow speechless for how random her thought was.

"Erm..", he nodded "I deliberately do so"

"Han Zhi Fan", Tang Wei unexpectedly raised her voice to show how insecure she was.

"so that no man will be my love rival.", he added with his evil smirk.

The couple kept on teasing each other as they found it as their new hobby. They ended up in hugging each other on the bed. Tang Wei was laying on his chest and Han Zhi Fan's hands were busy holding her waist and patting her head.

"Jiao jiao.."


"Tomorrow is Han Enterprise's Charity Event."

Han Enterprise held an auction party for charity every year. As Han Enterprise was the most prominient company in the nation, their charity event was also the most anticipated one. For the elites, spending some millions was nothing as long as they could have some connections with Han Enterprise because the profit that they would earn was unimagineable. So everyone would do their best to get the invitation as only the chosen ones would be invited.

"Hmm.." , Tang Wei didn't react much.

"Do you want to attend ?", Han Zhi Fan asked gently. He had planned that if she didn't want then he would accompany her at home. After all, they only had several days to spend together.

She lifted up her head and looked at him "What does Mr Han think?"

He smiled as he carressed her face "Mr Han listens to Mrs Han."

"Mrs Han would like to be there and witness herself how Mr Han bewitches the ladies."

"Only Mrs Han that can bewicth Mr Han", he landed a kiss on her soft lips.

Soon the peck became more and more intense. Han Zhi Fan flipped her so that she was now beneath him. His hand snaked into her dress and went to her back. He could feel her smooth skin as his hand went up and down. He then whispered in her ear "Do you know how tempting you are, Mrs Han?"

His hoarse voice electrocuted her whole body. She could feel butterflies in her stomach. Her arms automatically circled around his neck. Although they had only known for several months, but the man in front of her was the man that she had been loving since her teenage. She didn't matter if they did the intercourse now.

However, Han Zhi Fan suppresed the urge to show his deep love toward her. He kissed her forhead for a very long time as he tried to control himself "After you finish filming"

He didn't forget that she had just had a surgery. Not only that, she also went to film after resting for two months. How could he bear to tire her out ?