The Witnesses

I sit in the study chair with three judges, many witnesses and a doctor surrounding the desk as Maxime stands in chains to the side. They stare, waiting for me to announce the reason for me calling them here.

"Gentlemen, thank you for coming on such short notice. I would like to first inform all those not aware that my father, Duke Jean-Claude of Villefranche, has left on a mission to seek reinforcements from King Luis the twelfth. He has left me in charge. Here is the letter with his personal seal, and I have the seal of the Dukedom here." I pass around the brief letter from my father, establishing myself as the sovereign of the Dukedom. I also remove the ring on my finger, that gives me authority over the Dukedom, to present it to the authorities.

"This letter has been authenticated and agreed to by a council held the day of my father's departure, of which General Maxime was a part."

The judges examine the evidence I present then whisper among themselves. Finally, the chief judge says, "We accept your claim as the current head of the Dukedom."

"Thank you." I give a gracious smile and nod. "I have called this trial against General Maxime, when I received word of a plot against me." I stand and move away from my seat opening my arms for the chief judge to take his place there. "Judge Laurent, will you take your place and lead this trial in all fairness." I may be the current ruler, but I don't want there to be a revolt from the soldiers, so I am having this be relatively public and unbiased.

"That is gracious of you Lady Pierrette-Danielle." Judge Laurent takes his place. "I will have you be the first witness."

"With pleasure, your honor." I give a slight curtsy, maintaining politeness.

"How did you become aware of this plot?"

"As mentioned, we had a council the day of my father's departure. I felt as though General Maxime was hiding something, so I had a trusted advisor, General Raphael, keep an eye on him. He informed me less than a half hour ago that General Maxime had acquired a poison and planned to administer it to me. I immediately asked for his apartments to be searched and called this trial."

"How do you know you can trust General Raphael's word against his superiors?"

"During said meeting most of the men lied to my face. I am young and naïve, but not stupid. General Raphael is one of the few who was honest the entire time."

"I am grateful to hear that you can distinguish fact from fiction." Judge Laurent is careful to not offend me, but also not give his opinion one way or another.

With that phrase he accepts my testimony and moves on to that of General Raphael's. Raphael collaborates my testimony, adding that he had been honest that day, because he has wanted the best outcome for Villefranche, and felt the truth was the only way to achieve that.

"I heard several men talking this afternoon with General Maxime after training about removing Lady Pierrette-Danielle and taking power. General Maxime admitted that he had a plan and had acquired a slow poison to give her."

"Do you have other witnesses to this conversation?"

"Yes, these men." Raphael gestures to a group of soldiers to his left.

"General Maxime do you agree that you had the said conversation?"

"I never had such a conversation."

"Okay I will need to hear from each witness." The men take turns sharing the same story with slight variations, all collaborating with Raphael's story.

"Thank you, gentlemen. General Raphael, tell me about the raid of General Maxime's room." The judge

"I entered with these soldiers." He motions to the other group of witnesses behind him. "They are at different levels, and under separate commanders to insure a just outcome. We searched the room while Officer Jules guarded the General. He appeared nervous so we searched him. We found this bottle in his pocket." He lifts a vile up from the desk, where it has been resting during trial. "Officer Michael conducted the body search and is the one who gave you the vile."

"I agree with the final statement. I am assuming the doctor is here to identify the contents of the vile."

"Yes, your honor." Raphael remains in a position of attention throughout the entire interrogation.

"General Maxime do you agree with the order of events as General Raphael has placed them."

"I never had that vile on my person." General Maxime's face is red in rage.

"Witnesses." The judge beacons for the witnesses to step forward and testify. Again, their stories were close, but allowed for differences in prospective. All of them affirmed the story set out by Raphael.

"Thank you, gentlemen. Now the opinion of the doctor." The judge holds out the vile to the doctor.