
Damien could feel that hundreds of years have gone by, but he could not tell, exactly what year it it, he stops pacing around in the void and sits down right in front of Isaac who hasn't died of old age, and says.

"you could have avoided being stuck here with me, if you would have just killed me."

Isaac shakes his head.

"no, then that would also kill Mauri."

Damien sighs and takes another look around the vast empty void, and notices little lines of light breaking through, he smiles and asks.

"you can't keep this up forever?"

Isaac denies it.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

he sits down in front of Isaac again, and quietly stares at him, for about a hundred years, and says with devilish grin as they both get transported back to the mana dimension.

"looks like my return back to world is imminent."

Isaac replies trying to keep his composure.

"I will keep you here as long as I can."

he then stands up and says.

"it was inevitable for us to fight each other again."

Damien puts up his hands.

"don't even bother, you've used up so much mana these past hundreds of years, that you won't ne able to keep up with me."

Isaac not wanting to admit it, he thinks to himself.

"even if he's correct, I can't allow this thing that is controlling Mauri, to escape."

he notices that Damien has his eyes closed and ask.

"what are you up to now?"

he replies with sinister smile.

"just making proper preparations for my return to your world."

curious on what he plans to do, he asks.

"what is your end goal, to all of this?"

Damien replies.

"increase in power obviously."

Isaac asks.

"so consuming the flesh of mortals, increases your magical power?"

he answers with a grin.


feeling a bit reluctant about the answer Damien is going to give him for his next question, he asks.

"why do you need so much power?"

Damien all of the sudden gets serious.

"a demon proclaiming that he will be the demon king, has been garnering much support through his sheer magic strength, throughout the demon world, but I refuses to follow him and wish to gain more power to challenge him."

getting curious with this new information that Damien is sharing, he asks.

"so is that how you ended up in our world."

Damien responds.

"yes, a race that your people call the ancients or pre cursors, found a magic anomaly deep within the mountains in the northern tundra, and because of their experiments, they opened a gateway for me and other creatures who are known to travel through magic anomalies."

he then asks.

"I'm curious, why are you answering my questions?"

Damien replies.

"because these are your final moments."

Isaac stands up preparing himself for a fight, but he immediately feels that something is off, he looks around and sees multiple massive humanoid creatures with yellowish green skin, and arms that dangle down from their shoulder to their feet, he then asks Damien.

"what are those things?"

he replies.

"oh these pesky creatures, are called Ogres and they have a very annoying ability that can weaken

magic around them and their area."

Isaac already feeling the effects of all of the creatures, tries to chant a spell, but a sudden strike from behind causes him to collapse to the floor, and Damien stands over Isaac's weakened body and says to him.

"now you will become part of me and help increase my power."

as Damien indulges himself with every bite, he thinks to himself.

"I've spread my ideas to weak willed people, so when I return, I will already have a group of devoted followers, who will follow my every whim."

he continues with his thought process.

"I just got to be patient, until someone in their world opens up an anomaly, for me to return."

he looks at the creatures and thinks to himself.

"they will be a useful in covering my return but first I need to use my manipulation spell so they wait until I go first through the anomaly."

Damien loses count on how many years go by, but he keeps on patiently waiting until an opportunity finally comes when an anomaly opens up before him, he steps inside the anomaly and exits the other side, with a bunch of humans staring at him in complete shock, one of then asks.

"hey lady, did you just come out of that anomaly?"

Damien grins and chants in the demon tongue.

"True Demon Form."

he massacres every human in the vicinity and eats each one, he looks around and thinks to himself.

"now I've got to see if the ideas I had implanted in weak willed people, bore any fruit."

in the coming days Damien spent his days flying around the human region, and the finally finds what he is looking for in dead pass forest where multiple compounds where built by a group who called themselves Mauri's Chosen Apostles who have been kidnapping people and eating them under the name of Mauri, he gathered all of them to officially announce Mauri's return, and they all foolheartedly accepted every word he said to them, and then came a day when a man who called himself Daurl showed up to one of the many compounds, and he sensed within him the same feelings of hatred that Mauri once had, and decided to gift him a small dosage of his own demonic powers, he looks into Daurl's eyes and says.

"you will find people who posses the Hero's blessing and bring them to me."

Daurl replies.

"for what you have given me, I will do anything you ask of me."

Daurl brings Damien, many young humans who posses the Hero's blessing, and locks them up, Damien then takes his time to asses each one to see which one has potential to become a servant just like Daurl, and as soon as he laid eyes on two certain individuals who are showing signs of being weak willed, he personally brings them with him and asks the young man.

"you desire to get revenge on the man who humiliated you?"

the young man nods.

"yes I do."

Damien chuckles.

"that is an easy fix, with my gift."

he then turns to the young woman and asks.

"and you desire a man that you can't obtain and you want to get rid of every woman who stands in your way?"

the young woman nods.


he touches both of their foreheads and says o them.

"you will forget this little encounter, and you will only remember what happened after my gift awakens in you both."