Another Great Day ~ Writer Heero

Heero passed his days peacefully and jovially. He also became the favorite of the children at Hope Preschool. The story he had with him was a special attraction to the children.

After a month, the children's class one was sticking to Heero like a glue. Lan Lan and Man Man also treated him differently than before, at least they did not despise him anymore like before.

During this one month, he also stayed at Miao Miao Noodles Shop's rooftop. He was afraid if Yan Tie would go with an extreme measure. After all, Heero beat his underling.

However, during his stay on the rooftop, they did not come anymore. Butcher Wang said a person like Yan Tie would use every means to get what they wanted to. But things were not going as Butcher Wang said.

Of course, this was also good. It was better if no one bothered Han Ying anymore. Meanwhile, Han Ying also already found out that he was a teacher at the same school as her sister, Hong Yu.

The school also went smoothly. Heero was also getting closer and closer to Teacher Hong Yu. At first, Heero was worried if Principal Fang would upset with him getting closer to Teacher Hong Yu.

But later he found out Principal Fang did not seem to be bothered with him being closer to Teacher Hong Yu. Each time they met at the school, Principal Fang always encouraged him. It could be said Principal Wang was treating him well.

This was a good sign for Heero of course. This meant Principal Fang and Teacher Hong Yu still not into a relationship. He still had a chance with Teacher Hong Yu.

That was why Heero always could get closer to Teacher Hong Yu fast. Everything went smoothly, but there were two things that frustrated him.

First, it was about Kang Myung Hee. He still could not break the loner barrier she set up. No matter how hard he tried, Kang Myung Hee always ignored him.

Even Shen Miao and Jiang Yujin became milder after a month, but he could not open Kang Myung Hee's heart. Even though these two still kept their distance from the other children, but Heero still could have Shen Miao and Jiang Yujin hearing his words. At least, they opened their hearts to him.

Second, it was Fatty Liang, the chief and the only security of Hope Preschool. Heero did not know why, but this fatty always watching over his every movement at school. Even when he was in class, Fatty Liang would often pass class one to keep a check on him.

Fatty Liang was a different case than Kang Myung Hee. Fatty Liang was an adult, if he had a problem with him, they just could talk it out. However, when he asked Fatty Liang, the person just gave him a cold shoulder.


It was his answer, a simple one word. They had the talk, but Fatty Liang refused to say his problem out to him. Heero also helpless, just how could he clear the misunderstanding if he did not know the cause.

After that, Fatty Liang kept watching over him. Even at one time, he found the annoying fatty was following him to the toilet. In the end, Heero was helpless and just ignored this annoying fatty.

He even thought it was Principal Fang's order. After all, he was Principal Fang's love rival. He thought Principal Fang ordered Fatty Liang to keep a watch on him. However, Heero later found it was also not the case. This fatty really frustrated him, but Heero just ignored this annoying fatty.

Heero's a month and a week of life in this new world went smoothly except for these two things, Kang Myung Hee and Fatty Liang.

Of course, Heero would never give up. Especially for Kang Myung Hee's case. Heero caught a gist of Kang Myung Hee's problem. She appeared to be lonely. There's like she lost the most important things in her life.

Heero was familiar with this feeling. He experienced himself, three times no less. The first time when he lost all of his family and village under Specter's attack. The second time was the attack of Dragon Specter over Morabaka City.

The last one was when he broke the seal and found out he was not in Dramonia. He was separated from his Master who he regarded as his father and also his seven fairy mothers.

He was familiar with this kind of feeling. However, after doing a simple check background, Heero found Kang Myung Hee's family was still complete. Kang Yun Cheol and Kang Soyon, Kang Myung Hee's parents were still alive. Even her grandparents from both sides still alive.

This kind of thing was sensitive for a child like Myung Hee. Heero did not dare to bring this up carelessly. It could make things worse.


Set Myung Hee and Fatty Liang away, Heero was quite enthusiastic about today's class. Yesterday, He and Teacher Hong Yu came out with a new plan. They would be no story-telling for today but drawing.

Yes, today's class theme was drawing. The children could freely draw what they wanted to. Coincidentally, our Teacher Xing was very good at drawing. That was why Heero was excited about today's class. He could impress the children with his art, Art Master, Xing Heero.

