Fenghuang Yun only stayed due to the fact that there was two bathrooms in the suite. He changed into casual sleeping clothes and went straight to the bed.

The girl from earlier was already dead asleep as she hugged a pillow as if it would leave her. She was small enough to sleep comfortably on the couch yet she was stubborn as a mule and actually pulled off such a childish move. Either way he did not fit on the couch and the bed was big enough to fit both of them without having to touch. He slid into the right corner of the bed and sighed before going to sleep.

His family really drive him to take such extreme measures. What would they think if they found out he stayed in the same suite as a young maiden. Especially since the young maiden was pretty they'd definitely pry for what's not there.

In the morning Long Hu awoke hugging a big rock! Who dare put a rock on her bed! She opened her eyes only to realize she was hugging the man from yesterday?! How did he get on the bed? Shouldn't he have slept on the couch.

She quickly retreated and got off the bed as she inspected him. She was right the night did him no justice as he looked way more handsome this morning. He seemed peaceful as he rested and she couldn't help but think he was to vulnerable at the moment. No one would blame her if she took a peak right?

However she stopped as she watched him shift to his left side. He was probably a light sleeper so she'd have to give up on the thought. Sighing she went into the bathroom and started getting ready.

She put on a simple white sundress that flowed at her hips with brown cute sandals that wrapped around her ankles. Grabbing her favorite glasses she put them on along with a sunhat that covers her hair. She had to admit she was quite cute as she stared at herself in the mirror.

Curling the ends of her hair took more time then expected. Her hair was straight and when curled, it'd go back to normal after a couple of hours. Putting on a slight mist that smelled like lemon and flowers she winked at herself as she left the bathroom. What greeted her was an empty room as the ice block had already left for breakfast.

Shrugging her shoulders she grabbed a simple bag and walked out into the food area. The area was by the pool while the stand beside it had the many breakfast items you could choose from in a buffet style.

She hadn't tasted much food out of home so she had to admit she was excited. Reaching the stand she grabbed a plate and began stacking her little plate with her favorites. As she saw the French toast she was going to reach for it when a big hand won her to it and took it !

She sulked as she looked up at the familiar face. He raised his eyebrows at her before he proceeded to grab other items.

He was really rude! Daring to take french toast from a maiden! When she found his name she'd definitely get her revenge !

He wore sunglasses and casual clothes that outlines his muscular body. Even simple clothes made him look like a model on a runway.

Many women stared at him in awe from afar waiting for their chance to approach him. Such a good looking man was hard to find and the women would definitely take their chances.

Long Hu ignored everything around her as she sat on a small table of two by the sea. She took a deep breathe enjoying the view before plugging in one of her earphones and beginning to eat.

The men who watched her couldn't help but take in her exquisite beauty. Everything she did was graceful and elegant like a fairy. Her beauty was indeed a sight to behold even when hidden a bit with the glasses.

Her small stature did not prevent her seductive curves to entrance men as she walked by. Sitting by herself eating peacefully many men where thinking up ways to approach her when suddenly a man sat across from her.

The man was just as handsome with an imposing aura that could drive anyone away. However, did she perhaps like big men? She was so tiny and he was so big. How did it work? Many thought as they saw the couple who sat together and ate. While many wondered others stared in jealousy and regret.

Long Hu knew he sat their to avoid the women so she only glanced at him before returning to eat from her delicious plate. He was actually doing her a favor and warding off any lecherous men that wanted to approach her anyway.

As they ate suddenly he asked her a question. " miss Lolita what family do you belong to? The way you move and conduct yourself let's me know your from a prestigious family."

Long Hu looked up at him curious to why he started making conversation first. She took her time chewing before responding. "Mr ice block, I sadly can't reveal what family I come from since I might endanger you." She smiled before placing some bacon into her mouth and chewing slowly.

Fenghuang Yung remained impassive as he kept eating but looked at her in deep thought behind his glasses.

"May I ask why it's dangerous?" He continued. He had to admit he was curious about such an unruly miss. What family would house such a crazy woman?

"More like I'm hiding my identity, since I'll be in a war sooner or later. The winner takes all and I need to take precautions even against a stranger. May I ask what family you are from mister ice block ?" She said in a mild tone.

" I'm in a similar situation miss Lolita." He mentioned as he drank a little of his orange juice.

"How old are you ?" She asked. If they were going to share the same room they might as well get to know each other.

"21 and you?"

"Mmm just two years younger." She mentioned as she finished eating.

" I would have never guessed."

" mr.ice block your quite aloof. I think your method of avoiding women is actually attracting them." Long Hu pointed out as she smirk. She stood up taking her plate to the wash area.

Fenghuang Yun followed as he placed his plate beside hers "I believe I'll need to borrow your company to fend them off then." He said as he followed her. She raised her eyebrows not believing this man was actually a leech using her for protection. Where was his pride and arrogance from before?!