There is a fine line between fortune and misfortune

Li Yu woke up two hours after the dawn. He quickly finished his morning deeds, ate some breakfast and went towards the counter, where manager Ma was sitting. Getting up, manager Ma said, " Wait a bit, you are too early. I have sent someone to get you some clothes, they will arrive within half an hour."

Li Yu said, "That's fine, I wanted to know more about the sect from you."

Manager Ma said, " Okay, the sect's name is Wooden Sword sect....". Manager Ma said many things about the sect. The time passed by quickly, and the worker arrived carrying clothes.

Li Yu took the package full of clothes in his hands, and it was time to leave. Bowing one last time towards manager Ma, Li Yu quickly left. His goal was a cave nearby the river he had accidentally discovered the first time he went there. There, he would cultivate arduously till he reaches 1st stage Qi Expansion realm, before entering the Dark Forest. Watching as Li Yu went off towards the Yellow Leaf valley, manager Ma took out a jade slip from his clothes, and crushed it, murmuring something.

Li Yu had heard from manager Ma during today's chat a bit about the geography and the reason about Dark Forest being termed as dangerous.

It turned out that the country Li Yu lived in was an abandoned area with negligible amount of resources. Blue Sparrow country and over hundred big and small countries formed the area which was known as the Southern Barren lands, south of which lied a great desert. The Southern Barren lands were termed as such because the Great Southern Mountain range formed a great barrier, preventing a huge amount of heaven and earth energies from entering the lands. It was said that there are many spirit stone mines in the mountain range, which absorbed the energies that would otherwise have drifted towards the Southern Barren Lands.

The Dark Forest, or the Southern Dark Forest as termed by the cultivators, lied at the foot of the mountain range on the opposite side of the Southern Barren Lands. Dense in the heaven and earth energies, the forest gave birth to many treasures of heaven and earth that were highly sought out by cultivators. However, there were many types of powerful beasts, known as monstrous beasts, that were powerful enough to be dreaded by many cultivators.

It was almost impossible for the weak to cross the mountain ranges and the forest, and the strong ones rarely ventured to Southern Barren Lands. Hence, knowledge about cultivators was known to very few people. Most of the mortals only knew about existence of 'immortals' and nothing else.

However, there were few places in the mountain range and the forest which were quite narrow, and had a gap that allowed easy access to weak cultivators. Yellow Leaf valley was one such gap, and the part of the forest opposite to it was only filled with monstrous beasts having strength of about 1st stage Qi Expansion realm to 2rd stage Qi Expansion realm. In the deeper and more dangerous areas of the forest, Foundation Establishment realm monstrous beasts could also be found.

After hearing the information, Li Yu realised that the world he lived in was extremely vast, and also realised about ignorance of mortals of the Southern Barren Lands. Most people thought that the Great Southern Mountain range were termed as such because the mountains were in the south. They were only partially true, as they didn't know that they lived in the barren lands, which were further down south. Hence, Li Yu was going in the north direction, and not south as he used to think previously. He also lamented the fate of ignorant adventurers who went to the Dark Forest to become 'immortal', only to become feces of monstrous beasts. He also realised the reason for the beasts in the Yellow Leaf valley being strong. It was probably due to the leaking heaven and earth energy from the mountains.

Quickly making his way through the Yellow Leaf valley, he went through everything that manager Ma had said. He started planning a bit for what he would do after reaching the sect. He reached the cave by the evening, while hunting a goat shaped beast on the way for rations.

The cave was located in a small hill by the river. The entrance was enough for two or three persons to pass through. Li Yu had chosen the cave because it went deep inside the hill, where he won't be disturbed by anyone or anything. As he reached the deepest part of the cave, he realised that it was very dark. Going out to bring some dry branches, he returned and lit them up on fire. Cooking the goat shaped beast on the fire, he divided the roasted meat in many parts with the help of his father's dagger. Storing most of the meat by wrapping it up in the package, he ate the rest. Using some of the fat from the beast to make a makeshift torch to light up the place, he sat down and started cultivating.

Many hours passed, night arrived, and the torch slowly burned out. Mentally exhausted by following the cultivation method to cultivate, he stopped cultivating, stood up, and went out of the cave. Bringing with him many twigs and grasses, he made a makeshift bed, lied down on it, and slept.

