Thought 1-Numbing Hate

Hate, do you feel it. It runs deep within your bones, a natural human instinct. Fight or flight, when it comes down to it who are you? When the world ends and sanity leaves you, who else do you have to blame but yourself? When emotion leaves you, and the hate within your bones leaks into your mind, who do you blame? When you run from the past, turn away from the present, and dread the future; how do you live with yourself? What is hate? A natural reaction that your body has towards things that cause you pain, and what happens when you are the cause of that pain? You begin to hate yourself. You trash your life, you throw away emotions, you cut off people who used to mean the world to you; the void within and around you is your only friend. There is no cold, there is no darkness, just more pain; and eventually you'll become numb to that as well. You succumbed to your rage, to your false hatred. You hurt others in the process of hurting yourself, your lust for feeling brought pain to those around you, and that left you with that void; you had lost the only thing that meant anything to you anymore. So here you are, hating yourself; but even that fades away. Then what's left? Nothing but a husk of a person, alone in the world hoping to feel something one last time. Then that husk feels one more thing, a final goodbye to the world, it feels pain; something that it welcomes wholeheartedly before it's consciousness is scattered into the void. Lost forever in the vast void of time and space, hate is a powerful thing. So on the behalf of someone who once hated many, please, never hate again; you will lose far more the you gain.