Chapter 5 : Pink Bra

Evening. Jungkook's Rest House. EunHa's POV.

I wipe the glass window harshly but a bit cautious not to break it, because I swear I couldn't afford to pay for any damages from this jerk's house. I still have to focus on helping Eun Woo oppa to pay for the debts.

"Aish..! Why did I even have to stay on this place. But if I just come running away, that jerk would probably tell everyone about my secret."

I mumble to myself, I roll my eyes as I've finished the last glass window. I damp the face towel on my neck, taking the bucket out as I return it on to the storage room. I check on my watch, it's past seven already and that jerk isn't back on this damn home yet. I fix my things, took my salary from the kitchen counter as I am ready to head home, but when I was about to open the main door I stopped and thought for awhile like there's something inside myself who's trying to prevent me from heading home.

"T-That jerk.. I need some explanations from him. I wanna clear things out from him." I gulp, backing out as I sat on the couch in the living room. The place was all quiet, I didn't know with myself. Why am I even waiting for him?

Later then, it already took two hours when I realized that I got 29 missed calls from Eun Woo oppa. I narrowed my eyes, I didn't know that I slept, yet Jungkook still isn't back here. Once again my phone rings, "Thank God! EunHa, where the hell are you?! It's almost ten in the evening! Tell me where are you, I will pick you up!" angers Eun Woo.

I bit my lower lip, nervous on the way Eun Woo oppa shouts through the phone. "I-I.. I'm sorry I had to come by over a friend's house for a project. I'm on my way home! I'll be there in a minute, I promise..!" I say as fast as I could then hanging off the call. I heave a deep sigh, getting my bag from the couch.

But as soon as I was about to touch the handle of the door, the door flew open with the sight of Jungkook and unexpectedly with a drunk sleeping girl on his back. He enters inside like he didn't see me, his eyes were closing like he's drunk as well. "Yah.." He stops, "Didn't a-ahjumma told you that I don't want to see you after your duty? Y-You should be home before seven!" his voice was drunk yet he didn't mind to look at me.

"Should I be the one who'll be needing some explanations from you?!" I battled, "You told me to wait for you after dismissal, I was waiting for an hour but you didn't showed up. But here you are, drunk as fuck with a.. a girl. Yeah, I was so stupid to believe you." Before I knew, I wasn't aware that I was like a girlfriend ranting something. I shut my mouth, "Nevermind, I'm going home!"

"Yeah, yeah yeah..! You should have done that hours ago." He said, heading together with his girl drunkenly towards his room. I watch as he lays the girl on his bed, but the girl awakens as she chuckles. She pulls Jungkook on top her, kissing his neck as the two of them giggles together. My brows clenched, completely disgusted to everything I've seen. I drag my bag as I decided to get out of this disgusting house, slamming the door harshly, I didn't mind breaking it at all.

The Next Day. Hwang University, courtyard, PE class. EunHa's POV.

I stretch my arms up, sighting the bright sun above. I did a little stretching infront of Somi and Yeri who were putting make up on their faces before the start of the softball game for girls. "Don't you think it's too much, don't over do your face. All of us will get sweaty for this game." I said for the nth time.

Somi and Yeri basically rolled their eyes on me, but I'm used to it that way since I'd always warn them for almost 2 years when we reached college. I chuckle a little, shooking my head. Right away, the whistle blows as everyone starts to form lines infront of Mr. Choi. For the girls, we have to play the soft ball game and the boys will have their basketball game.

Yet right on time, my eyes stumbled on the track field, the Senior Class-A are having their PE class as well. I watch as the seven casanovas walking with excessive pride on their heads especially when I saw that jerk Jungkook, winking his eyes on some girls who were greeting him. Gosh, I'm disgusted with you Jeon Jungkook!

"Yah..! The bitch Yeoreum is looking at you, EunHa!" keenly whispers Yeri. My eyes searched where Yeoreum was and there she was with two girls on both of her sides, peeling me alive with her deathly stares. I instantly ignore them, I shook my head as the game starts. "Let's not mind them." I mutter.

