Chapter 51 : Embarassing as always

"Did I take advantage of you?"

Her question absolutely baffled Mo Yan. Women in the dramas would scream histerically when they met this kind of circumstance, as in the reality, they might be embarassed or even cried. Again and again, however, Long Fei had surprised him.

"Shouldn't you ask 'did you take advantage of me?' ", Mo Yan asked with his smile which didn't look like a smile.

Long Fei immediately laughed

"Why should I? I believe you are not blind to be tempted by my A-cup size", she said as she looked at her own chest.

Somehow Mo Yan wished to stuff her mouth since that it would always spout non-sense whenever it had the chance.

"Get up", Mo Yan commanded with his stern voice before he himself got up and left for bathroom.

There, Long Fei was left alone. She finally returned to the normal woman. Her face burnt. She felt that she really wished to dig a hole and hide there forever. Why did she always encounter him in embarassing moment ? Moreover, how could her mouth talk non-sense automatically? She couldn't help but slapped herself.

This whole embarassing moment was owed to the previous night. As Tang Wei had left for a while, Long Fei started to look for her, accompanied by Tie Yi. She went to the bathroom to find that Han Zhi Fan was running toward the staircase since the hall was located on the second floor and it consumed the whole floor thus there was no staircase to the upper level or elevator. People need to walk to the first floor for the elevator to reach the third level and above.

Since she looked at how panic Han Zhi Fan was, she knew that something bad might have happened to Tang Wei. She ran toward the staircase and she was not careful enought that she twisted her ankle. Thankfully, Mo Yan had been in the first floor and he reacted quick enough to hold her preventing her from falling. Alas, Tie Yi who had been following Long Fei was still half the staircase therefore he was not able to help her.

"Long long, are you okay?", Tie Yi rushed down.

However, Mo Yan didn't spare him any glances instead picked her up and strode to the main gate where Mo Jiu had stood by with the black mercedez-benz.

"Hey! Put me down! Where are you taking me to? I need to look for Tang Wei.",she protested in his hug.

"Han Zhi Fan is there, she will be alright. After all, you can't do anything to help."

She frowned "How can I not help ?"

"Your twisted-ankle"

By that, she was brought to Mo Yan's mansion. Of course, she would question him as for why he didn't bring her home and his answer made her speechless.

"Yes, I bring you home"

"I mean, mine"

"Right, Mine"

Mo Yan carried her to the living room before he went to take the first-aid kit. Soon, Long Fei's right ankle was wrapped with bandage. Mo Yan was about to carry her to the guest room, but his phone suddenly rang which caused him to leave her alone.

Later, the servant brought two glasses of water. "Ms, the right one is for Mr Mo, the left one is for you"

She nodded, but she didn't drink it because she didn't feel thirsty. She took out her phone and tried to call Tang Wei and as she had expected, there was no answer. Then, she tried to call Wen Li. "Hello, Ms Long."

"How is Wei wei?"

"She is not good. She was drugged, but doctor Wu is coming. She will be alright."

Long Fei ended the call after she asked more about Tang Wei's condition. She felt that Tang Wei would be alright since that Han Zhi Fan was there. After all, worse to worst, they only had to consummate which was something normal for husband and wife. Her thought was distracted by a masculine man appeared with his two button-opened shirt with his long sleeves tucked to half-arm. She gulped at the the scene.

"Why is your face so red?", Mo Yan asked with his worried voice which couldn't be sensed by Long Fei.

She didn't think much as she instinctively took a glass of water and drank it in one gulp. "Ekh.. why does it burn my throat?"

Mo Yan frowned and immediately took over the glass and he could smell the alcohol in the glass. He looked at the other glass on the table and he knew the answer. 'She drank the wrong glass'

Since the incident two years ago, he had to drink a glass of booze to sleep peacefully. Now, that glass had been drunk by Long Fei and she drank it in a shot. The effect would soon be seen as he knew that the alcohol was quiet strong. He was proven right when she started to lose her conscious and kept on mumbling.

He shook her head and carried her to the guest room. However, when he was about to leave the room, he heard her cried "No, please, no.. don't touch me, don't"

He walked to her side and patted her, but she was getting more panic "No! No!"

He lied down and hugge her while patting her back "Nothing. I'm here. I won't let you be hurt"

With his gentle gesture, she finally calmed down. When she finally slept peacefully, he thought of retreating but she would wail whenever he did so. Thus, he decided to sleep beside her.