Isaac, The Mana Manipulator

Damien uses mimicry to take on the appearance of Xavier and makes it inside the palace in Rozlania so that he can eliminate King Francis, and the rest of his royal bloodline, to fulfill Mauri's last wish, so that Damien can live unbound from the emotional burden, he looks around the palace and thinks to himself.

"even though I've never stepped foot in the royal palace, Mauri's memories of it, makes it feel like I've been here before."

not paying attention to his surroundings Damien bumps into a young looking kid with short spiky, light brown hair, and brown eyes hiding behind a pair of glasses, the kid adjusts his glasses with his index finger and asks.

"oh hey Xavier, did you find anymore pre cursor books like before?"

he stares at the kid's face, trying to see if Mauri has any memory of him, and once he finally realized that his name is Leonard, Damien answers.

"sorry Leonard, I was busy with other things."

Leonard sighs in disappointment and then asks curiously.

"were you busy with your search for Mauri?"

Damien not wanting to arouse any suspicions he goes with the flow.

"yeah, but that last lead I was given of her whereabouts, did not yield any results."

he replies.

"don't sound so disappointed, I'm sure she'll turn up again."

Damien then says to Leonard.

"well I would love to stay and talk a bit longer, but."

he interrupts and chuckles.

"I understand, you are a very busy man."

before Damien got to walk away from him, Leonard says to Damien.

"oh before you go Xavier, Isaac is looking for you."

Damien asks curiously.

"do you know have an idea why he wants to talk to me?"

Leonard shrugs his shoulder.

"I have no idea."

as they go their separate ways, Damien thinks to himself.

"well whatever, I'm not going to bother with that Isaac guy, I came here to kill King Francis and get rid of the royal bloodline."

Damien wonders around the palace, still in disguise as Xavier, searching for the king, until a male voice calls him out.

"yo Xavier, I've been looking for you."

Damien exhales in frustration.

"and who might you be?"

Damien turns around and sees a man with a full short beard, black side parting hair, brown eyes, dressed in the Rozlania white and blue magic knights casual dress clothes, replies.

"come on Xavier, you know me, why are you acting cold?"

Damien clears his throat.

"sorry Isaac, I'm just busy with some stuff."

Isaac responds suspiciously.

"oh of course you are."

he then asks.

"having trouble finding King Francis?"

Damien asks himself surprised with what Isaac said.

"how did he know that I was looking for the king?"

Damien stares coldly at Isaac and replies.

"I was not looking for him, Mr. Isaac."

Isaac scratches his bears and responds still suspicious.

"Mr. Isaac, that's a new one."

Damien then says to Isaac impatiently.

"well if that is all you wanted to ask, then I'll be on my way."

Isaac chants.

"mana dimension."

Isaac and Damien are engulfed a light blue fog, to the point where the interior of the palace is no longer visible, Damien angrily asks Isaac.

"where the hell did you take me?"

Isaac stares at Damien, and responds.

"I don't know who you are, but your neither Xavier or Mauri."

Damien finally notices that his mimicry is no longer active, but even then, he doesn't understand how Isaac knows that he isn't Mauri, trying to keep his cool, he grins and asks.

"have you lost your mind Isaac?"

he ignores his question and replies.

"I don't know what you did to Mauri, but I'm telling you right now, I will drive you out her."

Damien completely loses his patience and breaks his facade.

"how impressive of you human, but you've got one thing wrong."

Isaac asks curiously.

"and what would that be?"

Damien chuckles menacingly.

"Mauri no longer exists, this body belongs to me now."

Isaac sighs.

"we'll see about that."

Isaac chants while closing his eyes.

"Mana Extract."

multiple white wavy lines, quickly attach themselves from Isaac to Damien, without Damien noticing, and suddenly starts feeling weak within himself, he thinks to himself.

"what the hell, he quickly used a spell that I couldn't stop."

Damien quickly chants to himself.

"Demonic Barrier!"

blacks flames emits around his whole body, completely destroying the white lines, that were attached to his body, Isaac then says.

"well this just confirmed two things for me."

Damien angrily asks.

"and what is that human?"

he responds.

"you're not an entity, of this plane of existence, and Mauri is not completely gone, her consciousness is still buried in there somewhere."

Damien gives him a smug grin and asks.

"even though she enacted her revenge, you still want to save her?"

Isaac answers.

"Mauri is good friend of mine, which is why I didn't interfere with her revenge plans to kill the murderers who killed her family, but that was until I sensed a disturbing mana presence, growing inside of her."

Interested in what Isaac what saying, Damien listened attentively.

"this disturbing mana presence kept growing, everytime, it consumed the mana of others."

Damien replies laughing.

"she's not as innocent as you think, because she embraced me wholeheartedly, even when she knew that I would eventually take control of her."

Isaac retorts.

"yes I'm well aware of that, but you took advantage of her when you gave her false hope, when she was at her most vulnerable, and I'm also to blame for that, since I wasn't there for her, when she was hurting."

Damien cackles.

"it's too late for that now Isaac, Mauri has already

unleashed me into this world and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"

having none of it, Isaac sighs.

"it's regrettable, but I knew it was going to come down to this."

Damien shouts in his demon tongue.

"True Demon Form."

The dimension they are trembles as Damien begins transforming into a red skinned monster, with two hind legs that look very similar to goat legs, a long furry red tail that resembles a horse's tail, an upper body that still looks very human, wings that look very similar to a dragon's wings, and with a hideous looking head that has a mouth opening from top to bottom, a long, sharp, and forked tongue, slithering around uncontrollably kind of like a snake, and for the first time ever, Isaac feels fear while staring the this hellish looking beast.