Joining the chat group

As soon as Li Yu agreed, he saw numerous letters in blue inside his mind. The letters were formed from the local language he was proficient in.

*Beep*[Congratulations for joining Good Fortune Cultivation Chat Group! Let me, your personal genie, give you some information about the group. Our motto is ' Knowledge is power'. The GFCCG spans across myriad domains and countless stars, having innumerable users. Hence, you would have the opportunity to chat with various users which will benefit you by expanding your vision and connections across various worlds. You can also use the across the void delivery services which will allow you to exchange your goods with other GFCCG users. Please note the amount of access you have and various terms of use-

1. As a new user, you are awarded a low grade Earth tier cultivation technique, ten low grade spirit stones, and a low grade Human tier spatial ring, along with the access to tier 1 Chat Room which includes the users from about 1000 planets, which includes your planet as well.

2. Exchange of goods with spirit stones with your fellow chat room members will require the buying party to pay 50% extra spirit stones to the GFCCG.

3. You will get 1 Chat Group Point (CGP) monthly, which can be exchanged for various products from GFCCG directly which include advanced cultivation techniques, skill techniques, various artifacts, pills, talismans etc. Available CGP - 0. You can watch available items anytime you want to exchange for something. More access will be given when you earn up to 50000 CGP.

4. The exchanged goods from GFCCG or its users may be gifted to others, but cannot be sold for profits to others. Failure to do the same will result in only one end- shattering of your soul, never getting a chance to reincarnate ever again.

5. To obtain more CGP, you will have to take active part in the chats, where you will get 1 CGP for every 10 likes that your chat gets. You may also take up missions available on administrator's profile. The administrator is an employee of GFCCG that will be responsible for your chat room, and he/she will be posting missions on behalf of GFCCG.

6. You are forbidden to mention anything about the existence of GFCCG to anyone. Failure to do the same will result in only one end- shattering of your soul, never getting a chance to reincarnate ever again.

7. GFCCG transmitter will never record your memory to prevent your privacy from being spoiled, except your memory of languages. You can record your memories and use them for audio/video messages personally. The messages and records will all be in the language you are most proficient in.

8. GFCCG transmitter has an in built body scanner, which will help the user check his body condition if needed. The scanner only works for the user.

9. GFCCG members are forbidden from lying, cheating and attacking one another. Failure to do the same... Hu hu hu, you know it.

Your user ID is 649M78. Your chat room number is 649. Your name will be hidden in the chat room. You may choose to show your name if you want. Your user ID may change as you increase your access rights in the club. Please enjoy your time at the Good Fortune Cultivation Chat Club!]

As soon as the introduction was finished, the body scanner started its work.

*Beep [ Scanning the body of user.... Scanning complete.]

[ User name- Li Yu

Energy Cultivation- None

Body Cultivation- Mortal body realm, Level 0

Soul Cultivation- Mortal soul realm, level 0

No special spiritual root found.

No special body types found.

No special soul types found.

Low grade Mortal tier spiritual roots for all the five elements found.

Low grade Mortal tier body type found.

Low grade Mortal tier soul type found.

User given the following energy cultivation technique based on his constitution- Lesser Five Elements Circulation Part-I]

[ Scanning for any bloodline... An ancient bloodline found, user does not have enough rights to access any information pertaining to the bloodline]

After that last prompt from the body scanner, Li Yu had no time to be confused about the cultivation jargon mentioned in the introduction, as he focused his eyes in front of his body, where a small black crack suddenly appeared, as if a gap in reality of his surroundings. Assuming it as the 'void delivery', he quickly reached his hand below the crack, catching a ring in his hand. He waited for a while, but the crack slowly closed. Clearly annoyed due to not getting any spirit stones he should have gotten, and only seeing an old looking bronze coloured ring in his hand, he shouted in his head " Genie, what about my spirit stones, and why do I get this broken down ring? This is the spatial ring you mentioned? Even manager Ma's ring is better compared to this trash"

*Beep*[ Genie does not provide any answers to the user's questions outside the scope of transmitter, user should use the chat room for gaining knowledge through other users. Genie only performs the works that the transmitter can do.]

Li Yu quickly threw away the ring in anger, and said "Open the chat room"

Chat Room 649, 59/126 online.

UserF57-" Pararam pararam papaparam

pararam pararam papaparam"' Welcome to you, newb!!!'

Li Yu immediately exited the chat room after hearing a loud headache inducing musical sound in his head. After a while, he gingerly entered again preparing to exit at any time.

UserM43-' Oh gosh!! 57, how many times have I said to not use loud audio messages? It is irritating!'

UserF57-' And how many times have I said that you should be offline when I am online if you have any problem with me!'

UserF24-' Okay, stop all of you. Let the new member talk something about himself.'

Li Yu thought for a while, before writing,

UserM78-' Hello everyone, I was a mortal previously and don't know anything about the matter regarding cultivators. I hope you can answer my doubts'

UserF57-' Ooooohhh! A mortal huh? Mortal life is fun! I remember that time when I pretended to be a mortal for two months. Eating nice things and shopping everyday! I enjoyed those two months thoroughly.'

UserM96-' 57, shut up!'

UserF57-' ..... Sorry uncle 96'

UserM96-' Little boy 78, quickly search for the ring you threw away!'

Reading the last message, Li Yu quickly got up, put Li Ming down slowly, and ran towards the direction in which he threw the ring, while asking,

UserM78-' Why?'

UserM96-' Because it is a spatial ring.'

UserM78-' So what?'

UserM96-' A spatial ring is a ring that contains its own dimension. That is, you can put large objects inside the ring. Your ring also contains the 10 low grade spirit stones'

Li Yu broke down in cold sweat as he finally found the ring. Picking it up carefully and placing it safely in his pockets, he wrote,

UserM78-' Thanks uncle 96, by the way, how do you differentiate between males and females? And how do you find someone's age?'

UserF57-' It is easy. A username having F means female and M means male. As for age, you have to ask, but some people may not tell you their age.'

Li Yu, slowly making his way back, finally realized a very serious problem. He started looking around like mad, while asking,

UserM78-' Umm, uncle 96, how do you know that I threw away the ring? Are you somewhere near?'

UserM96-'.... I used to be a mortal too'