The man in the purple coat enters the room.

He pushes his hands through his hair, wringing out the droplets of rain and letting them fall onto the floor.

There is a woman sitting at a chair. Her feet are up on the black, wooden table. She swirls the wine around in her glass cup.

"I heard you were looking for me."

The man looks at her.

"Helena." He wipes his hands against his coat, doing nothing to help dry them. "He really got around to telling you?"

Helena sips on the red drink. She holds up her transmitter. Displayed on the screen is picture of a familiar someone, standing in the midst of a (well endowed) crowd of green skinned women.

He couldn't look more pleased with himself if he tried.

Underneath the picture is a small message.

"Oh yeah," it reads, "I think frowner wants to get a hold of you or something. Says it's urgent. Do me a solid and give the poor guy a call, will you?"

The purple coated man sighs. He shakes his head.

"Well I'm glad you came."

Helena puts her transmitter back into the pocket of her tight fit, pink leather jeans.

"I'm a busy woman. But I always find time for friends." She says with a mischievous grin on her face. She swings her feet off the table and rests her head against her hands. "What can I do for you?"

The purple coated man takes a seat at the other side of the round table.

"It's about your boss." He says, putting it out as quickly as possible.

She twirls a strand of hot pink hair around her finger.

"Mr. C is my boss."

"Your other boss, Helena."

Helena puts her hands on her lap and leans back.

"Alright. What about him?"

"Something's going on between him and Mr. Cake. I overheard them speaking over last night's dinner."

Helena sighs, "Isn't something always going on between him a Mr. Cake?"

The man shakes his head, "It's different this time. Just hear me out-"

"You're always blowing things out of proportion."

"Listen Helena, unlike the rest of you, I'm constantly around. You can trust my word."

"Can I?" She rubs her painted nails on the front of her shirt, "Maybe you just want a slice of my pay, ay? You can never be too careful when you run with this crowd."

"Tell me you're kidding."

Helena throws up her hands and shakes her head, "Not at all. These are just precautions." She stands from her seat.

"You'll look into it, won't you? Discreetly?"

"I'm not allowed to dig my nose into Ebone's business. Especially not when it's about Mr. C." She taps the table, "This could be my life or my job on the line."


"Or possibly my position here at The Lounge. If you want answers, get em yourself. I don't see how this should concern us."

"I'm not sure if you've noticed," he says, "but whoever Mr. Cake is associated with, concerns us. We are his protege."

"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I don't care." She makes her way toward the door, "As long as I'm getting paid, i'm fine with whoever or whatever the big guy is dealing with. I trust him." Helena turns her head, "If you want my advice, I'd say to keep to yourself. Don't go thinking Cake won't eventually notice you getting more and more curious. Not good for your health."

She opens the door, and steps out into the night, leaving the purple coated man to sit alone in the darkened room.

* * *


Chroma and Jime are sitting on the carpeted floor of Sivvy's apartment, playing a game of cards while she makes lunch.

"Aha!" Says Chroma, slapping down a light blue card down in front of him.

Sivvy glances over, "Another one? Jime, are you sure you know how to play?"

Jime puts his deck aside. He doesn't seem to be having fun. "Of course I know how to play. I'm just a little rusty.."

Chroma nods her head teasingly, "Yeah I'm sure."

Jime shoots a look at her. "I'll have you know, my dad taught me how to play Recton when I was a very little boy. I'm basically a qualified professional."

Chroma looks at Sivvy. The expression on their faces show a shared look of confusion.

Jime pauses, "What?"

Chroma turns over a card, placing it face down.

"Rexon, Jime. We're playing Rexon. Not Recton. Nobody knows what Recton is."

Sivvy raises an eyebrow, "How does this even happen? You played so confidently."

Jime picks up the card at a loss for words.

Chroma can't help but snicker.

"I don't wanna play anymore." Jime says, matter of factly, and gets up.