Mana Blockers

Mauri kept practicing on getting Helos' appearance correctly, and then after many failures, she finally got it, to where she celebrates and congratulates herself and thereafter she calls Damien's name, so that he can get out of his hibernation, he then sluggishly asks her.

"did you get it already?"

she answers.

"yes, I've got his appearance right, and I feel confident enough to execute a plan."

he asks with a sinister tone.

"are we going in there, and have ourselves a fight."

she replies seriously.

"no we can't do that, because if we manage to draw a huge amount of his family members to the gathering then we will get quickly overwhelmed and most likely die."

Damien clicks his tongue in disappointment.

"I was hoping you would do that, what a shame."

she clears her throat and says.

"I'm going to obtain some mana blockers, and have everyone in attendance consume it with drinks."

Damien replies.

"it's not an exciting plan, but I guess it'll get the job done."

after explaining her plan to Damien, Mauri went to a prison transport route that she knows of, so she can attack the convoy to obtain whatever amount of mana blockers they have in their possession, and after waiting around for many hours, she spots a prisoner transport carriage coming down the dirt road, and then as she feigns an injury, she waves at it and shouts.

"help me, I'm hurt!"

the convoy slow down until they come to a complete stop, a fully armored guard dismounts their horse, and asks concerned.

"are you okay, ma'am?"

she looks at the guard and chants.

"Conjuration holy spears."

the guard tilts his head in confusion and asks.

"I couldn't hear you, can you repeat it?"

but then his focused is turned to the sky as the other guards start shouting.

"what the hell are those bright things!?"

and then his attention shifts back to Mauri as she yells.


the brights spears floating in the air, start plunging down to the ground, piercing through all the guards armor, like if they were made out of paper, and in a couple of seconds every guard in the vicinity dropped dead, Mauri then thinks to herself.

"alright now that I've taken care of the guards, all I need to do is to get rid of the prisoners."

as she walks to the carriage that is transporting the prisoners, she chants.

"Conjuration Dragon broadsword."

a sword that was favored by Dragonoids during the war, and a sword that Mauri has admired since she first encountered it, to the point that she trained her mind so that she can conjure it up with her magic. Mauri approaches the huge cage

that is being pulled by the carriage, and the prisoners are all cheering and thanking her for killing the guards, thinking that she is here to free them, but they have come to a realization that she is not here to save them, as she begins slaughtering the prisoners and after killing the last one that set foot our of the cage Damien says to Mauri.

"don't forget to consume them, we need to keep growing my powers."

she responds.

"I'll do that once I get the mana blockers."

Mauri begins her search for the mana blockers, and after rummaging through the convoy supplies, she finally finds a chest filled with tubes of mana blockers, and then Damien asks.

"tell me Mauri, is that green liquid what you call mana blockers?"

she answers.


he follows up with another question.

"how does it work?"

she replies.

"well It's pretty self explanatory, this green liquid completely blocks the mana flow when it enters inside someone's body."

he responds with fascination.

"the ability to completely cut off someone's mana flow sounds very amazing."

he pauses for a moment and then asks.

"is this effect permanent?"

she answers.

"yes some of them can be permanent, but due to the certain material needed to make these mana blockers, running low, they aren't made as often."

intrigued he asks.

"are the material needed to make it rare and who makes these mana blockers?"

she responds.

"yes they are rare, and can only be found inside a certain iron that has to mined from the only mountain that contains it, to which the orcs have taken exclusive control of."

he asks.

"so they are running low on this material?"

she sighs and answers as she starts putting away the tubes in her bag.

"yeah, as of right now they are using prisoners from Burmendak Prison to mine every last drop of that material until it completely runs out, and when the time comes, mana blockers will cease to exist."

as Mauri finished putting away the tubes of mana blockers, Damien makes a comment.

"I'm surprised that other races haven't tried to take control over the orc region and keep that material for themselves."

she replies.

"well since they make money selling mana blockers to many major kingdoms on this continent and they take in the most unwanted criminals from wherever, no one saw a reason to start an unnecessary war with the orcs."

Damien replies.

"the current races are far more interesting than those I've met thousands of years ago."

Mauri then asks.

"how did they look like?"

he answers.

"they looked very human like, and from whatever information I gathered from them, they were the only race that existed at that time."

she thinks to herself in excitement.

"I've had suspicions that Damien ran into the founders of mana before he got sealed, but now, he has confirmed it, maybe if I ask him he can reveal things that most of our historians have been asking."

Damien then says to Mauri.

"don't worry if you really are curious about the ones that I ran into thousands of years ago I'll tell you, but first you have to go ahead and consume all those, you have slaughtered so that we can continue to grow our power."

she breathes in and out and responds.

"fine I'll start now."

she began to eat the guards and prisoners before she left to enact her plan.