Right at eight o'clock in the morning, everyone arrived on time. The children sat at their respective seats. However, their gaze never left Heero, the children were waiting for their amazing Teacher Xing to start the class.

Unfortunately, today, Teacher Hong Yu was the one who took the class over.

"Good morning, Dears~" Teacher Hong Yu started the class with a sweet greeting, dimples formed as she smiled.

"Good Morning, Teacher Hong~ Good Morning, Teacher Xing~"

The children returned the greeting enthusiastically.

However, the same as before, their gaze glued to Heero still. Even without saying it, the children's intention was clear. They wanted Heero to continue yesterday's unfinished story, Dragon Rider.

"Guys, there's no story for today. But I have a task for you today, drawing. You can draw whatever you like~" Teacher Hong Yu's next words reaped many protests from the children.

"Ehhhhhhh~ but I still want to hear Dragon Rider story~"

"Yeah, yeah, me too~"

"Teacher Hong, I don't want to draw, I want to hear my story~"

"Yes, let Teacher Xing finish the story first, Teacher Hong~"

The whole class started to launch their protest as soon as they heard Teacher Hong assigned them a task to draw. They swarmed toward Teacher Hong as they plead to continue with the story.

However, Heero and Hong Yu already anticipated this issue. He, the favorite teacher of the children, Teacher Xing came up with a good idea for this issue.

"Heh? Really? Do you still want to hear the story?" Heero's lips formed a mischievous smile.

"Yes, yes, yes…" The children did not find something wrong with Heero's words. They gave an immediate answer with full of enthusiasm.

"Ehhh, really? Teacher Hong and Teacher Xing already prepared the golden candy though for everyone who can finish their drawing. But if you don't want to draw, let's save the golden candy for another day~"

The protests immediately came to an abrupt silence when the words "golden candy" entered the children's ears.

"Teacher Hong, let's start drawing. I want my drawing tool~" Lan Lan shouted from her seat.

"Me too~ Me too~ I want my drawing tool, Teacher Hong~" Man Man followed in order.

When the words "golden candy" came out from Heero's lips. These two little girls immediately went back to their seats in a flash.

Heero also noticed these two little girls' movement. They reacted very fast to the keywords, golden candy. Even though Heero had not finished his words, these two little girls already made their move.

Lan Lan and Man Man's words awakened the masses. The children immediately swarmed back to their respective seats and demanded in unison.

"Teacher Hong, I want my drawing tool as well~"

"Me too, today I get the feeling that I will draw a good picture~"

"Heh, your drawing is not as good as mine~ I will impress Teacher Xing with my godly drawing skill, maybe I can get an extra golden candy~"

The whole class was heated with the children's voices. They were in high spirits to draw.

Sure enough, golden candy was holding an amazing power. It subdued the children in an instant.

Heero satisfied with this result. Then Heero and Hong Yu gave the drawing tool to the children, three pieces of white paper and colored pencils. The school prepared all of this for the children.

Out of thirty-one children, only Kang Myung Hee who did not want to participate. She was sitting at the class' corner as usual, gazing toward the north gate with her glazed eyes.

Heero and Hong Yu could do nothing about this. Kang Myung Hee was a special child after all.

But there was one thing which left Heero speechless. When the drawing tools were prepared, the excited children fell silent. They just did not know what they should draw. At this time, it was the teacher's duty to guide the children.

Teacher Hong began guiding the children, like starting to draw with the children's family, a common landscape draw such as a mountain, or their friends.

Because of the golden candy, the children started drawing seriously. Meanwhile, Heero himself also ready to draw, he had already prepared a piece of white paper and a pencil.

Just as he wanted to start his drawing, Lan Lan and Man Man approached Heero. The two little girls brought a piece of paper with them.

"Teacher, we have finished our drawing, where is our golden candy?"

Lan Lan and Man Man put their drawing on the table, letting Heero check on their masterpiece.

"Ah!? So fast?" Heero did not expect the two mischievous girls would draw this fast while the other children were having trouble with what they wanted to draw.

Looking at the surprised Teacher Xing, Lan Lan and Man Man put a proud look.

Heero took the two papers to check what these two little girls drew. However, Heero froze on the spot as he looked at the drawing. He failed to comprehend the masterpiece of these two girls' drawings.

