Chapter 3

On that day when I and Maya were in the garden, she had expressed an ambition with me.  My head was in the lap of Maya and she stroked my hair saying....


           "Vikram, I like this"garden"very much. can you buy for me ???"

I said "Maya, at this time I do not have so much money but yes one day I will definitely buy."

Today I want to say to Maya that I have bought the entire garden and  do you know?   The name of this garden I have named after you "Maya GARDEN".  I wish I could say these words to Maya.  Today I have everything but you are not.

The biggest day of my life was?  when Maya gave birth to rahul.  How happy we were?  when Rahul came in our life. We had seen many dreams for Rahul. I wanted Rahul to become a big business man, but maya  wish was that he became a footballer like Ronaldo.  None of us were ready to believe.  Then,  we finally decided that Rahul would become. what he himself would like???

Maya told Rahul ...

              "Aale ... Aale .... My son,  how nice is your father? He warms milk for you, he drinks you milk, he baths you, he performs massaging you, he change your diapers and he brings a lot of toys for you.  Look, they do not let me do any work. "


I said, " Rahul is my son and his attention will not keep his father then who else will keep it?  you are my wife and it is my duty to take care of your every need."