I was running back and forth, getting rid of the ball thrown on us. I was having fun but at the same time my energy decreases every single move I make. But then, just a snap of glance, a ball slammed on my face as I slumped down the ground. I don't know where that pink ball came but I heard laughs on to the other side.

"EunHa-yah..!" I tried to process everything that has happened. I couldn't see who came beside me because I've been very dizzy and suddenly felt something hot flowing down from my nose. "What the fuck was that, Yeoreum!?" I heard Yeri's voice yelling in anger, I watch her as she immediately pushes Yeoreum.

The two other girls from Yeoreum's side came in rescue, they were battling around Yeri as I saw Somi joining with Yeri as well. The two sides were arguing together, "What the hell is your problem?!" Somi angers, preventing herself to give a slap on Yeoreum's face.

Yeoreum smirks victoriously, crossing her arms. "I'm sorry but my hands were itching, I thought I was part of the game. I'm sorry, Juniors." she then laughs with the two girls beside her.

The tall girl beside Yeoreum spoke all of a sudden. "And oh, Jeon Somi and Kim Yeri. Aren't you two a bit disrespectful right now? We're your seniors, you better shut your fucking mouths up."

Somi sighs, smirking as well. "How ironic for you to say that, Pinky. Would you think I'd respect someone whose dirties secrets include giving free blowjobs to some professors in order not to fail subjects? If I know you're not suppose to be in your place right now, rather, a part of the freshies."

The sudden words came out from Somi earned 'oohs' and whispers as everyone couldn't believe it. Pinky raged in anger as she was about to slap Somi's face but the PE professors came in between them. "I'm so not done with the three of you!" Yeoreum pointed out, and lastly her eyes narrowed angrily looking at me.

"Oh yeah, I'm already visualizing the duct tapes all over your mouths!" Yeri yells before the two of them came into my side. My two friends helped me get up, "You guys didn't have to do that." I mumble, Somi gave me a cloth as I damp it on my nose. "Nah, it's alright. They deserve it! They shouldn't mess with us." Yeri says like no worries.

"Come on, we'll take you to the infirmary." I stood up, but I kindly rejected their offer. "It's okay, I'm fine. I'll just go alone. Mr. Choi would probably set you guys in detention if you'll skip class after you just had fought with the seniors." I explain, I smile as I started to walk away. "But thank you! I'll meet you later at lunch."


I was walking on to the pathway towards the infirmary, continuously damping the cloth on my blooded nose. But all of a sudden, a bucket of ice cold water splashes all over me. I was dripping wet, shocked on the sight of four men laughing and inspecting me. The other guy with the bucket pointed me out, "Look! Look! What a cute pink bra!"

"Oh! Oh!" "She's so sexy..!" "Damn shit! Just got a fucking boner!"

My eyes narrowed in shock, seeing these men talking about my body. I immediately covered myself with my arms, lowering my head down as I felt being embarrassed and humiliated. I felt my eyes wobbling in tears, until a warm cloth covers behind me.

I slightly flinched to see a jacket placed down on my body, I quickly covered myself but then I didn't expect to see that person who was behind it. "Didn't I remind everyone about this..?" That voice was so familiar.

Just before I could even turn to look back to see who it was, in a fast pace that guy grabs the collar of the guy who was holding the bucket. With his teeth eagerly battling infront of the four men, they were all shivering in fear. "W-We're sorry, J-Jungkook hyung.. w-we were j-just pranking and-" Without hesitation, Jungkook hardly punches the guy's face before he could even end his explanation.

His anger boils rapidly, kicking the other three guys as they received punches from Jungkook. The four men were helpless as they were crying in pain with the bruises they received on their faces. I was stucked and dumbfounded to the sudden commotion, there were students who have gathered around to watch.

Jungkook came towards my side, he fixed the jacket, zipping it up making sure my body was fully covered. "I bet that will be enough reasons to face the consequences for disobeying me. Yet, it's the most basic thing I could ever do. There's a lot more than that if you'd still want to mess up with me. Again, don't you ever touch my girl."

I was left speechless, to think he's the guy behind every headaches and worries I've been feeling the past days. I didn't expect he'd stood himself up for me even wasting his pride above all. He wraps his arm around me, taking me out of the scene as I watch the four men lying on the ground.