Man Man and Lan Lan drew the same picture. They draw a big circle, then draw a line downward. At the middle and the end of the line, they pulled another line. Heero who regarded himself as a master of the art could not understand what these two little girls drew.

"What is this?" Heero asked the two little girls.

Heero did not know why, but when he threw his question out, the two little girls looked nervous.

"That is you. I drew Teacher Xing in stickman version~"

"Yes~ Yes~" Man Man chimed in as she nodded her head.

Heero finally comprehended what these two girls drew was. He was left speechless by these two little girls.

The circle turned out to be his head, the line that connected to the circle was his body, and another four shorter lines were his hands and feet.

Heero handed these two masterpieces to the owner back and gently smiled, "If you want your candy, you should draw properly~"

"Ehhh, I am not good at drawing and don't know what I should draw. Teacher, just this once okay?" Lan Lan stared Heero pitifully.

Man Man also followed, they looked at Heero's eyes pitifully.

Heero shook his head, "Nope. How about if you look at me drawing?"

"Heh, you don't even know how to use chopsticks. How good your drawing might be?"

Lan Lan immediately shot right at Heero's sore spot.

Heero maintained his gentle smile, "Lan Lan, do you still want your candy?"


Lan Lan returned with an immediate reply and sat beside Heero. Man Man also sat on the other side.

Heero let out a satisfied smile and began pondering what he should draw. He looked at the class and immediately found what he should draw. A little girl sat alone at the class' corner who always gazed to the north gate with her glazed eyes.

Afterward, Heero immediately picked up the pencil and started drawing. At first, Heero was not used to draw with a pencil. He usually used a brush to draw. However, it did not take a long time before Heero mastered the pencil.

Shurk! Shurk! Shurk!

It only took Heero fifteen minutes to finish his drawing. Lan Lan and Man Man were dazed by the result of the drawing. They kept looking at the drawing and Kang Myung Hee, back and forth.

"Wow! Teacher Xing, you are so good~" Man Man exclaimed in surprise. Man Man's voice was loud and the whole class heard her.

When it came to Teacher Xing, it would attract the children's attention. the children immediately swarmed toward him and left their drawing.

The children kept looking at the drawing and Myung Hee. Now, Kang Myung Hee became the center of attention because of the drawing. The children were comparing the drawing and the real one.

"Teacher Xing, you are also good at drawing…" Hong Yu complimented Heero, then she looked at her drawing. She was ashamed as she tried to compare her drawing with Heero's.

Heero took the drawing and walked toward Kang Myung Hee. The children followed from behind.

He placed the drawing on the table, "Myung Hee, this is for you. You can take it back with you~"

Kang Myung Hee turned her head toward the drawing and she was surprised when she found herself in a piece of paper. She looked toward Heero with a surprised look.

Heero returned with a smile and Myung Hee looked back at the drawing. She stared at the drawing for a long time. Then, tears fell down from her eyes.

Heero stunned, not only Heero, the whole class stunned, even Hong Yu was no exception.

"Eh… eh… what?" Heero panicked, the whole class panicked.

Teacher Hong Yu acted fast, she approached Myung Her asked what happened while consoling Myung Hee.

Myung Hee shook her head and took the drawing. Heero somewhat nervous as he looked Myung Hee took the drawing. However, the next moment, the nervousness changed into surprise and joy.

Myung Hee looked toward Heero and said, "Teacher Xing, can I take the drawing back home?"

"Yes, you can. Of course, you can take it. It's yours."

Myung Hee bowed her head, "Thank you, Teacher Xing."

Even though her voice was still flat as usual, but this was great progress.

Heero smiled and took a golden candy, "Here you are. This is your share~"

Myung Hee took the golden candy and bowed her head once again.

Another great day, Heero made a major breakthrough. The next thing was pretty easy, the children asked him to make the same drawing for them.

After school finished, Heero, Hong Yu, Man Man, and Lan Lan went back together. Under Fatty Liang's suspicious gaze, Heero left the school.

This had been a daily basis for Heero, accompanying the two girls in Lan Lan's home.

However, today was different. Heero had another business with Hong Yu. It was to check the progress of the book, a book under Heero's name.

Yes, Heero was working together with a publisher to publish his book. "The Spirit and Trickster" and "Legendary Hero". Today was supposed to be the day for the sample finished. It would not take a long time before his debut as a writer started.