Blood and Camera

"So, How far are we to the nearest village?" Peter asked Aile who is on the back of the huge dog raikou.

"About three hours of walk." Joyfully replied by Aile, which makes Peter blush as the boy in front of him really looks like a cute and innocent kid.

However Aile's story is just the same as the people here. "Crazy" This cute looking boy who's apparently 20 years old due to a rare body condition has a fetish for filming gore stuff. He first discovered it when he was nine, when he and his family watches a gory horror movie. From then on he started enjoying these type of films and later on proceeds to do the same when his grandfather butchered a pig in front of him for his birthday.

He started with a small rat however he was not satisfied with what he did, it was too boring Aile wanted it to be exciting just like the ones in the movies. Aile decided to convice his parents to buy him a video camera with the reason that he wanted to be a director someday. His parents happily comply with their child's request and bought him a cheap one.

Regardless Aile was happy and jumping once he recieved his first camera. He started run outside filming everything, which is very heartwarming to the eye of his parents. However one day Aile's parents decided to check what beautiful moments did their son manage to capture.

What they saw scared the life out of them. It was a cat running away as the camera chases him from behind. The chase continues for a couple of minutes when suddenly the cat stumbles upon a dead end. The camera was placed on the floor. then suddenly a young boy stood in front of the camera, The young boy smiles as he grabs the cat by the neck lifted it in front of the camera for better view. And in a clumsy manner the young boy slice the cat's neck.

The parents were shocked about what they saw, they checked the other footage in the camera and saw that there are many similar videos of him chasing and killing animals using variety of techniques.

Aile's parents decided to delete his videos and started grounding him and throwing everything that is related to gore. Even banning him the use of television and computer nor allow him to play outside with his friends. Soon enough the parents requested help from a psychiatrist, unfortunately what the psychiatrist did to Aile was something different. The psychiatrist started teaching Aile how to act in front of his parents. How to hide everything and pretend to be a normal child.

With months and months of the so called therapy, Aile manage to master the act of being a child. with this act as his weapon Aile managed to retrieved his camera and learn how to hide the things he is filming.

After a couple of years Aile became a celebrity in the dark net with films he took using the old camera he received from his parents. Later on he was finally captured after he filmed the robbery in his house where his parents where killed.


"Well they tried to contain me, but eventually given up and send me here" Aile doesn't have any sadness as he tell Peter his story, instead he make it seems like it's a happy ending story.

Peter didn't bother to share his story of why he was here after hearing Aile's story. Instead he busied himself looking through the rewards of the quest for some reason he managed to complete.

[Investigate the Island (Completed)]

The Caged Island is your brand new home, that is why you must know the things you need to survive in these Island.


gather 5 plants and study their properties

gather 3 different kinds of wood and study their properties

Hunt 5 kinds of monster and study them.

[Reward: beginner survival kit and ability depending on the things you will be studying.]

[You recieved beginner survival kit]

[For understanding of wide variety of flora and fauna with questionable method you have obtained the title of The Druid of Blood]

You obtained [Parasitic Lily] (Active)

-If your blood managed to enters a flesh it will start consuming the target's body and slowly develop to a blood Lily (The flower will die if it was removed from the body or there's no blood available to drain) A blood druid can absorb the essence of a fully matured blood lily and use it to randomly increase the user's attributes by one or use it for upgrading any nature element

After reading the description, Peter started absorbing all the matured blood lilies that he obtained earlier. Out of 50 flowers on 20 are matured enough to absorb.

Peter uses 5 flowers on his wooden armor and the remaining 15 to himself

[Name:Peter "Pidgeon" Gideon (69420)]

[Criminal Rank: E]


Sanity: 100/100

Strength: 9+12 (Wooden Nazgúl Gauntlets ☆☆☆(Left)

Agility: 6+4 (Knife proficiency)

Accuracy 6

Intelligence: 8

Creativity: 4+2 (crafting proficiency)

Defense: 5+24.5 (clothing) (Wooden Nazgúl Gauntlets and shoulder pads ☆☆☆(Left)

[Title: Eye Hunting Demon/ Druid of Blood]


Cursed Eyes(passive)lvl 3: by frequently eating the eyes of the user's victim, the user's eyesight will improve.

Blood Nature Eyes(Active)lvl 1: Gain a deeper understanding of the weakness of plants and animals if user's blood manage to come into contact at least once with the same species.

Nature's Blood (Passive) Lvl 1:Your blood will induce an accelerated growth for the plants that it will be touching

Parasitic Lily(Active)Lvl 1: If your blood managed to enters a flesh it will start consuming the target's body and slowly develop to a blood Lily (The flower will die if it was removed from the body or there's no blood available to drain) A blood druid can absorb the essence of a fully matured blood lily and use it to randomly increase the user's attributes by one or use it for upgrading any nature element equipments.

Knife proficiency (passive) lvl 4:

Sane/Insane facade (psuedo active) lvl 3:

Gatherer (passive) lvl 1

Primitive Crafting proficiency(passive) lvl 2