A weird mission

Confused by what the mission stated, Peter began analyzing all the possibilities that this mission of his became known by the government.

this goal of his was been kept deep inside his heart ever since the day it happened, Peter tried to remember everything he does, from his crimes, capture up until his arrival here but none came to mind.

Then he realized, he does not remember anything what happened inside the interrogation room. Nothing, not even a single thing came to Peter's mind. Even though he saw everything, he does not remember what he said and what he heard, it's like watching a movie but there's no sound.


Pain started attacking Peter's brain as it was being overloaded with information, all the scenes from that day on came to his mind but he still does not recall how did they know his main goal for coming here.


Blood started to flow down his eyes and nose due to the intensity of his pain, he does not know how to stop it as it kept going and going until all of a sudden its gone.

Peter wipe the blood in his face and look at his hand that was red due to his own blood.

A weird smile crept on Peter's face as he begin to laugh.

"Hahaha! Who am I kidding of course they know, I shouted it in that interrogation room, but you don't need to know that little Peter."

"Just let the Pidgeon take care of everything"

a maniacal laugh spread to the surrounding beach as the aura of Peter or right now should be called Pidgeon transformed from an ordinary crazy to the one that is filled with bloodlust crazy.

After calming himself down Pidgeon looked again at the system jnterface and noticed that his sanity bar falls down to 48 and is slowly going up.

Pidgeon had a bad feeling that if it continues to rise he will be in a predicament, so he decides to check all the system interface again to learn everything while he still has time, that way he will be able to figure out what is he going to do next while he became dormant in Peter's mind.


Upon regaining his sanity back to 75 Peter began to wake up, He look around the area as he was unsure what happened to him.

Peter then touch his face but there's no trace of blood, he remember that his face started bleeding due to the intense pain that he felt earlier when he checked the mission.

while figuring out what happened Peter rechecked the mission tab and study the wierd mission earlier.

However to his surprise the mission suddenly disappeared in his mission tab.

"okay what's happening here?" Peter said to himself as he looked around if there's any camera maybe someone is messing with him right now.

since he was not sure what just happened, Peter decided to put it on the back of his brain and focused on the current mission he have right now.

[Investigate the Island]

The Caged Island is your brand new home, that is why you must know the things you need to survive in these Island.


gather 5 plants and study their properties

gather 3 different kinds of wood and study their properties

Hunt 5 kinds of monster and study them.

[Reward: beginner survival kit and ability depending on the things you will be studying.]

"seems simple enough." Peter said to himself as he sighed because it is not as ridiculous as the one he saw earlier.

with the mission at hand peter started looking around the area, though he discovered a bunch of plants in his surrounding he still didn't take anything randomly just to finish the mission.

Instead he looked for the wierdest or prettiest looking plants he can see, if history channel thought him anything its that nature can be beautiful, but it izs sure as hell filled with tons deadly things to kill you.

Peter went deeper in the forest, there he saw or rather he felt, the first plant he want to study. it was a tall grass, however it's edge is actually sharper than it looks.

He know that this grass will be useful to him as it managed to slash his skin earlier when he walked past the tall grass.

Peter uses the knife that he received in his inventory to gather some stalk of the said grass.

[You Picked up Bladed Grass x30]

Continuing on his quest, he then found some mushrooms that is sprouting upside down in on a small tree that is about 4 feet in height. in the same tree Peter also gathers its branch and leaves as it have a rather beautiful smell.

On his journey He already have 2 kinds of wood one from the small tree he found and the other is a branch of tree that is filled with slimey substance. He also managed find 2 flower that managed to caught his interest, the former was a flower that is growing in a dead chicken's body, while the latter is a foul smelling yet beautiful flower.

He also manage to gain the skill [gatherer] when he was harvesting the items that he will be studying for later and it's effect was that it will prevent the lowering of the quality of the items he will be gathering.

Now all he need to focus now was to find another piece of wood and hunt some monster on this game like island