The Birth of a New Knight

Sleep for thousand years, is that even possible? That's what Gan thinks. But when he remember there is a hole in his stomach before, and now the gap is gone, healed, he stop his thought.

Now move to another question.

"Can I guess something?"

"Why not"

Before Gan continue, he imagined the figure called Asura. The ten statue that slaughter all of his squad.

"Asura, that ten statue. Who is them?"

"The ten statue? Ooh, you must be talking about that Asura's pawn, right"

"Asura's... pawn.."

Are they all just pawns all this time? What's Gan thought in his traumatized silence.

"I can't say what's their difficulty? But for Adetya Soldier like you before, you need atleast five or ten to beat one of them"

"Is that so"

Gan feeling weak after hearing that. His weakling made Tiara reacted and want to calm him down. But before she can do that, Gen proudly talk.

"But don't worry, I already beat them up for you"

"You did that?"

"Of course, yes, my dude. If I'm not, you wouldn't be here. Because reborn phenomenon only happen when the Asura that almost killed you got beaten right before you die"

That explanation made Gan furrow his brows.

"Right before I die"

"Yeah, something like that is happened to me too, you know. When my face almost turned into ashes, the Asura I fought stopped and let me dying. First I though I'm gonna die, but who would have thought, I survived a serious injured on my head and was saved"

"But, in my case, my body got pierced, you know"

Gan statement makes Gen dan Selene wondering. Then Tiara, the one who know what actually happened talk.

"Actually, that is just your stomach that got pierced. Your upper body like the heart was saved and got no damage, so for like a few minutes you still alive back then"

Tiara words made Gan lift up his shirt and take a look at his stomach. Gen and Selene take a look to, to make sure Tiara's words is right.

"That's right. Look at the scar"

Selene pointing her finger roundly at Gan's stomach. Stopped her finger right below the place of Gan's heart.

"Around 2cm and your heart must got burst"

"You really have very strong life beliefs, that can made you survive until I finished that bastard, my dude"

Gan trying to repeat the incident when he fell to the ground with a spear that pierced his body and push him when he fell.

"When I fell.. I thought I definitely die. There are even a minute when my consciousness disappears. And I thinks a few minutes have passed when I got my consciousness back. But all I can think is a sorrow. Regret that kept me silent and followed all the words of my comrades"

Everyone in the room give Gan a moment of silent to let him vent his nervous feelings. But when he think he need to still continue, he just can't and stopped his words. From there Tiara gave her encouragement. She put her soft hand to him and soothe him.

"Don't worry, it's okay now"

She spoke very softly to him. Made Gan can calm down and continue his unfinished words.

"I deeply regretted my ignorance at that time. But when I think I will stamped as a coward, I actually can't let my words out"

"You shouldn't do that, my dude"


Gen try to lecture Gan and Selene try to stop him. But what Gen want to say is not as bad as Selene thougt and she let him to talk.

"If you can atleast keep your comrade busy in wall building generator for one minutes, I definitely will come and stop you. If there are a person who stand against me, I will punch him right in the face and talked if Asura can be weak or stronger than me. But of course, you won't be able to survive against them. That's even a fact that written in the rules"

Gan lowered his head when Gen lectured him. He accepts all that is Gen thrown to him because he does admit his own stupidity.

"You don't need to regret all that you know. Because, despite of this man wises, he also does the same thing as you.. aw-aw-aw"

"I told you that you can't ruin the atmosphere"

Selene got pinched in her face as she finished her words. Her words makes Gan look at his senior in curiosity. For Gen, rather than avoicing he acknowledging his past.

"Okay-okay, I admit it. But, well, I think I even worser than you"

"What do you mean?"

"For you, you are just listening to what your comrade said, right. But in my case – "

"He is the one that encouraged his friends to attack the Asura... aw-aw-aw"

Selene got pinched again when she stole the last paragraph of Gen's words.

"So you must be the ace in your squad"

"Hm, well, I can't say I'm the ace because what I did was just beat everything in front of me"

That means he is the ace. He is just wasn't aware of it.

"He's like a kind of guy who is already satisfied if he can beat what is in front of him right, fufu.. aw-aw-aw"

Gen's Aditi made fun of him and that makes her got pinched again.

"Well, that's just how it is. Is there any thing you want to ask? Because I'm worried that readers might feel bored if we just chatting in this place"

"It is you who make everything longer because of your lack of seriousness... aw-aw-aw"

"Zip it"

When one pair of Aditi and Adetya was in a small fight, Gan remember something about his squad.

"My squad, what happen to them?"

He quiet nervous about their news, even though he didn't expect much, at leat their bodies could be delivered home.

Gen look at Gen silently for a few moment. In that time, the atmosphere seems darker that before.

"I'm sorry my dude, when I finally got into the palace, your squad isn't anywhere"

"Had you trying to search them?"

"You know right after Asura got beaten, the castle will disappear soon, right. Of course I got no chance to search for them. That's also because we fought outside the castle. Soon after I beat the Asura, the castle was quickly envelop in mist and just disappeared. I'm sorry"

So that's mean there is no hope for them.

Gan lowered his head, clenched his fists so furiosly. At that time Tiara want to calm him down, but Gen stopped her and let Gan in his moment for a few second.

Gan really shame for running away and leaving the bodies of his friends to disappear there. He began to hate himself who was a coward because he was left alone.

"Have you finished regretting your actions and soon feel grateful for what you get now?"

Gen words made him lift up his head highly. For a moment he took a deep breath and let his regret disappear as he change his expression to seriousness.

"So, beside I was reborn and got my own Aditi, what should I do from now on?"

Everyone in the room got smiled at his words. The one who feels gratefully is his Aditi of course.

"That's so quick to get you done with your sorrow, my dude. But yeah, I think I quite like you that way.. aw, what?"

Gen got pinched by his Aditi after Selene heard his last words. She even gave Gen a disappointed look for some reason.

"You got jealous because of that?!"

"For a man to like a man is just ..."

Looks like she was mistaken a thing right now. Even Tiara shocked with her words like that.

"Wha – wha – wha -, G – Gen, you can't - !"

"It's not like that, geez!"

"So, what it looks like actually?"

In those two girls prejudice, Gen exhaled very long through his mouth before explaining.

"It's like the way loving your sister, you know"

"Loving my sister?"

Selene take a look at Tiara when Gen notices a word sister. For Tiara, she got quite nervous.

"I see"

"E – eh? What is that?"

Selene only nodding at Tiara question. Tiara really pure somehow and even her Adetya admit that.

"Why is this girl is so pure?"

"Well, this girl is the same as her back then though"

"No I'm not. Well, atleast I'm not as easy as her"

"Eh – eehhh~"

Everyone in the room teased her for some reason.

When Gen felt they should back to seriousness, he turn to Gan and talk.

"For you my dude," Gen words attracted Gan, they have a face to face seriously now, "You've been granted with great strength from this world. So your duty now is to defend this place until your last strength if could. You can get up now and give your Aditi a knight vows"

"A knight vows?" Gan muttered while turn to Tiara, who already stand up and back a few steps.

Gan doesn't want to waste time and get up immediately. Move forwards to his Aditi and give them one feet distance. He take a look at Tiara face for a moment before bowed his body.

Then Tiara gives her right hand to Gan. Gan gently accepted Tiara's hand and kissed it without hesitation. The atmosphere is really calm. But a couple of Adetya and Aditi ruined the moment.

"I think we should do it when he is in his uniform"

"I think so too"

"You guys – "