Thought 10-Some Days

Some days, I wish I could be dead. Some days, I just sit at home and I just have the overwhelming feeling of sadness, I just want to curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep. Some days, I wish the pain could hold off the sadness. Some days, I wish that I could return to how it used to be. Before I learned of the world, before I grew up, before I met you. Some days, I regret ever walking up to you and asking you to be with me. The emptiness I feel without you by my side makes me want to just... I don't have words to describe. Some days, writing out my thoughts just doesn't cut it; oh even now I joke around with terrible puns. I still laugh without you, but the echo is hollow. I still smile without you, but it seems so fake. I still live without you, but am I actually still living? Some days, I wish I never met you. Some days, I wish you had never existed. I know though, that I would rather fade away then you be gone. It's to late now. Some days, I wish I never existed so you could live on without me. Some day, I'll be gone.