The man who was initially confident felt dejected as he started at the man before him. Despite his hard work at the gym, which he was so proud of, this man was superior in every way!

"I-Is that so, my bad then" were the only words he could say as he walked back to his family members awkwardly. They had brought his hopes up that he could at least have a chance to sit by the fairy but no one told him her man was to extraordinary!

Fenghuang Yun watched as the dejected man walked back and went to lye on the chair which he originally coveted. Beside him Long Hu giggled at the situation. She felt quite bad as she watched how the mans eyes flicked with shock as they dimmed losing hope when he came face to face with mr.ice block. "Say mr.ice block, if you keep following me I'll think your interested in me."

Long Hu was mischievous and was too faced. Despite her childish behavior at times she was an indifferent lady. She especially loved to play acts in front of people. Fenghuang could really not see through her, she was unreadable as she'd always do the unexpected. People like her were considered wolf in sheep's clothing and he believed she was no ordinary rich girl.

He knew he was willingly walking into the fox's den, yet she was so captivating he couldn't help but feel curious. This was the reason for hanging around the tiny woman.

"Think what you prefer miss Lolita."

Long Hu looked at him as he sat there calmly taking in the view of the sea. He may not know, but she knew very well the type of man he was. His cold attitude was but a cover up to hide just how much of a big heart he has.

She figured it out the day he arrived. He was a man of power and influence that could very easily pick her up and throw her out the room for his convenience. Men were usually arrogant and prideful yet he let her stay in the room with a simple sigh. He did not take advantage of her sleeping neither did he have ulterior motives. If he tried something she'd end his life that night either way.

She realized he hid from women because he did not want to deal with them, which was the sole reason he followed her. He may seem unsympathetic but he did things harshly in order to burn out all their hopes in one go. This was the type of hubby material many wanted.

He's young but still did not have a lover. He never checked his phone, called anyone, or put any boundaries on her when he decided they would share a room. If he had someone in his heart he wouldn't dare think of sharing a room with a women or even think of following her around. Right when she is being pressured into finding a marriage partner he appears at her door as an offering.

Such a fine man would eventually get snatched up.

Such delicacy was before her and she remained unmoving. Should she enjoy this meal presented to her or should she let him off due to his kindness? She mentally laughed wickedly, maybe she could play with him for a while and leave when things started getting out of hand. Who knew she was such a devil like woman who thought to disappear when emotions began to appear.

Her thoughts did not affect her facial features at all as a small smile was plastered on her glossy cherry lips matching her serene expression.

Not replying to him she layed back into her chair enjoying the view behind her sunglasses. She was on a vacation so she should enjoy it.