Waking up the next day, he slowly made his way out of the cave. Seeing the Sun peeking out of the horizon, he stretched his body and rubbed his eyes to sweep away the sleepiness he felt. He went about his morning deeds, stripped himself, and went towards the river to take a bath. Feeling a bit bored from the loneliness, he opened the chat room as he sat on the bank of the river, letting the water from the river drown him till the neck.

There were 29 users online.

UserF57-' Big sis 24, your trick worked! My dad finally forgave me, and allowed me to go out of the sect! I have already 'liked' the chat.'

As mentioned in the rules of the GFCCG, ten likes give 1 CGP, so the users were encouraged to provide useful reply to any questions that any users asked. Li Yu had already given the likes to uncle 96 when he got the answers to his queries. Unfortunately, he did not have anything that would earn him likes. Likes were hard to earn for him, who had no experience in the cultivation world.

UserM43-' Big sister 24, your trick is ingenious! As expected from the 'Expert Advisor 24' of our group. I will remember it if I need it in the future! One like from me too!'

UserF24-' Fufufu, it wasn't a big deal. In fact, little sister 57's father was easier to handle than the everyday customers at my sect.'

UserF57-' You also think like that, right? I have said to him many times to stop being so upright and stiff. Great men and women should have a ruthless side for their enemies.'

UserF24-' Oh my, it seems that it won't take long before you will be the one giving advises and I will be the one taking them.'

UserF57-' Big sis 24, don't tease me. I have a long way to go. Especially in my sect, where I don't have to use my brain most of the time, hence it will be almost impossible to increase my scheming ability. I think I will have to run away from the sect for gaining experience as soon as I get the chance, or else I will become an dull person.'

Li Yu went through the chat and finally got to know what happened. UserF57 was the only granddaughter of the Highest Elder, who was the most powerful person of her sect. Her father was the sect leader. Hence, she was treated like a princess in the sect, resulting in her mischievous and capricious nature. Added to that her exceptional talent, along with her grandfather doting on her very much, even her father, the sect leader, couldn't keep her mischiefs in control.

However, that did not mean she was naive. In fact, she was very smart and perceptive. And her ambitions knew no bounds. She already had a faction of her own in the sect, which grew very quickly. Her grandfather, seeing her capabilities, had already declared her as the future sect leader, as none of her brothers and cousin brothers lived up to his expectations. No one complained about his decision as she was the best choice for the seat of the sect leader, and no one opposed her from then onwards. At least, no one dared to oppose her openly.

Getting to know about some faction planning to oppose her secretly with the help of a spy, she moved with lightening fast speed and uprooted the faction and destroyed the cultivation base of the faction's ten highest leaders. Then she framed the faction for being treacherous towards the sect, so that she can stand on the side of the justice.

Her father, angry at his daughter doing such an outrageous thing, ordered her to not leave the sect for three months straight. Of course, he could only do so much. He couldn't punish her more, or her grandfather might intervene on her behalf.

However, User57 felt that she hadn't done anything wrong. Hence, she asked help from big sis 24, who was a head of some business oriented sect, and had to deal with many tricky and problematic matters all the time, to help her to convince her father to not punish her.

Reading through the chat, Li Yu broke out in cold sweat. It seemed there were no naive and foolish people in the cultivation world. Even the seemingly lively and mischievous UserF57 was a ruthless person when it came to her own interest. Looking at everyone talking and laughing as if schemes and trickery was a small everyday matter, he started to feel that it REALLY was a small matter that he would have to get used to quickly.

UserM96-' You two little girls, don't get carried away in your little schemes and forget about your main aim. Increasing your cultivation realms and perceiving the Dao should be your goal.'

UserF24-' Uncle 96, you are right. But schemes and trickery are also a means to increase power.'

UserF57-' Uncle 96, only when our enemies are out of our way can we increase our realms and perceive the Dao without any disturbances.

UserM96-' It's good that you know about your priorities.'

Reading the chat, Li Yu was startled. Yes, schemes and trickery were needed to thrive, but they were not the priorities. Increasing cultivation and perceiving Dao should be his goal. Wait, what was Dao? And how was one supposed to perceive it?

UserM78-' Uncle 96, what is Dao?'

UserM96-' Reach Golden Core realm first, or at least reach the peak Foundation Establishment realm, before asking this question again.'

Li Yu was confused as to why he couldn't ask the question? It seemed that some answers could only be obtained by the strong. He then asked,

UserM78-' Everyone, I want some advice. I am about to join a sect...'. Li Yu said everything that manager Ma had mentioned. And also talked about how he planned to work under Qing Mei, as he needed some backing in the sect.

