Chapter 115 : Ms Qian

In the midnight, a private jet touched down in an old mansion. The people who lived in the mansion were standing in two lines as if they were welcoming the king of the nation. When the cabin door was opened, there was a young lady waking down the stairs. Her long hair was fluttering along as then wind blew.

"Welcome back, ms Qian"

The union greeting sent a terrifying feeling to whomever heard it. It sounded as if they were ready to fight in the war.

At the end of the line, there was a man in his fifties standing straight. The young woman took off her glasses as she walked thtough the human lines.

"Father, I'm home", she respectfully greeted the man.

The man hugged her "Welcome home dear."

"Let me take care of the current issue first."

"Alright, the Qian family now will be handed to you"

The young woman smiled beautifully, but if someone saw clearly it was a bitter smile. She turned around to see the people who had been supporting the Qian Family all this while.

"Take me to the gate."

One of the loyal subordinate adviced "It'd be better if we relay your message ms. It's dangerous."

"They won't dare to hurt me."

Since that the master had said so, the subordinate could only obey the order.

They got on the car as it was quiet a distance from the runway to the front gate. It was also the best option as their cars were bulletproof.

When several cars were arrived in the front gate, the atmosphere were getting tensed. The people in black who blended in the darkness directly pointed their guns to those cars.

A moment later, they could see the doors were opened. Several men ran toward to the car in the middle and stood straightly as a human protector before a young woman appeared.

After she said several words, those men dispersed a little and gave her way. She walked bravely until she stood in the middle with all guns pointed on her.

"Go back and tell your master that as long as I am alive, I will never give him a chance to destroy the Qian Family."

The leader of the people who stood right in front of the young woman, seperated by a tall gate, gnashed his teeth. " I can't believe that you betray master."

"I've never betrayed anyone."

"Ms Long! Master has always treated you well! How can you let him down?"

"Mo Yi, you also know that I, Long Fei, no..should be Qian Fei, had always treated your Master well."

Mo Yi was one of Mo Yan's trusted people. His capability was top-notch, thus he was sent to the important missions. Though Mo Yi didn't always stay with Mo Yan. Both Mo Yi and Long Fei had interacted quiet a lot and they also got along well.

Therefore, he also understood that Long Fei was disappointed toward his master. Both of them loved each other, but because of their family's grudge, they could only hurt each other.

The moment he saw Long Fei, Mo Yi had understood as for why his master had been dawdling to execute this mission. He even gave an additional order that they were not allowed to hurt any of the Qian. They were only ordered to surround the Qian Mansion and intimidated them. He believed that if the Mo Family didn't threatened Mo Yan. His master would never take any action to execute this mission.

"Ms Long.."

"You should call me Ms Qian"



"Ms Qian, Master also has his own difficulties."

"Go back. I do not want to hurt any of you."