Third Day

Xing Hotpot, the rumored the best hotpot in the city. At least, it was what people say on the internet and forums. Nine out of ten people would say Xing Hotpot was the best place to eat hotpot.

Various kinds of rumors spread such as Xing Hotpot used something in the meat to make it more delicious than normal meat. There was a saying Xing Hotpot used some witchcraft to bewitch the customers.

Of course, such a rumor was coming from the competitor. There were many people who visited Xing Hotpot to purchase this place but Uncle Yan and Auntie Ning rejected these people outright. There were people coming to buy the stock's secret recipe but denied.

These people used this method to swallow the Xing Hotpot, but to no avail. The customers defended on the behalf of the Xing Hotpot. It became a hot search and hot topic for a while, benefitting the Xing Hotpot. Gaining popularity from the controversial.