UserF57-' Newb, how old are you?'

Li Yu was confused by this question, as he said,

UserM78-' I am 20 years old, why?'

UserF57-' Well, I am 28 years old, so call me big sister. I just want to say that working under the sect leader's daughter is a bad idea. Ask big sister 24 for the reason, I can't be bothered to explain such simple logic.'

'Simple logic? How come I don't feel it being simple?' Li Yu cursed in his mid at the 'big sister' who likes to pretend to be a young and lively girl.

UserM78-' Umm, big sister 24, will you please explain it?'

UserF24-' Well, just think, you see a young man of common origin who follows around a young woman of a noble origin, working under her, what will you feel?.'

UserM78-' Jealous at the fellow's luck.'

Li Yu answered without even thinking, as he gradually realised the direction the conversation was heading.

UserF24-' Exactly! There are certain types of people who will go to any lengths driven by jealousy. When I first got some power within my sect and started recruiting people to work under me, I noticed that some of the handsome men who were working under me met lots of misfortune. In fact, two outstanding young men had disappeared entirely. All I found of them was their dead bodies. Later on I started crushing those jealous people, but my initial ignorance led to downfall of two of my followers. I am sure little sis 57 went through the same thing. You realise what I am trying to say don't you?'

Li Yu was sweating all over his body as he realised everything. If not for the river water washing over him, he would have been washed over by his own sweat. Fudge! That was close! He didn't want his life to depend on whether Qing Mei was intelligent enough to protect her followers or not.

Li Yu, who considered himself as a very handsome person, could already foresee a group of jealous people running after him to kill him, had he followed manager Ma's plan. Manager Ma was an old and fat man who did not arouse any feeling of jealousy during his time at the sect, but the same might not be true in his case.

UserF57-' Well, if little brother 78 is normal or ugly young man, I doubt anyone would feel jealous of him.'

UserF24-' Enough teasing, 57. Now let's say that you take your time to observe the sect leader's daughter, whether she will be able to protect you or not, and then try to work under her. I would still advice you to not work under her even if she is a capable.'

UserM78-' Why?'

UserF24-' Well, you said you got some treasure from her manager who went on an expedition, right?'

UserM78-' Yes'

UserF24-' You described him as a fat old man, right?'


UserF24-' What type of the friends he can have at the sect?'

Li Yu thought hard about it, and replied,

UserM78-' Ummm, maybe the same type as him, old people?'

UserF24-' Exactly, and why would a bunch of old people, who are clearly supposed to retire after some more years, gather together to go on an expedition?'

UserM78-' Wait, I heard from the manager Ma that one of his friends got a treasure map in a market from someone.'

UserF24-' Little brother, the world isn't full of lucky people. Getting a treasure map from someone? Seriously? If the manager's friend had been so lucky, and favoured by destiny, then he wouldn't have become an old man at all. He would still be a youth. Of course, as a high levelled cultivator.'

Li Yu understood what she meant. If manager Ma's friend had such luck, he would have become at least a Foundation Establishment realm expert at his age, where his life expectancy would have been 250 years. His age in comparison to 250 years can really be considered young. He heard big sister 24 continue saying,

UserF24-'If my guess isn't wrong, then the seller likely knew the truth about the map, and even knew the dangers. The seller likely waited for the manager's group to return from their trip, battered, exhausted and with some casualties in the group, to trap and kill them in one fell swoop. But he underestimated the dangers of the expedition or overestimated the group's strength. His plan failed, with the manager Ma calling for the daughter of the sect leader for the help. I am sure he knows of everyone that participated in the expedition, seeing his foolproof schemes. If you go to work for the daughter of the sect leader upon the manager's recommendation, won't it be the same as proclaiming that you have with you everything that the seller desires?'

' Manager Ma, my dear manager Ma, my most respected manager Ma, if I didn't know you as a person after all these years of our relationship, I would have simply assumed that you are sending me to my death instead of helping me' Li Yu shouted loudly in his head.

He finally realised the saying, ' There is a fine line in between fortune and misfortune'. The backing that he assumed would shelter him was a death trap that was waiting for him to jump. The treasure that he assumed would ease his journey was a bomb that would explode him to pieces if it went off. He was in danger, yet he didn't know of it.